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Scala makes processing and producing XML very easy. This enables programmers to very easily talk to web services and other sources of XML data.

XML Literals

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In Scala, XML can be used as a literal. This means you can do something like this:

val doc = <person living="true"><name>Jimbo Wales</name><job>Supreme Overlord of Wikiland</job></person>

You can include expressions within XML using curly braces like this:

class Person {
  // ...
  def toXML() = <person><name>{this.name}</name><job>{this.job}</job></person>

As you can see curly braces are special characters in Scala XML, therefore if you just want to display a curly brace just repeat it twice: {{

Exploring XML

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When you have some XML, you can explore it using the backslash and double backslash methods:

val doc = <person living="true"><name>Jimbo Wales</name><job>Supreme Overlord of Wikiland</job></person>
println((doc \ "name").text) // prints "Jimbo Wales"
println(doc.attributes("living")) // prints "true"
println(doc \\ "@living") // finds all the attributes named living and in this case prints true