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Radiation Oncology/SCLC/RTOG Lung

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Number Title
09-37 Randomized Phase II Study Comparing Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation Alone to Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation And Consolidative Extra-Cranial Irradiation for Extensive Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer
05-38 (CALGB 30610) Phase III Randomized Study of Three Different Thoracic Radiotherapy Regimens in Patients With Limited-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer Receiving Cisplatin and Etoposide

Number Title Publication
06-23 A Phase II Trial Of Combined Modality Therapy With Growth Factor Support For Patients With Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer  
02-41 Phase I Study Of Irinotecan And Cisplatin In Combination With Twice Daily Thoracic Radiotherapy (45 Gy) Or Once Daily Thoracic Radiotherapy (70 Gy) For Patients With Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer  
02-39 A Phase II Study Of Accelerated High Dose Of Thoracic Irradiation With Concurrent Chemotherapy For Patients With Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer  
02-12 A Phase II/III Randomized Trial Of Two Doses And two High Dose Schedules For Delivering Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation For Patients With Limited Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer PMID 19386548
97-12 A Phase I Dose Escalation Study of Thoracic Irradiation With Concurrent Chemotherapy For Patients With Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer PMID 15890573
96-09 Phase II Study of Phase II Study of Paclitaxel, Etoposide, and Cisplatin Chemotherapy Combined with Twice Daily Thoracic Radiotherapy For Patients With Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer PMID 15939930
95-11 Sclerosis of Pleural Effusions By Talc Thoracoscopy Versus Talc Slurry: A Phase III Study PMID 15764775
88-15 A Phase III Study of Cisplatin Plus Etoposide Combined with Standard Fractionation Thoracic Radiotherapy Versus Cisplatin Plus Etoposide Combined With Multiple Daily Fractionated Thoracic Radiotherapy For Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer PMID 9920950
82-06 Phase III Comparison of Local Field Irradiation with and without Single-Dose Hemibody Irradiation for Control of Symptomatic Bony Metastases PMID 1374061