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ROSE Compiler Framework/Generic Dataflow Framework

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As the ROSE project goes on, we have collected quite some versions of dataflow analysis. It is painful to maintain and use them as they

  • duplicate the iterative fixed-point algorithm,
  • scatter in different directories,
  • use different representations for results, and
  • has different level of maturity and robustness.

An ongoing effort is to consolidate all dataflow analysis work within a single framework.

Quick facts

  • original author: Greg Bronevetsky
  • code gatekeeper: Chunhua Liao
  • Documentation:
    • Chapter 18 Generic Dataflow Analysis Framework, of the ROSE tutorial pdf, git commit
    • This wikibook page
  • source codes: files under ./src/midend/programAnalysis/genericDataflow
  • tests: tests/roseTests/programAnalysisTests/generalDataFlowAnalysisTests

Implemented analysis

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  • Constant Propagation
  • dominator analysis: dominatorAnalysis.h dominatorAnalysis.C
  • livedead variable analysis, or liveness analysis: liveDeadVarAnalysis.h liveDeadVarAnalysis.C
  • Pointer Analysis

Function, nodeState and FunctionState

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Function and nodeState are two required parameters to run data flow analysis:

They are stored together inside FunctionState //functionState.h




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An abstraction of functions, internally connected to SgFunctionDeclaration *decl

declared in ./src/midend/programAnalysis/genericDataflow/cfgUtils/CallGraphTraverse.h


  • Function::Function(string name) based on function name
  • Function::Function(SgFunctionDeclaration* sample) // core constructor
  • Function::Function(SgFunctionDefinition* sample)

CGFunction* cgFunc; // call graph function

Function func(cgFunc);


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any information related to a CFG node.

  • It has no dataflow 's IN/OUT concept
  • not meant to evolve during the dataflow analysis
class NodeFact: public printable

                // returns a copy of this node fact
        virtual NodeFact* copy() const=0;


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Store information about multiple analyses and their corresponding lattices, for a given node (CFG node ??)


It also provide static functions to

  • initialize NodeState for all DataflowNode
  • to retrieve NodeState for a given DataflowNode
class NodeState
     // internal types: map between analysis and set of lattices

     typedef std::map<Analysis*, std::vector<Lattice*> > LatticeMap;
     typedef std::map<Analysis*, std::vector<NodeFact*> > NodeFactMap;
     typedef std::map<Analysis*, bool > BoolMap;

        // the dataflow information Above the node, for each analysis that 
        // may be interested in the current node
        LatticeMap dfInfoAbove;  // IN set in a dataflow
        // the Analysis information Below the node, for each analysis that 
        // may be interested in the current node
        LatticeMap dfInfoBelow;  // OUT set in a dataflow, 

        // the facts that are true at this node, for each analysis that 
        // may be interested in the current node
        NodeFactMap facts;
        // Contains all the Analyses that have initialized their state at this node. It is a map because
        // TBB doesn't provide a concurrent set.
        BoolMap initializedAnalyses;

// static interfaces 

        // returns the NodeState object associated with the given dataflow node.
        // index is used when multiple NodeState objects are associated with a given node
        // (ex: SgFunctionCallExp has 3 NodeStates: entry, function body, exit)
        static NodeState* getNodeState(const DataflowNode& n, int index=0);

// most useful interface: retrieve the lattices (could be only one) associated with a given analysis

      // returns the map containing all the lattices from above the node that are owned by the given analysis
        // (read-only access)
        const std::vector<Lattice*>& getLatticeAbove(const Analysis* analysis) const;

        // returns the map containing all the lattices from below the node that are owned by the given analysis
        // (read-only access)
        const std::vector<Lattice*>& getLatticeBelow(const Analysis* analysis) const;



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A pair of Function and NodeState.

  • it provides static functions to initialize all FunctionState And retrieve FunctionState

class FunctionState
        friend class CollectFunctions;
        Function func;
        NodeState state;
        // The lattices that describe the value of the function's return variables
        NodeState retState;

        static std::set<FunctionState*> allDefinedFuncs;        
        static std::set<FunctionState*> allFuncs;
        static bool allFuncsComputed;
        FunctionState(Function &func): 
  // We should use this interface --------------

  // 1. returns a set of all the functions whose bodies are in the project
        static std::set<FunctionState*>& getAllDefinedFuncs();

  // 2. returns the FunctionState associated with the given function
        // func may be any declared function
        static FunctionState* getFuncState(const Function& func);

FunctionState* fs = new FunctionState(func); // empty From FuntionState to NodeState

 *** UnstructuredPassInterAnalysis ***
void UnstructuredPassInterAnalysis::runAnalysis()
        set<FunctionState*> allFuncs = FunctionState::getAllDefinedFuncs(); // call a static function to get all function state s

        // Go through functions one by one, call an intra-procedural analysis on each of them
        // iterate over all functions with bodies
        for(set<FunctionState*>::iterator it=allFuncs.begin(); it!=allFuncs.end(); it++)
                FunctionState* fState = *it;
                intraAnalysis->runAnalysis(fState->func, &(fState->state));

// runs the intra-procedural analysis on the given function, returns true if 
// the function's NodeState gets modified as a result and false otherwise
// state - the function's NodeState
bool UnstructuredPassIntraAnalysis::runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* state)
        DataflowNode funcCFGStart = cfgUtils::getFuncStartCFG(func.get_definition(),filter);
        DataflowNode funcCFGEnd = cfgUtils::getFuncEndCFG(func.get_definition(), filter);
                Dbg::dbg << "UnstructuredPassIntraAnalysis::runAnalysis() function "<<func.get_name().getString()<<"()\n";
        // iterate over all the nodes in this function
        for(VirtualCFG::iterator it(funcCFGStart); it!=VirtualCFG::dataflow::end(); it++)
                DataflowNode n = *it;
                // The number of NodeStates associated with the given dataflow node
                //int numStates=NodeState::numNodeStates(n);
                // The actual NodeStates associated with the given dataflow node
                const vector<NodeState*> nodeStates = NodeState::getNodeStates(n);
                // Visit each CFG node
                for(vector<NodeState*>::const_iterator itS = nodeStates.begin(); itS!=nodeStates.end(); itS++)
                        visit(func, n, *(*itS));
        return false;

example: retrieve the liveness analysis's IN lattice

void getAllLiveVarsAt(LiveDeadVarsAnalysis* ldva, const NodeState& state, set<varID>& vars, string indent)

  • LiveVarsLattice* liveLAbove = dynamic_cast<LiveVarsLattice*>(*(state.getLatticeAbove(ldva).begin()));


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Caveat: lattice vs. lattice value

  • A lattice by definition is a set of values. However, an instance of lattice type in Generic dataflow framework is used to represent an individual value within a lattice also. Sorry for this confusing. We welcome suggestions to fix this.


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See more at ROSE Compiler Framework/Lattice

Store the data flow analysis information attached to CFG nodes.

Fundamental operations:

  • what to store: lattice value set, bottom, up , and anything in between
  • initialization: LiveDeadVarsAnalysis::genInitState()
  • creation: transfer function
  • meet operation: a member function of the lattice


  • liveness analysis: the live variable set at the entry point of a CFG node:
  • constant propagation: lattice values from no information (bottom) -> unknown --> constant --> too much information (conflicting constant values, top),
// blindly add all of that_arg's values into current lattice's value set
void LiveVarsLattice::incorporateVars(Lattice* that_arg)  

// retrieve a subset lattice information for a given expr. This lattice may contain more information than those about a given expr.
Lattice* LiveVarsLattice::project(SgExpression* expr) 

// add lattice (exprState)information about expr into current lattice's value set: default implementation just calls meetUpdate(exprState)
bool LiveVarsLattice::unProject(SgExpression* expr, Lattice* exprState)  

below/above vs IN/OUT

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The concept is based on the original CFG flow direction

  • above: the incoming edge direction
  • below: the outcoming edge direction

IN and OUT depends on the direction of the problem, forward vs. backward

  • forward direction: IN == above lattice, OUT = below lattice
  • backward direction: IN == below lattice, OUT = above lattice

Common Utility Lattices

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the framework provides some pre-defined lattices ready for use.


  • BoolAndLattice


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class LiveVarsLattice : public FiniteLattice
        std::set<varID> liveVars;  // bottom is all live variables,  top is the empty set, meet brings down the lattice -> union of variables. 

// Meet operation: simplest set union of two lattices: 

// computes the meet of this and that and saves the result in this
// returns true if this causes this to change and false otherwise
bool LiveVarsLattice::meetUpdate(Lattice* that_arg)
        bool modified = false;
        LiveVarsLattice* that = dynamic_cast<LiveVarsLattice*>(that_arg);
        // Add all variables from that to this
        for(set<varID>::iterator var=that->liveVars.begin(); var!=that->liveVars.end(); var++) {
                // If this lattice doesn't yet record *var as being live 
                if(liveVars.find(*var) == liveVars.end()) { // this if () statement gives a chance to set the modified flag. 
                                                           // otherwise, liveVars.insert() can be directly called. 
                        modified = true;
        return modified;        

Transfer Function

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basics: Data_flow_analysis#flow.2Ftransfer_function

  • IN = sum of OUT (predecessors)
  • OUT = GEN + (IN - KILL)

The impact of program constructs on the current lattices (how to change the current lattices).

  • lattices: stores IN and OUT information
  • additional data members are necessary to store GEN and KILL set inside the transfer function.

class hierarchy:

class IntraDFTransferVisitor : public ROSE_VisitorPatternDefaultBase
  // Common arguments to the underlying transfer function
  const Function &func;  // which function are we talking about
  const DataflowNode &dfNode;  // wrapper of CFGNode
  NodeState &nodeState;   // lattice element state, context information?
  const std::vector<Lattice*> &dfInfo;  // data flow information


  IntraDFTransferVisitor(const Function &f, const DataflowNode &n, NodeState &s, const std::vector<Lattice*> &d)
    : func(f), dfNode(n), nodeState(s), dfInfo(d)
  { }

  virtual bool finish() = 0;
  virtual ~IntraDFTransferVisitor() { }


class LiveDeadVarsTransfer : public IntraDFTransferVisitor


class ConstantPropagationAnalysisTransfer : public VariableStateTransfer<ConstantPropagationLattice>

Constant Propagation

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template <class LatticeType>
class VariableStateTransfer : public IntraDFTransferVisitor

class ConstantPropagationAnalysisTransfer : public VariableStateTransfer<ConstantPropagationLattice> {};

ConstantPropagationAnalysisTransfer::visit(SgIntVal *sgn)
     ROSE_ASSERT(sgn != NULL);
     ConstantPropagationLattice* resLat = getLattice(sgn);
     ROSE_ASSERT(resLat != NULL);

LiveDead Variable

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Functions to convert program point to Generator and KILL set. For liveness analysis

  • Kill (s) = {variables being defined in s}: //
  • Gen (s) = {variables being used in s}


  • OUT is initialized to be IN set,
  • transfer function will apply -KILL + GEN

class LiveDeadVarsTransfer : public IntraDFTransferVisitor

  LiveVarsLattice* liveLat;  // the result of this analysis

  bool modified;
  // Expressions that are assigned by the current operation
  std::set<SgExpression*> assignedExprs;  // KILL () set
  // Variables that are assigned by the current operation
  std::set<varID> assignedVars;
  // Variables that are used/read by the current operation
  std::set<varID> usedVars;   // GEN () set

  LiveDeadVarsTransfer(const Function &f, const DataflowNode &n, NodeState &s, const std::vector<Lattice*> &d, funcSideEffectUses *fseu_)
    : IntraDFTransferVisitor(f, n, s, d), indent("    "), liveLat(dynamic_cast<LiveVarsLattice*>(*(dfInfo.begin()))), modified(false), fseu(fseu_)
        if(liveDeadAnalysisDebugLevel>=1) Dbg::dbg << indent << "liveLat="<<liveLat->str(indent + "    ")<<std::endl;
        // Make sure that all the lattice is initialized

  bool finish();
 //  operationg on different AST nodes
  void visit(SgExpression *);
  void visit(SgInitializedName *);
  void visit(SgReturnStmt *);
  void visit(SgExprStatement *);
  void visit(SgCaseOptionStmt *);
  void visit(SgIfStmt *);
  void visit(SgForStatement *);
  void visit(SgWhileStmt *);
  void visit(SgDoWhileStmt *);

// Helper transfer function, focusing on handling expressions.
// live dead variable analysis: LDVA, 
//  expression transfer: transfer functions for expressions
/// Visits live expressions - helper to LiveDeadVarsTransfer
class LDVAExpressionTransfer : public ROSE_VisitorPatternDefaultBase
  LiveDeadVarsTransfer &ldva;


  // Plain assignment: lhs = rhs,  set GEN (read/used) and KILL (written/assigned) sets
  void visit(SgAssignOp *sgn) {
    // If the lhs of the assignment is a complex expression (i.e. it refers to a variable that may be live) OR
    // if is a known expression that is known to may-be-live
    /*if(!isVarExpr(sgn->get_lhs_operand()) || 
      (isVarExpr(sgn->get_lhs_operand()) && 
      { */

Call Stack

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(gdb) bt
#0  LDVAExpressionTransfer::visit (this=0x7fffffffcea0, sgn=0xa20320)
    at ../../../../sourcetree/src/midend/programAnalysis/genericDataflow/simpleAnalyses/liveDeadVarAnalysis.C:228
#1  0x00002aaaac3d9968 in SgAssignOp::accept (this=0xa20320, visitor=...) at Cxx_Grammar.C:143069
#2  0x00002aaaadc61c04 in LiveDeadVarsTransfer::visit (this=0xaf9e00, sgn=0xa20320)
    at ../../../../sourcetree/src/midend/programAnalysis/genericDataflow/simpleAnalyses/liveDeadVarAnalysis.C:384
#3  0x00002aaaadbbaef0 in ROSE_VisitorPatternDefaultBase::visit (this=0xaf9e00, variable_SgBinaryOp=0xa20320) at ../../../src/frontend/SageIII/Cxx_Grammar.h:316006
#4  0x00002aaaadbba04a in ROSE_VisitorPatternDefaultBase::visit (this=0xaf9e00, variable_SgAssignOp=0xa20320) at ../../../src/frontend/SageIII/Cxx_Grammar.h:315931
#5  0x00002aaaac3d9968 in SgAssignOp::accept (this=0xa20320, visitor=...) at Cxx_Grammar.C:143069
#6  0x00002aaaadbcca0a in IntraUniDirectionalDataflow::runAnalysis (this=0x7fffffffd9f0, func=..., fState=0xafbd18, analyzeDueToCallers=true, calleesUpdated=...)
    at ../../../../sourcetree/src/midend/programAnalysis/genericDataflow/analysis/dataflow.C:282
#7  0x00002aaaadbbf444 in IntraProceduralDataflow::runAnalysis (this=0x7fffffffda00, func=..., state=0xafbd18)
    at ../../../../sourcetree/src/midend/programAnalysis/genericDataflow/analysis/dataflow.h:74
#8  0x00002aaaadbb0966 in UnstructuredPassInterDataflow::runAnalysis (this=0x7fffffffda50)
    at ../../../../sourcetree/src/midend/programAnalysis/genericDataflow/analysis/analysis.C:467
#9  0x000000000040381a in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffdba8)
    at ../../../../../sourcetree/tests/roseTests/programAnalysisTests/generalDataFlowAnalysisTests/liveDeadVarAnalysisTest.C:101

Control flow graph and call graph

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The generic dataflow framework works on virtual control flow graph in ROSE

Filtered Virtual CFG

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The raw virtual CFG may not be desirable for all kinds of analyses since it can have too many administrative nodes which are not relevant to a problem.

So the framework provides a filter parameter to the Analysis class. A default filter will be used unless you specify your own filter.

// Example filter funtion deciding if a CFGnNode should show up or not
bool gfilter (CFGNode cfgn)
  SgNode *node = cfgn.getNode();

  switch (node->variantT())
    //Keep the last index for initialized names. This way the def of the variable doesn't propagate to its assign initializer.
    case V_SgInitializedName:
      return (cfgn == node->cfgForEnd());

    // For function calls, we only keep the last node. The function is actually called after all its parameters  are evaluated.
    case V_SgFunctionCallExp:
      return (cfgn == node->cfgForEnd());

   //For basic blocks and other "container" nodes, keep the node that appears before the contents are executed
    case V_SgBasicBlock:
    case V_SgExprStatement:
    case V_SgCommaOpExp:
      return (cfgn == node->cfgForBeginning());

   // Must have a default case: return interesting CFGNode by default in this example
      return cfgn.isInteresting();

// Code using the filter function
main( int argc, char * argv[] )
  SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv);
  LiveDeadVarsAnalysis ldva(project);
  ldva.filter = gfilter; // set the filter to be your own one

  UnstructuredPassInterDataflow ciipd_ldva(&ldva);

Analysis Driver

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Key function:

bool IntraUniDirectionalDataflow::runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* fState, bool analyzeDueToCallers, set<Function> calleesUpdated)  // analysis/dataflow.C

Basic tasks: run the analysis by

  • initialize data flow state: lattices and other information
  • walk the CFG : find descendants from a current node
  • call transfer function

Class Hierarchy

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  • Analysis -> IntraProceduralAnalysis -> IntraProceduralDataflow -> IntraUnitDataflow --> IntraUniDirectionalDataflow (INTERESTING level)-> IntraBWDataflow -> LiveDeadVarsAnalysis
class Analysis {}; // an empty abstract class for any analysis

class IntraProceduralAnalysis : virtual public Analysis  //analysis/analysis.h ,  any intra procedural analysis, data flow or not
   InterProceduralAnalysis* interAnalysis;
    void setInterAnalysis(InterProceduralAnalysis* interAnalysis) // connection to inter procedural analysis
    virtual bool runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* state)=0;  // run this per function, NodeState stores lattices for each CFG node, etc.
    virtual ~IntraProceduralAnalysis();

//No re-entry. analysis will be executed  once??,   data flow , intra-procedural analysis
// now lattices are interested
class IntraProceduralDataflow : virtual public IntraProceduralAnalysis  //analysis/dataflow.h
// initialize lattice etc for a given dataflow node within a function
  virtual void genInitState (const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, const NodeState& state,  
       std::vector<Lattice*>& initLattices, std::vector<NodeFact*>& initFacts); 

  virtual bool runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* state, bool analyzeDueToCallers, std::set<Function> calleesUpdated)=0;  // the analysis on a function could be triggered by the state changes of function's callers, or callees.

 std::set<Function> visited; // make sure a function is initialized once when visited multiple times


class IntraUnitDataflow : virtual public IntraProceduralDataflow
  // transfer function: operate on lattices associated with a dataflow node, considering its current state
 virtual bool transfer(const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, NodeState& state, const std::vector<Lattice*>& dfInfo)=0;


// Uni directional dataflow: either forward or backward, but not both directions!
class IntraUniDirectionalDataflow : public IntraUnitDataflow {
 bool runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* state, bool analyzeDueToCallers, std::set<Function> calleesUpdated);

  bool propagateStateToNextNode (
             const std::vector<Lattice*>& curNodeState, DataflowNode curDFNode, int nodeIndex,
             const std::vector<Lattice*>& nextNodeState, DataflowNode nextDFNode);

  std::vector<DataflowNode> gatherDescendants(std::vector<DataflowEdge> edges,
                                                    DataflowNode (DataflowEdge::*edgeFn)() const);

        virtual NodeState*initializeFunctionNodeState(const Function &func, NodeState *fState) = 0;
        virtual VirtualCFG::dataflow*
          getInitialWorklist(const Function &func, bool firstVisit, bool analyzeDueToCallers, const set<Function> &calleesUpdated, NodeState *fState) = 0;

        virtual vector<Lattice*> getLatticeAnte(NodeState *state) = 0;
        virtual vector<Lattice*> getLatticePost(NodeState *state) = 0;

        // If we're currently at a function call, use the associated inter-procedural
        // analysis to determine the effect of this function call on the dataflow state.
        virtual void transferFunctionCall(const Function &func, const DataflowNode &n, NodeState *state) = 0;

        virtual vector<DataflowNode> getDescendants(const DataflowNode &n) = 0;
        virtual DataflowNode getUltimate(const Function &func) = 0; // ultimate what?   final CFG node?

class IntraBWDataflow  : public IntraUniDirectionalDataflow {//BW: Backward

        NodeState* initializeFunctionNodeState(const Function &func, NodeState *fState);

          getInitialWorklist(const Function &func, bool firstVisit, bool analyzeDueToCallers, const set<Function> &calleesUpdated, NodeState *fState);

        virtual vector<Lattice*> getLatticeAnte(NodeState *state);
        virtual vector<Lattice*> getLatticePost(NodeState *state);

        void transferFunctionCall(const Function &func, const DataflowNode &n, NodeState *state);

        vector<DataflowNode> getDescendants(const DataflowNode &n); // next CFG nodes, depending on the direction
        { return gatherDescendants(n.inEdges(),  &DataflowEdge::source);  } 

        DataflowNode getUltimate(const Function &func); // the last CFG should be the start CFG of the function for a backward dataflow problem
       {   return cfgUtils::getFuncStartCFG(func.get_definition());   }


foward intra-procedural data flow analysis: e.g. reaching definition ()

  • class IntraFWDataflow  : public IntraUniDirectionalDataflow

Initialization: InitDataflowState

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Used to initialized the lattices/facts for CFG nodes. It is an analysis by itself. unstructured pass

// super class: provides the driver of initialization: visit each CFG node

class UnstructuredPassIntraAnalysis : virtual public IntraProceduralAnalysis
          // call the initialization function on each CFG node
          bool runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* state);
         // to be implemented by InitDataflowState
        virtual void visit(const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, NodeState& state)=0;


bool UnstructuredPassIntraAnalysis::runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* state)
        DataflowNode funcCFGStart = cfgUtils::getFuncStartCFG(func.get_definition());
        DataflowNode funcCFGEnd = cfgUtils::getFuncEndCFG(func.get_definition());
                Dbg::dbg << "UnstructuredPassIntraAnalysis::runAnalysis() function "<<func.get_name().getString()<<"()\n";
        // iterate over all the nodes in this function
        for(VirtualCFG::iterator it(funcCFGStart); it!=VirtualCFG::dataflow::end(); it++)
                DataflowNode n = *it;
                // The number of NodeStates associated with the given dataflow node
                //int numStates=NodeState::numNodeStates(n);
                // The actual NodeStates associated with the given dataflow node
                const vector<NodeState*> nodeStates = NodeState::getNodeStates(n);
                // Visit each CFG node
                for(vector<NodeState*>::const_iterator itS = nodeStates.begin(); itS!=nodeStates.end(); itS++)
                        visit(func, n, *(*itS));
        return false;
//-------------------- derived class provide link to a concrete analysis, and visit() implementation
class InitDataflowState : public UnstructuredPassIntraAnalysis
        IntraProceduralDataflow* dfAnalysis;  // link to the dataflow analysis to be initialized
        InitDataflowState(IntraProceduralDataflow* dfAnalysis/*, std::vector<Lattice*> &initState*/)
                this->dfAnalysis = dfAnalysis;
        void visit(const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, NodeState& state);

void InitDataflowState::visit (const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, NodeState& state)
   dfAnalysis->genInitState(func, n, state, initLats, initFacts);
   state.setLattices((Analysis*)dfAnalysis, initLats);
   state.setFacts((Analysis*)dfAnalysis, initFacts);


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list of CFG nodes, accessed through an iterator interface

auto_ptr<VirtualCFG::dataflow> workList(getInitialWorklist(func, firstVisit, analyzeDueToCallers, calleesUpdated, fState));

class iterator //Declared in cfgUtils/VirtualCFGIterator.h  
    std::list<DataflowNode> remainingNodes;
    std::set<DataflowNode> visited;
    bool initialized;
        // returns true if the given DataflowNode is in the remainingNodes list and false otherwise
        bool isRemaining(DataflowNode n);
        // advances this iterator in the given direction. Forwards if fwDir=true and backwards if fwDir=false.
        // if pushAllChildren=true, all of the current node's unvisited children (predecessors or successors, 
        //    depending on fwDir) are pushed onto remainingNodes
        void advance(bool fwDir, bool pushAllChildren);
        virtual void operator ++ (int);
        bool eq(const iterator& other_it) const;
        bool operator==(const iterator& other_it) const;
        bool operator!=(const iterator& it) const;

void iterator::advance(bool fwDir, bool pushAllChildren)
        /*printf("   iterator::advance(%d) remainingNodes.size()=%d\n", fwDir, remainingNodes.size());
        cout<<"        visited=\n";
        for(set<DataflowNode>::iterator it=visited.begin(); it!=visited.end(); it++)
                cout << "            <"<<it->getNode()->class_name()<<" | "<<it->getNode()<<" | "<<it->getNode()->unparseToString()<<">\n";*/
                // pop the next CFG node from the front of the list
                DataflowNode cur = remainingNodes.front();
                        // find its followers (either successors or predecessors, depending on value of fwDir), push back 
                        // those that have not yet been visited
                        vector<DataflowEdge> nextE;
                                nextE = cur.outEdges();
                                nextE = cur.inEdges();
                        for(vector<DataflowEdge>::iterator it=nextE.begin(); it!=nextE.end(); it++)
                                DataflowNode nextN((*it).target()/* need to put something here because DataflowNodes don't have a default constructor*/);
                                if(fwDir) nextN = (*it).target();
                                else nextN = (*it).source();
                                /*cout << "      iterator::advance "<<(fwDir?"descendant":"predecessor")<<": "<<
                                                   "<"<<nextN.getNode()->class_name()<<" | "<<nextN.getNode()<<" | "<<nextN.getNode()->unparseToString()<<">, "<<
                                                   "visited="<<(visited.find(nextN) != visited.end())<<
                                                   " remaining="<<isRemaining(nextN)<<"\n";*/
                                // if we haven't yet visited this node and don't yet have it on the remainingNodes list
                                if(visited.find(nextN) == visited.end() &&
                                        //printf("   pushing back node <%s: 0x%x: %s> visited=%d\n", nextN.getNode()->class_name().c_str(), nextN.getNode(), nextN.getNode()->unparseToString().c_str(), visited.find(nextN)!=visited.end());
                // if we still have any nodes left remaining
                        // take the next node from the front of the list and mark it as visited
                        //visited[remainingNodes.front()] = true;

class dataflow :  public virtual iterator {};

class back_dataflow:  public virtual dataflow {};

void back_dataflow::operator ++ (int)
        advance(false, true);  // backward,  add all children

class IntraUniDirectionalDataflow : public IntraUnitDataflow
{  ...
   virtual VirtualCFG::dataflow*
          getInitialWorklist(const Function &func, bool firstVisit, bool analyzeDueToCallers, const set<Function> &calleesUpdated, NodeState *fState) = 0;

Implemented in derived classes:

  • VirtualCFG::dataflow* IntraFWDataflow::getInitialWorklist ()
  • VirtualCFG::dataflow* IntraBWDataflow::getInitialWorklist()

apply transfer function

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b is a basic block in CFG

  • // information goes into b is the union/join of information comes out of all predecessor nodes of b
  • // information goes out out S is the information generated by b minus information killed by b. This is the transfer function operating on b!!
bool IntraUniDirectionalDataflow::runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* fState, bool analyzeDueToCallers, set<Function> calleesUpdated)

      // Iterate over the nodes in this function that are downstream from the nodes added above
        for(; it != itEnd; it++)
                DataflowNode n = *it;
                SgNode* sgn = n.getNode();

               for(vector<NodeState*>::const_iterator itS = nodeStates.begin(); itS!=nodeStates.end(); )
                        state = *itS;

                        const vector<Lattice*> dfInfoAnte = getLatticeAnte(state);  // IN set
                        const vector<Lattice*> dfInfoPost = getLatticePost(state);   // OUT set

                            // OUT = IN first     // transfer within  the node: from IN to OUT,                                            
                        // Overwrite the Lattices below this node with the lattices above this node.
                        // The transfer function will then operate on these Lattices to produce the
                        // correct state below this node.
                        vector<Lattice*>::const_iterator itA, itP;
                        int j=0;
                        for(itA  = dfInfoAnte.begin(), itP  = dfInfoPost.begin();
                            itA != dfInfoAnte.end() && itP != dfInfoPost.end(); 
                            itA++, itP++, j++)
                                if(analysisDebugLevel>=1){  // 
                                        Dbg::dbg << "    Meet Before: Lattice "<<j<<": \n        "<<(*itA)->str("            ")<<endl;
                                        Dbg::dbg << "    Meet After: Lattice "<<j<<": \n        "<<(*itP)->str("            ")<<endl;
                                        Dbg::dbg << "    Copied Meet Below: Lattice "<<j<<": \n        "<<(*itB)->str("            ")<<endl;
                        // =================== TRANSFER FUNCTION ===================
                        //  (IN - KILL ) + GEN
                        if (isSgFunctionCallExp(sgn))
                          transferFunctionCall(func, n, state);

                        boost::shared_ptr<IntraDFTransferVisitor> transferVisitor = getTransferVisitor(func, n, *state, dfInfoPost);
                        modified = transferVisitor->finish() || modified;

                        // =================== TRANSFER FUNCTION ===================


propagate state to next (meetUpdate)

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This is prove to be essential to propagate information along the path. Cannot commenting it out!!

??? not sure about the difference between this step and the step before (Meet Before () / Meet After)

meetUpdate() is called here also

// Propagates the dataflow info from the current node's NodeState (curNodeState) to the next node's 
//     NodeState (nextNodeState).
// Returns true if the next node's meet state is modified and false otherwise.
bool IntraUniDirectionalDataflow::propagateStateToNextNode(
                      const vector<Lattice*>& curNodeState, DataflowNode curNode, int curNodeIndex,
                      const vector<Lattice*>& nextNodeState, DataflowNode nextNode)
        bool modified = false;
        vector<Lattice*>::const_iterator itC, itN;
                Dbg::dbg << "\n        Propagating to Next Node: "<<nextNode.getNode()<<"["<<nextNode.getNode()->class_name()<<" | "<<Dbg::escape(nextNode.getNode()->unparseToString())<<"]"<<endl;
                int j;
                for(j=0, itC = curNodeState.begin(); itC != curNodeState.end(); itC++, j++)
                        Dbg::dbg << "        Cur node: Lattice "<<j<<": \n            "<<(*itC)->str("            ")<<endl;
                for(j=0, itN = nextNodeState.begin(); itN != nextNodeState.end(); itN++, j++)
                        Dbg::dbg << "        Next node: Lattice "<<j<<": \n            "<<(*itN)->str("            ")<<endl;

        // Update forward info above nextNode from the forward info below curNode.
        // Compute the meet of the dataflow information along the curNode->nextNode edge with the 
        // next node's current state one Lattice at a time and save the result above the next node.
        for(itC = curNodeState.begin(), itN = nextNodeState.begin();
            itC != curNodeState.end() && itN != nextNodeState.end(); 
            itC++, itN++)
                // Finite Lattices can use the regular meet operator, while infinite Lattices
                // must also perform widening to ensure convergence.
                        modified = (*itN)->meetUpdate(*itC) || modified;
                        //InfiniteLattice* meetResult = (InfiniteLattice*)itN->second->meet(itC->second);
                        InfiniteLattice* meetResult = dynamic_cast<InfiniteLattice*>((*itN)->copy());
                        Dbg::dbg << "        *itN: " << dynamic_cast<InfiniteLattice*>(*itN)->str("            ") << endl;
                        Dbg::dbg << "        *itC: " << dynamic_cast<InfiniteLattice*>(*itC)->str("            ") << endl;
                        Dbg::dbg << "        meetResult: " << meetResult->str("            ") << endl;
                        // Widen the resulting meet
                        modified =  dynamic_cast<InfiniteLattice*>(*itN)->widenUpdate(meetResult);
                        delete meetResult;
        if(analysisDebugLevel>=1) {
                        Dbg::dbg << "        Next node's in-data modified. Adding..."<<endl;
                        int j=0;
                        for(itN = nextNodeState.begin(); itN != nextNodeState.end(); itN++, j++)
                                Dbg::dbg << "        Propagated: Lattice "<<j<<": \n            "<<(*itN)->str("            ")<<endl;
                        Dbg::dbg << "        No modification on this node"<<endl;

        return modified;

stop condition

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class IntraUniDirectionalDataflow : public IntraUnitDataflow
        // propagates the dataflow info from the current node's NodeState (curNodeState) to the next node's  NodeState (nextNodeState)
           // return true if any state is modified.
        bool propagateStateToNextNode(
             const std::vector<Lattice*>& curNodeState, DataflowNode curDFNode, int nodeIndex,
             const std::vector<Lattice*>& nextNodeState, DataflowNode nextDFNode);


live dead variable

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Backward Intra-Procedural Dataflow Analysis: e.g. liveness analysis ( use --> backward --> defined)

  • class IntraBWDataflow  : public IntraUniDirectionalDataflow
class LiveDeadVarsAnalysis : public IntraBWDataflow {

        funcSideEffectUses* fseu;
        LiveDeadVarsAnalysis(SgProject *project, funcSideEffectUses* fseu=NULL);
 // Generates the initial lattice state for the given dataflow node, in the given function, with the given NodeState
 void genInitState(const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, const NodeState& state,
                          std::vector<Lattice*>& initLattices, std::vector<NodeFact*>& initFacts);

  boost::shared_ptr<IntraDFTransferVisitor> getTransferVisitor(const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n,
                                                               NodeState& state, const std::vector<Lattice*>& dfInfo)
  { return boost::shared_ptr<IntraDFTransferVisitor>(new LiveDeadVarsTransfer(func, n, state, dfInfo, fseu)); }

  bool transfer(const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, NodeState& state, const std::vector<Lattice*>& dfInfo) { assert(0); return false; }


Inter-procedural analysis

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Key: transfer function that is applied to call sites to perform the appropriate state transfers across function boundaries.

transfer function

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void IntraFWDataflow::transferFunctionCall(const Function &func, const DataflowNode &n, NodeState *state)
  vector<Lattice*> dfInfoBelow = state->getLatticeBelow(this);

  vector<Lattice*>* retState = NULL;
    transfer(func, n, *state, dfInfoBelow, &retState, true);

  if(retState && !(retState->size()==0 || (retState->size() == dfInfoBelow.size()))) {
    Dbg::dbg << "#retState="<<retState->size()<<endl;
    for(vector<Lattice*>::iterator ml=retState->begin(); ml!=retState->end(); ml++)
      Dbg::dbg << "        "<<(*ml)->str("            ")<<endl;
    Dbg::dbg << "#dfInfoBelow="<<dfInfoBelow.size()<<endl;
    for(vector<Lattice*>::const_iterator l=dfInfoBelow.begin(); l!=dfInfoBelow.end(); l++)
      Dbg::dbg << "        "<<(*l)->str("            ")<<endl;

  // Incorporate information about the function's return value into the caller's dataflow state
  // as the information of the SgFunctionCallExp
  ROSE_ASSERT(retState==NULL || retState->size()==0 || (retState->size() == dfInfoBelow.size()));
  if(retState) {
    vector<Lattice*>::iterator lRet;
    vector<Lattice*>::const_iterator lDF;
    for(lRet=retState->begin(), lDF=dfInfoBelow.begin(); 
        lRet!=retState->end(); lRet++, lDF++) {
      Dbg::dbg << "    lDF Before="<<(*lDF)->str("        ")<<endl;
      Dbg::dbg << "    lRet Before="<<(*lRet)->str("        ")<<endl;
      (*lDF)->unProject(isSgFunctionCallExp(n.getNode()), *lRet);
      Dbg::dbg << "    lDF After="<<(*lDF)->str("        ")<<endl;


[edit | edit source]
InterProceduralDataflow::InterProceduralDataflow(IntraProceduralDataflow* intraDataflowAnalysis) :

 // !!! NOTE: cfgForEnd() AND cfgForBeginning() PRODUCE THE SAME SgFunctionDefinition SgNode BUT THE DIFFERENT INDEXES
                        // !!!       AND WHEN IT IS, WE'LL NEED TO CALL IT INDEPENDENTLY FOR cfgForEnd() AND cfgForBeginning() AND ALSO TO MAKE
                        // !!!       TO SET THE LATTICES ABOVE THE ANALYSIS 

TODO: begin and end func definition issue is mentioned inside of this

simplest form:unstructured

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Simplest form: No transfer action at call sites at all

class UnstructuredPassInterDataflow : virtual public InterProceduralDataflow
        UnstructuredPassInterDataflow(IntraProceduralDataflow* intraDataflowAnalysis) 
                             : InterProceduralAnalysis((IntraProceduralAnalysis*)intraDataflowAnalysis), InterProceduralDataflow(intraDataflowAnalysis)
        // the transfer function that is applied to SgFunctionCallExp nodes to perform the appropriate state transfers
        // fw - =true if this is a forward analysis and =false if this is a backward analysis
        // n - the dataflow node that is being processed
        // state - the NodeState object that describes the dataflow state immediately before (if fw=true) or immediately after 
        //         (if fw=false) the SgFunctionCallExp node, as established by earlier analysis passes
        // dfInfo - the Lattices that this transfer function operates on. The function propagates them 
        //          to the calling function and overwrites them with the dataflow result of calling this function.
        // retState - Pointer reference to a Lattice* vector that will be assigned to point to the lattices of
        //          the function call's return value. The callee may not modify these lattices.
        // Returns true if any of the input lattices changed as a result of the transfer function and
        //    false otherwise.  
        bool transfer(const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, NodeState& state, 
                      const std::vector<Lattice*>& dfInfo, std::vector<Lattice*>** retState, bool fw)
                return false;
        void runAnalysis();

// simply call intra-procedural analysis on each function one by one.
void UnstructuredPassInterDataflow::runAnalysis()
        set<FunctionState*> allFuncs = FunctionState::getAllDefinedFuncs();
        // iterate over all functions with bodies
        for(set<FunctionState*>::iterator it=allFuncs.begin(); it!=allFuncs.end(); it++)
                const Function& func = (*it)->func;
                FunctionState* fState = FunctionState::getDefinedFuncState(func);
                // Call the current intra-procedural dataflow as if it were a generic analysi
                intraAnalysis->runAnalysis(func, &(fState->state));


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How to use one analysis

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Call directly

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Direct call: Runs the intra-procedural analysis on the given function and returns true if the function's NodeState gets modified as a result and false otherwise state - the function's NodeState

  • bool IntraUniDirectionalDataflow::runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* state, bool analyzeDueToCallers, std::set<Function> calleesUpdated);
  • direct call with a simpler parameter list : not feasible, all intra procedural analysis has to have an inter procedural analysis set interally!
bool IntraProceduralDataflow::runAnalysis(const Function& func, NodeState* state)
   // Each function is analyzed as if it were called directly by the language's runtime, ignoring 
  // the application's actual call graph
    bool analyzeDueToCallers = true; 
    // We ignore the application's call graph, so it doesn't matter whether this function calls other functions
   std::set<Function> calleesUpdated;
      return runAnalysis(func, state, analyzeDueToCallers, calleesUpdated);

Through inter-procedural analysis

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Invoke a simple intra-procedural analysis through the unstructured pass inter-procedural data flow class

int main()
  SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv);

  // prepare debugging support
  Dbg::init("Live dead variable analysis Test", ".", "index.html");
  liveDeadAnalysisDebugLevel = 1;
  analysisDebugLevel = 1;

  // basis analysis
  LiveDeadVarsAnalysis ldva(project);
     // wrap it inside the unstructured inter-procedural data flow
   UnstructuredPassInterDataflow ciipd_ldva(&ldva);


Retrieve lattices

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Sample code:

// Initialize vars to hold all the variables and expressions that are live at DataflowNode n
//void getAllLiveVarsAt(LiveDeadVarsAnalysis* ldva, const DataflowNode& n, const NodeState& state, set<varID>& vars, string indent)
void getAllLiveVarsAt(LiveDeadVarsAnalysis* ldva, const NodeState& state, set<varID>& vars, string indent)
        LiveVarsLattice* liveLAbove = dynamic_cast<LiveVarsLattice*>(*(state.getLatticeAbove(ldva).begin()));
        LiveVarsLattice* liveLBelow = dynamic_cast<LiveVarsLattice*>(*(state.getLatticeBelow(ldva).begin()));

        // The set of live vars AT this node is the union of vars that are live above it and below it
        for(set<varID>::iterator var=liveLAbove->liveVars.begin(); var!=liveLAbove->liveVars.end(); var++)
        for(set<varID>::iterator var=liveLBelow->liveVars.begin(); var!=liveLBelow->liveVars.end(); var++)


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It is essential to have a way to test the analysis results are correct.

We currently use a primitive way to test the correctness of analysis: comparing pragma and lattice string output

Two examples translators testing analysis correctness(comparing pragma and lattice string output):

An example test input file for liveness analysis's correctness

int bar(int flag)

   int a =1,b,c;
#pragma rose [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[flag, a, b]]
   if (flag == 0) // flag is only read here, not written!
     c = a;
     c = b;
   return c;

How to debug

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Trace the analysis

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Turn it on

     liveDeadAnalysisDebugLevel = 1;
     analysisDebugLevel = 1;

// find code with  
 if(analysisDebugLevel>=1) ...

check the web page dump using a browser

 firefox index.html

How to read the trace file: start from the beginning: information is ordered based on the CFG nodes visited. The order could be forward or backward order. Check if the order is correct first, then for each node visited

  Copying incoming Lattice 0: 
        [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[b]]
  To outgoing Lattice 0: 
        [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[]]
  Transferring the outgoing  Lattice ... 
    liveLat=[LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[b]]
    Dead Expression
        #usedVars=0 #assignedExprs=0
    Transferred: outgoing Lattice 0: 
        [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[b]]
    transferred, modified=0
 Propagating/Merging the outgoing  Lattice to all descendant nodes ... 
    Descendants (1):
    Descendant: 0x2b9e8c47f010[SgIfStmt | if(flag == 0) c = a;else c = b;]

        Propagating to Next Node: 0x2b9e8c47f010[SgIfStmt | if(flag == 0) c = a;else c = b;]
        Cur node: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[b]]
        Next node: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[a]]
        Next node's in-data modified. Adding...
        Propagated: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[a, b]]
    propagated/merged, modified=1

A real example: if (flag)  c = a; else c = b;  // liveness analysis, a, b are live in two branches, they are propagated backward to if-stmt

    Descendants (1):  // from c =a back to if-stmt (next node)
    Descendant: 0x2ac8bb95c010[SgIfStmt | if(flag == 0) c = a;else c = b;]

        Propagating to Next Node: 0x2ac8bb95c010[SgIfStmt | if(flag == 0) c = a;else c = b;]
        Cur node: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[a]]   // current node's lattice
        Next node: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[]]   // next node's lattice before propagation
        Next node's in-data modified. Adding...
        Propagated: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[a]]  // propagate a into if-stmt's lattice
    propagated, modified=1

    Descendants (1):  // from c = b --> if-stmt 
    Descendant: 0x2ac8bb95c010[SgIfStmt | if(flag == 0) c = a;else c = b;]

        Propagating to Next Node: 0x2ac8bb95c010[SgIfStmt | if(flag == 0) c = a;else c = b;]
        Cur node: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[b]]
        Next node: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[a]] 
        Next node's in-data modified. Adding...
        Propagated: Lattice 0: 
            [LiveVarsLattice: liveVars=[a, b]]  // now both a and b are propagated/ merged
    propagated, modified=1

Dump cfg dot graph with lattices

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A class analysisStatesToDot is provided generate a CFG dot graph with lattices information.


  class analysisStatesToDOT : public UnstructuredPassIntraAnalysis
      //    LiveDeadVarsAnalysis* lda; // reference to the source analysis
      Analysis* lda; // reference to the source analysis
      void printEdge(const DataflowEdge& e); // print data flow edge
      void printNode(const DataflowNode& n, std::string state_string); // print date flow node
      void visit(const Function& func, const DataflowNode& n, NodeState& state); // visitor function
      std::ostream* ostr; 
      analysisStatesToDOT (Analysis* l):  lda(l){ };

namespace Dbg
 void dotGraphGenerator (::Analysis *a) 
    ::analysisStatesToDOT eas(a);
    IntraAnalysisResultsToDotFiles upia_eas(eas);

} // namespace Dbg

Example use

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// Liao, 12/6/2011
#include "rose.h"

#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

// TODO group them into one header
#include "genericDataflowCommon.h"
#include "VirtualCFGIterator.h"
#include "cfgUtils.h"
#include "CallGraphTraverse.h"
#include "analysisCommon.h"
#include "analysis.h"
#include "dataflow.h"
#include "latticeFull.h"
#include "printAnalysisStates.h"
#include "liveDeadVarAnalysis.h"

int numFails = 0, numPass = 0;

main( int argc, char * argv[] )

     SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv);


   // generating  index.html for tracing the analysis
     Dbg::init("Live dead variable analysis Test", ".", "index.html");
     liveDeadAnalysisDebugLevel = 1;
     analysisDebugLevel = 1;

     LiveDeadVarsAnalysis ldva(project);
     UnstructuredPassInterDataflow ciipd_ldva(&ldva);
   // Output the dot graph  *********************
    Dbg::dotGraphGenerator (&ldva);
      return 0;

  • Hard to use the generated lattices since many temporary expression objects are generated in lattices. But often users do not care about them (constant propagation, pointer analysis)
    • to see the problem: go to [build64/tests/roseTests/programAnalysisTests/generalDataFlowAnalysisTests]
    • run make check
    • see the dot graph dump of an analysis : run.sh test_ptr4.C_main_0x2b41e651c038_cfg.dot