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Programming with ooc/Interfaces

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One of the strong points of ooc is the descriptive way C libraries can be interfaced with. These interfaces can be as low-level as a list of extern functions or 'high-level' by wrapping function calls and data within ooc classes or complex covers.

Building an interface

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In the discussion that follows we are going to build up a basic interface to the libYAML (http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML) library. There is an existing interface by nddrylliog here which we will use as a reference too.

Most of our work will involve reading the library header file (http://svn.pyyaml.org/libyaml/branches/stable/include/yaml.h) and deciding how we intend to use the contents therein. To interface with the C library we will need it to be present on our system. We will also want to create a file hierarchy for our new interface.


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In this section we will make the C library accessible to our new ooc interface and create the file hierarchy for that interface.


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System-wide install
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Installing (making available) the C library is system dependent. The following steps will work for users of Ubuntu:

 sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev
Local install
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Another option (that is really beyond the scope of this book) is to keep libraries within a user account and control the paths where the C compiler searches for libraries and headers. An example setup that uses ~/local as a prefix could be:

  mkdir ~/local
  cd ~/local
  wget http://pyyaml.org/download/libyaml/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
  tar -xzvf yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
  cd yaml-0.1.4
  ./configure --prefix=[absolute path to ~/local]
  make install

To make use of this kind of setup you will need to set the relevant environment variables in the relevant user rc file:

  export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH
  export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/local/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH

To make use of libraries in ooc the convention is to set the environment variable OOC_LIBS. Inkeeping with the local setup discussed above this can be a path accessible only to this user:

 export OOC_LIBS=$HOME/local/ooc_libs

Since we are building an ooc library ourselves the file hierarchy belongs inside OOC_LIBS. More details on the structure of a library and the associated use file are available in the ooc documentation. For our purposes we will have something like :



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The first step is to create a use file that describes how our ooc library is laid out and what setting it needs to compile to ooc programs that want to use it. A basic setup is the following :

 Name: libYAML
 Version: 0.1.4
 Description: Interface to libYAML
 Includes: yaml.h
 SourcePath: source

For the purposes of this discussion we are going to do all of the interface creation inside source/YAML.ooc in our file hierarchy above. Because we want this file to include the settings we established above we include the line

 use yaml

at the top of this file.


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Wonder of wonders libYAML does not seem to define any constants! But just-in-case the library you are interfacing with does include constants your interfaces should look something like this (C code above in bold, ooc below):




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Interfacing with C header means coming into contact with many of the quirky parts of the C pre-processor and the tricks developers use to cross platforms and programming paradigms. libYAML uses the macro YAML_DECLARE to provide interoperability with WIN32. For our purposes we will simply expand:   #define YAML_DECLARE(type) type  which makes the following declarations equivalent:

 YAML_DECLARE(const char *) yaml_get_version_string(void);

const char * yaml_get_version_string(void); YAMLGetVersionString: extern( yaml_get_version_string ) func() -> CString


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Using the interface

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Making the interface accessible to others

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Submitting a sam recipe

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