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Portuguese Grammar/Pronouns

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I - Eu You - Tu (informal in Brazil / informal in Portugal) / Você (informal in Brazil / formal in Portugal) He / She / It - Ele / Ela We - Nós You - Vós (formal in Brazil / informal in Portugal) / Vocês (informal in Brazil / formal in Portugal) They - Eles / Elas

Me - Me (without preposition) You - Te / Você (without preposition) Him / Her / It - O / A (without preposition) You – Vos / Vocês (without preposition) Us - Nos (without preposition) Them - Os / As (without preposition)

With + me - Comigo With + you - Contigo / Com você With + him / her / it - Com ele / Com ela With + us - Conosco With + you - Convosco / Com vocês With + them - Com eles / Com elas

To + him / her / it - Lhe To + them - Lhes

Me - Mim (with preposition) You - Ti / Você (with preposition) Him / Her / It - Ele / Ela (with preposition) Us - Nós (with preposition) Them - Eles / Elas (with preposition)

Of / From + her / him / it - dele / dela

  • It's separated the preposition from the pronouns when the pronouns are the subject: I like her doing something – Eu gosto de ela fazendo algo.
  • It uses a hyphen when the pronoun is after the verb.