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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/PlanoTseScript Basic Syntax

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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTseScript Language Reference PlanoTseScript Basic Syntax PlanoTseScript Expressions

Basic PlanoTseScript Syntax

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Code Delimiters

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When PlanoTse is asked to run, i.e. execute, a string or content of a file, it looks for opening and closing curly brackets. The opening brace '{' tells PlanoTse to start, and the closing brace '}' tells PlanoTse to stop interpreting the code between them. The code is expected to be in PlanoTseScript syntax. The string from the opening to the closing brace is together called a code block.

The place at which you can store, and from which you can execute a block of code in PlanoTseScript is called a springboard. You can include as many code blocks in a springboard as necessary.

Instruction Separation

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Each PlanoTseScript instruction is called a statement. You need to use a semicolon (;) to separate two consecutive statements.

No Comments

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No comments are allowed in the code at this time. You must keep all comments outside of the code blocks.

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTseScript Language Reference PlanoTseScript Basic Syntax PlanoTseScript Expressions