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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Mozambique

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  • The earliest meter stamps are from 1960.
  • All stamps are inscribed “MOÇAMBIQUE”.
  • It appears most meters were installed in post offices and have only recently moved into private businesses.

NOTE: Catalog values are not provided as there appears to be little collector demand.

1. Universal “MultiValue” (MV), 1960.

Circular frank with "CORREIOS DE MOÇAMBIQUE" at top and the meter number at bottom.
Value figures are variable in thickness.
A. M# with “U” prefix
B. M# without prefix, meter number 150 seen
C. Without M#, inscribed “uCTT” [scarce]
D. With unengraved block in place of a meter number
V/F: 00$oo 000$oo
a. TM with “C.T.T.” at top and blank at bottom, without town name

2. Universal “Automax” (MV), 1960.

Nearly identical to Type 1 but the value figure numbers are simpler and of uniform thickness.
A. M# with “U” prefix
B. M# with “uLM” prefix (for Lourenco Marques)
C. Without meter number, inscribed “uCTT”
D. With unengraved block in place of a meter number
V/F: =00.oo
a. printed in green
b. Town mark with “C.T.T.” at top and blank at bottom, without town name

3. Francotyp “Cc/Ccm” (MV), 1959.

Spacing somewhat narrower than with Types 1 and 2.
Date figures with stops.
A small horizontal line appears above the meter number.
M# with “I” prefix.
V/F (thin numbers): 00$00 ◆00$00
V/F (thick numbers): 00.00
a. M# inverted

3.1. Satas "Baby” (MV). [scarce]

As Types 1 and 2 but slightly smaller and with narrower spacing.
Date figures are tall.
Meter number without prefix.
V/F: 0 0 $oo

4. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV), 1993?

Rectangular frank with postal logo and “CORREIO” at top, “CORREIOS DE MOÇAMBIQUE” in smaller letters at bottom.
M# with “H” prefix left of the value figures.
V/F: 0000.0