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Interlingua/Curso de conversation/Capitulo 6, Scenas 3 e 4 (anglese)

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SCENE 3: The Frankfurt airport and the offices of Mr. Runde: When the scene starts out, Petro calls up Mr. Runde, saying that soon he will be in his office after a short trip in a taxi.

They talk about the Frankfurt airport and wonder what happened to Sophia, Mr. Runde's secretary, who was to take Petro to the offices of Elektrobahn in Frankfurt in a company car. Mr. Runde seems to be confident that his secretary will come back soon.

Petro then wants to know if he can speak in Interlingua during the conference. Mr. Runde says that this will be possible, especially if he speaks rather slowly and especially clearly.

They also talk about the length of the meeting, and Mr. Runde wants to know if there is something special that Petro needs for his presentation. Petro answers that he has come with everything he needs.

Then Petro says that he would like to get to know the operations of Elektrobahn a little, and Mr. Runde says that he will be happy to give Peter a tour of the offices and the factory of his company after their meeting.

Petro: Good morning. I'm Petro Minelli. I'm in Frankfurt at the airport. What? Excuse me, I can't hear you. Listen, Mr. Runde, I'm in the airport and soon will be taking a taxi to go to your office.

Mr. Runde: But I've sent Sophia, my secretary, with a car to bring you to my office. Hasn't she gotten to the airport?

Petro: I haven't seen her.

Mr. Runde: Poor Sophia.

Petro: I suppose that she'll call you up once she gets too frustrated from trying to find me.

Mr. Runde: Yeah, that's true. It is very easy to get lost in an airport. You could look for someone for an entire week without finding him.

Petro: I've seen a place called the Treffpunkt. Is this the place where we can run into each other?

Mr. Runde: Yes, but I myself have a hard time finding passengers at that Treffpunkt. And there are more than one of those places, and it can be sometimes very frustrating to use them.

Petro: In the meantime, there's not much that can be done for your secretary.

Mr. Runde; You're right. There's nothing that can be done. Sophia will come back to the office eventually without doubt. If you find a taxi, take it. It is very easy to lose a lot of time in the Frankfurt airport.

Petro: One other important thing: Can I speak in Interlingua at the conference this afternoon?

Mr. Runde: Yes, naturally. All of us speak Interlingua fairly well. But you will have to speak slowly and clearly.

Petro: I think that we won't have much trouble with communication in that case.

Mr. Runde: We haven't had problems with the use of interlingua in all our meetings up to now.

Petro: The meeting starts at two o'clock, doesn't it.

Mr. Runde: Yeah. That's right.

Petro: And generally how long do they last?

Mr. Runde: Your part of the meeting will last generally just an hour. After that, we'll hold other meetings with our own personnel.

Petro: Yes, I understand. Up to now, I haven't learned exactly what you do over there. Can you give me a little tour?

Mr. Runde: Yes, of course. Ah, one other thing: Do you need anything special for your presentation, like photocopies of other similar things?

Petro: No, I've got everything that I need on me.

Mr. Runde: Do you have a printed description of your project?

Petro: No. I'm gonna simply present a broad outline of the project and explain the program that we've established for Geneva so that you will be able to know how to use our new services.

EXERCISE 3: Arranging a meeting with someone.

Guide: I'm wondering what is the best way of arranging a meeting with someone.

A woman: (Talking on the phone) Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon. What time does the train arrive? Three thirty. At the central station. What is the best place for meeting someone? Under the clock. In the middle of the station. Yes, that's fine. Three thirty in the middle of the station. Thanks.

A man: Hello? It's me.

A woman: Good morning. How are you?

A man: Very well, thanks.

A woman: What day will you be getting here?

A man: Wednesday.

A woman: And how're you gonna travel?

A man: By train.

A woman: Can we get together after your trip?

A man: Of course. I can meet you at the main station.

A woman: At what time?

A man: I should be there around three thirty.

A woman: And if the train comes in late?

A man: In that case, can you wait for me?

A woman: Yes, naturally. I'll wait for you at the exit.

A man: There are many exits.

A woman: Can I wait for you in the restaurant?

A man: There are many restaurants.

A woman: Then where can I wait for you?

A man: Okay, let's meet under the clock.

A woman: Where's the clock?

A man: It's in the middle of the station.

A woman: Very good. I'll see you around three thirty.

A man: See you then.

A woman: See you.

Guide: I wonder if the German engineers will understand Petro's Interlingua.

SCENE 4: Frankfurt: A conference room: Petro speaks to the conference and explains the new system of planned regular meetings for the principal engineers of the companies participating in the Geneva project. He proposes four subject areas for discussion at these meetings. Once he has finished, Mr. Runde offers him some coffee and then gives him a tour of Elektrobahn's offices and of the factory. After the tour, he invites Petro out for a drink and offers to show Frankfurt to him. At the end of the scene they go to the design office.

Petro: Good morning. Unfortunately, I don't speak German well, but I have been told that you can understand me if I speak Interlingua.

Mr. Runde: That's true, if you speak slowly and clearly.

Petro: If I speak slowly and clearly. Very well. I'm at this meeting to talk to you a little about the new Marex Mundial project in Geneva. We've recently set ourselves up there, and we are now starting out our operations. We want to inaugurate a system of meetings especially before starting a new project. But we also want to inaugurate a system of regular monthly meetings to exchange ideas and information. The first meeting will be in Geneva, the second in Paris, the third in London, and the fourth here in Frankfurt. We will rotate these meetings the entire year from one of these cities to another. I propose that we discuss four principal things. The first will be new technical developments, which will include new forms of locomotion or new research on engines and motors, systems of assembly, etc. The second will be construction, rail and road installation, and auxiliary systems, such as systems of security. The third will concern systems of signal and traffic control. This will include automated systems and electronic and mechanical innovations. It is essential that all of us be aware of new developments, especially the new magnetic and pneumatic systems and other technological possibilities in systems of urban transport. In all these areas, new ideas are born almost weekly. And to maintain our competitive superiority, we must always know what is available.

Mr. Runde. Fine.

Petro: Do you have some coffee in this office.

Mr. Runde: Yes, of course. Here it is. You can serve yourself, if you want.

Petro: Thanks

Mr. Runde: I can now show you our factory, if you want.

Petro: Yes, thank you very much.

Mr. Runde: We can also visit our planning office. We have three factories in Germany. The Frankfurt factory is the largest of ... Here's the machinery department--essentially high-powered electric motors. You can see the assembly line over there.

Petro: And these motors are destined for what?

Mr. Runde: Principally for projects in Germany. This groups here is going to Hanover. Tell me, where is your hotel?

Petro: Near the railroad station.

Mr. Runde: Shall we go out for a drink this evening?

Petro: Ah, yes, an excellent idea!

Mr. Runde: There are some very nice places in Frankfurt.

Petro: Oh yeah?

Mr. Runde: I could show you some, if you'd like.

Petro: Oh, yes, I really would. You're very kind.

Mr. Runde: The design office is below. Let's take a brief look at it.

EXERCISE 4: Inviting someone to go out.

Guide: We have seen that this evening Petro has gone out for a drink, the way he did in Paris. Okay. There are ways of inviting people out and ways of answering yes or no to an invitation. I would like to hear some of them.

A man: Would you like to go out this evening for a drink?

A woman: I'm sorry, but I can't do so today.

A man: Really?

A woman: I'm sorry, but I really don't have the time.

A man: Okay. Perhaps some other day. Maybe tomorrow?

A woman: No, I'm sorry, but I really can't

A man: Perhaps Friday?

A woman: Yes, I don't have anything to do Friday. Let go out Friday evening.