History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Biographies/Alfred George Jackson

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Alfred George Jackson

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Alfred George Jackson was a prominent wireless experimenter, amateur operator, amateur broadcaster and amateur club administrator in the early 1900s through late 1920s. He was a member of the pre WW1 Wireless Institute of Queensland, Queensland's first amateur wireless organisation. He was a founding member of the pre WW2 Queensland Wireless Institute and frequently its president. Unfortunately his close association with the conservative QWI has lead to the downplaying of his role in the early history of wireless in Queensland, but the record of his involvement is substantial. A personal station callsign has not yet been identified, however for a number of years he was part of a team that operated 4AE, the broadcast station of the Queensland Wireless Institute from Brisbane, Queensland. He was a tireless supporter of numerous hobby, professional and industry societies including the Royal Society of Queensland, Royal Geographic Society, Royal Society of St. George, Queensland Electrical Association, Queensland Chamber of Manufactures, the Queensland Institute of Engineers, Australian Chemical Institute (Queensland), Queensland Masonic Club, the Queensland Amateur Photographic Society. Despite being declared insolvent in the early 1890s, he persevered with business activities in electrical, chemical and general engineering fields. He is best known for his association with the Synchronome Electrical Company, initially as agent, subsequently as proprietor. A full biography has not yet been prepared however the following resources have been assembled in preparation: