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HKDSE Geography/M1/Effectiveness of Measures

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Several factors affect the effectiveness of measures against hazards.

Factor Effective Not effective
Government efficiency Governments with high efficiency and little corruption can allocate disaster aid, emergency supplies and other resources effecticvely, and quickly rebuild the area. Governments with a great degree of bureaucracy, rampant corruption and collusion often cannot distribute resources and rebuild effectively.
Economic development Countries, especially more developed countries, have a great degree of economic development and thus have more capital to purchase more supplies and equipment for rescuing victims. Countries with less developed economies are poorer with less capital. They can purchase fewer supplies and equipment.
Technological level Countries with high technological level can establish sophisticated systems to monitor and predict hazards, issue warnings, improve building design, search for survivors, and so on. Countries with low technology level cannot afford to establish advanced mechanisms for hazard prediction, improvement of building design or rescue.
Education level Countries with high education level tend to have more professionals skilled in disaster prevention, and the general awareness of hazards is greater among their populations. People with low level education level often have strong traditional values that deter them from adapting changes to prevent hazards, and their awareness of hazards is generally lower.
Political stability Politically stable countries tend to have better organised governments which are more effective in conducting relief work. Politically unstable countries are not efficient in rescuing citizens as political infigting hinders the execution of orders.
Population density It is easier for a country with less dense population to carry out evacuation and create temporary shelters for citizens. It is harder for densely populated countries to house victims of a disaster after it hits.