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French For Football/Notes/Resources

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
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Yahoo! Group

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General Linguistic Resources

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WordReference dictionary and language forum

Collins on-line dictionary

Le Trésor de la Langue Française Informatisé

French Words by Frequency of Use

Shtooka Project: Free audio base of French words

Le Point du FLE (Français Langue Etrangère)

HKU French Course

The Language Menu

French Grammar Checker

Football Resources

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BBC "Ma France / Football" page

Arsenal Community Education "Double Club"

SoccerLingua Resources for (junior school) Teachers

I Speak Football - Multilingual EU Project

Lexique des sports olympiques d'été

French Sport Links

Termcat football word list

Kicktionary (Computer Linguistics Student Project)

Discover France Football Dictionary

Archéofoot (French only site)

UEFA Football Dictionary (book)

British Council Euro 2008 booklet (pdf)

Football Further

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Sport on Radio Station Europe 1

Sport on Radio France

French Football League Broadcasts

Football on EuroSport

TV5 Football

RTL Football

Sport web sites

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Fédération Française de Football

Ligue de Football Professionel

UEFA web site


Football at www.sport.fr



Football and Culture

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Le Renard des surfaces BD

Football at evene.fr

Allez les vers! 11 poèmes de Football