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Field Guide/Birds/Scandinavia

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Scandinavia has a rich and diverse birdlife.


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  • Passeriformes
  • Charadriiformes
  • Galliformes
  • Falconiformes


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  • The Passeriformes stay in areas of 500 meters of altitude up to 1200 meters.
  • The Charadriiformes stay in water zones.
  • The Galliformes stay in zones with a lot of plants.
  • The Falconiformes stay in zones where there are a lot of rodents to feed on them.


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  • The Passeriformes feed on the little supplies that are in their habitat.
  • The Charadriiformes feed on insects.
  • The Galliformes feed on berries and seeds.
  • The Falconiformes feed on rodents, Galliformes and carrion.


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  • Willow Warbler
  • Icterine Warbler
  • Blackcap
  • Whitethroat
  • Goldcrest
  • Willowt Tit
  • Siskin
  • Redpoll
  • Brambling
  • Bullfinch
  • Wheatear
  • Winchat
  • Bluethroat
  • Meadow Pipit
  • White Wagtail
  • Reed Bunting
  • Lapland Bunting
  • Snow Bunting
  • Yellowhammer
  • Deeper
  • Wren
  • Horned Lark
  • Redwing
  • Fieldfale
  • Blackbird
  • Siberian Jay
  • Cukcoo
  • Raven
  • Great Spotted Woodpecker
  • Long-tailed Skua
  • Ruff
  • Dunling
  • Snipe
  • Common Sandpiper
  • Woodcock
  • Curlew
  • Ringed Plover
  • Golden Plover
  • Dotterel
  • Willow Grouse
  • Ptarmigan
  • Blak Grouse
  • Capercaillie
  • Long-tailed Duck
  • Red-throated Diver
  • Black-throated diver
  • Merlin
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Gryfalcon
  • Sparrowhawk
  • Goshawk
  • Osprey
  • Rough Legged Buzzard
  • Golden eagle
  • Snowy Owl
  • Eagle Owl