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FOSS Open Content/Bibliography

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Acton, Johnny. The Ideas Companion (London: Think Books, 2005).

Aigrain, Phillippe. “Positive Intellectual Rights and Information Exchanges,” available at: http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/aigrain.pdf

Arthurs, Harry. Reconstitution of the Public Domain.

Benkler,Yochai.“The Wealth of Networks,” available at: http://www.benkler.org/wealth_of_networks/index.php/Download_PDFs_of_the_book

Benkler,Yochai.“Through the Looking Glass:Alice and the Constitutional Foundations of the Public Domain,” available at: http://www.law.duke.edu/journals/lcp/articles/lcp66dWinterSpring2003p 173.htm

Boyle, James. Shamans, software, and spleens: Law and the construction of the information society (Cambridge,Mass., Harvard University Press, 1996).

Boyle, James.“The Opposite of Property,”Law and Contemporary Problems, 1 (Winter/Spring 2003).

Cedegren, Magnus. “Open Content and Value Creation”, First Monday, vol. 8 (2003), available at: http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue8_8/cedergren/index.html

Chen, Shun-Ling. Free and Open Source Software: Licensing e-Primer, IOSN, UNDP, available at: http://www.iosn.net/licensing/foss-licensing-primer/ and: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ FOSS_Licensing

Cherensky, Steven. “A Penny for Their Thoughts: Employee-Inventors, Preinvention Assignment Agreements, Property, and Personhood”, 81 Calif. L. Rev.p. 595. “Contested Commons Public Report: A Public Record” (New Delhi: Sarai: CSDS, 2005, Story,Alan et al., eds., The Copysouth Dossier, available at: http://www.copysouth.org

de Certeau, Michel. “The practice of everyday life,” The Practice of Everyday Life pp. xi–xii (Steven Rendall trans., 1984).

Drahos, Peter. A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Dartmouth, 1996).

Dusollier, Severine.“Copyleft and authorship reconsidered”, 26 Colum. JL & Arts pp. 281–296 (2003).

Elkin, Niva. “What Contracts Can’t Do: The Limits of Private Ordering in Facilitating a Creative Commons,” 74 Fordham Law Review (2005).

Farid, Nadine.“Not In My Library: Eldred V. Ashcroft and the Demise of the Public Domain,” Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, (Spring 2003).

Frow, John.“Copy,” from Tony Bennett et al., eds., The New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society, (Maden: Blackwell, 2005).

Gaines, Jane. Contested Culture: The Image, the Voice, the Law (University of North Carolina Press, Alan Trachtenberg, 1991).

Govil, Nitin.“War in the age of pirate reproduction,” Sarai Reader 04: Crisis Media, pp. 378–383. Hay, Douglas. Albion’s Fatal Tree: Crime and Society in Eighteenth-Century England (New York: Pantheon Books, 1975).

Herman, Edward and McChesney, Robert. The Global Media: The New Missionaries of Corporate Capitalism (New York: Cassell, 1998).

Howkins, John. The Creative Economy: How People Make Money From Ideas, (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002).

Hughes, Justin. “The Philosophy of Intellectual Property,” 77 The Georgetown Law Journal (1988), p. 287.

Jaszi, Peter.“On the author effect: contemporary copyright and collective creativity,” Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal.

Joyner, Jeffrey.“Future Technology Clauses:Would their Lack of Compensation Have Discouraged Shakespeare's Creativity and Denied Society’s Access to His Works in New Media?,” Southwestern University Law Review (2002), p. 575.

Lacey, Linda J.“Of Bread and Roses and Copyrights,”Duke L.J. (1989) p. 1532.

Lange,David.“Recognizing the Public Domain,” Law & Contemp. Problems, Autumn 1981, p. 147.

Lessig, Lawrence. Free Culture (Penguin, 2004); also available at: http://www.lessig.org

Lessig, Lawrence. The Future of Ideas (New York: Random House, 2001).

Liang, Lawrence et al., “Copyright/Copyleft: Encountering the sustaining myths of Copyright,” available at: http://www.infochangeindia.org

Liang, Lawrence. “Copyright, Cultural Production and Open Content Licensing”, Indian Journal of Law and Technology, vol.1 (2006), p. 96.

Liang, Lawrence. “Porous legalities and avenues of participation,” Sarai Reader 05: Bare Acts (New Delhi: Sarai/CSDS, 2005).

Linebaugh, Peter and Rediker, Marcus. The Many-headed Hydra: The Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic (Beacon Press, 2001).

Linebaugh, Peter. The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993).

Locke, John. Two treatises of civil government. P. Laslett (Ed.) London: Cambridge University Press, 1967.

Lunney, Glynn S. “Reexamining Copyright’s Incentives-Access Paradigm,” Vanderbilt Law Review (1996), p. 483.

Maher, Marcus. “Open Source Software: The Success of an Alternative Intellectual Property Incentive Paradigm,” 10 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J., p. 619.

Manuel, Peter. Cassette Culture: Popular Music and Technology in North India (New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 2001).

McLeod, Kembrew. “Freedom of Expression: Overzealous Copyright Bozos and Other Enemies of Creativity,” available at: http://kembrew.com/documents/mcleod-freedomofexpression3.pdf

Mota, Sue Ann.“Eldred v.Reno – Is the Copyright Term Extension Act Constitutional,”12 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech., p. 167.

Raqs Media Collective, “A Concise Lexicon for the Global Commons,” Sarai Reader 03: Shaping Technologies (New Delhi: Sarai/CSDS, 2003).

Rens, Andrew, et al. Intellectual Property, Education and Access to Knowledge in Southern Africa.

Rifkin, Jeremy. The Age of Access (London: Putnam Publishing Group, 2000).

Rose, Mark. Authors and Owners. The Invention of Copyright (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1993).

Rose, Mark. “The Author as Proprietor: Donaldson v. Becket and the Genealogy of Modern Authorship,” 23 Representations (1988) p. 51.

Ross,Trevor.“Copyright and the Invention of Tradition." Eighteenth-Century Studies 26.1 (Fall 1992), pp. 1–28.

Samuelson, Pamela. “The Constitutional Law of Intellectual Property after Eldred v. Ashcroft,” Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property (Spring 2003).

Sprigman, Chris. “The Mouse that Ate the Public Domain: Disney, the Copyright Term Extension Act, and Eldred v. Ashcroft,” available at: http://writ.news.findlaw.com/commentary/ 20020305_sprigman.html

Stalder, Felix.“The State of Open Content in Non-Western Countries,” available at: http://oc.openflows.org/intro

Sundaram, Ravi. “Recycling Modernity: Pirate Electronic Cultures in India,” Sarai Reader 01: The Public Domain (New Delhi: Sarai/CSDS, 2001).

Vaidhyanathan, Siva. Copyrights and Copywrongs, 11 (New York: New York University Press, 2001). Woodmansee, Martha. "On the Author Effect: Recovering Collectivity,” Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, vol. 10, no. 2 (1992), p. 279.

Woodmansee, Martha. “The Genius and the Copyright: Economic and Legal Conditions of the Emergence of the 'Author',” Eighteenth Century Studies 17 (1984), p. 425.

Zimmerman, Diane Leenheer. “Authorship without Ownership: Reconsidering Incentives in a Digital Age,”DePaul Law Review (2003), p. 1121.