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Development Cooperation Handbook/The video resources linked to this handbook/The Documentary Story/Adding more stories in India

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Adding more stories in India

Francesco had done "his" stories about Jaggi Vasudev, the environmentally minded hindu guru of Coimbatore, in the Indian State of Tamil Nadu and about Tiziano Terziani, an Italian journalist who had been living in the Himalayas in the State of Uttarkhand.

It was Vrinda who sounded the alarm bell. Francesco had collected video material that was outside the programme objectives. We needed to return to the field and collect more stories. Fausto and Gauri did it.

They went to Kolkata for a story on sexual workers.

And in the proximity of Varanasi they covered a story of education and one about the right to work in rural India.

Here Gauri and Fausto are adding information

Next Wiki threads between definitions and openness


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Employment as a Right
Living with Dignity

Right to Learn

Video clips

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On YouTube ⇒ Employment as a Right - playlist
On YouTube ⇒ Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - playlist
On YouTube ⇒ Living with Dignity - playlist


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Amitabh Behar - Campaign Conveyor of Wada Na Todo Abhiyan ⇒ - playlist
Anand Kumar - development expert ⇒ - playlist
C.B. Rao - United Nation officer - - playlist
Jean Drèze - economist ⇒ - playlist
J.M. Balmorugan - Indian Government Officer ⇒ - playlist
Megan Willams - journalist ⇒ - playlist
Pietro Cocco - journalistplaylist
R.K. Pachauri - , TERI ⇒ - playlist
Rajesh Kumar Jha - Programme Officer for the Centre for World Solidarity ⇒ - playlist
Sadhguru - founder of the Isha Foundation ⇒ - playlist
Shiva Kumar - development economist ⇒ - playlist
Vandana Shiva


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Backstage - India - Stefano and Fausto