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Development Cooperation Handbook/Designing and Managing Programmes/Programme Operations plan

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One of the critical steps in forming a project/program is determining the right processes necessary to produce the expected deliverables. Operations are the processes through which resource inputs such as raw material, creative talent, labor, communication skills, etc. are converted into useful outputs. It is through operations that an organization creates value for the programme beneficiaries. The operating plans describe the control procedures and flow of activities required to design execute and evaluate projects that are functional to achieve the programme scope.

le domande dell'operation plan quali sono le cose di cui dobbiamo occuparci che sono indipendenti dai progetti ma necessari al fatto che i progetti nascano, si sviluppano e si concludano? per esempio: security, gestione degli assets, ricorrenze leegali, assemblee , eccetera

Programme operations include:

  • Managing and supporting project managers  (when they design, evaluate and implement their projects)
  • Integrating the different projects in the unitary programme framework (as set in the programme plan).

How these two operational sectors are integrated is described in the operations plan; how these operations are managed is described in the Management plan.

Programme operations include:

  • How projects are designed, handed over to project teams and monitored.
  • How projects are supported by the business support services, evaluated and integrated in the unitary programme framework (as set in the programme plan).

How these two operational sectors are integrated is described in the operations plan; how these operations are managed is described in the Management plan.

Programmes are implemented through projects. In a sense the "projects" can be considered the "activities" of a programme. The difference is that the activities of a project are defined while the project is being planned. Instead projects are developed during programme execution, much the program structure is decided.

So projects

  • designed,
  • funded,
  • executed
  • substained by the support services,
  • evaluated and
  • integrated

are the programme outputs, i.e. the concrete results of the programme by which, through the interaction with the other programme stakeholders, the organization endeavours to achieve the programme objectives..

See also

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How to design and manage successful cooperation programmes?

In other sections of this handbook
Organizational Types
Organizational Structure
Organizational Culture
The projectized organization
The learning organization
The employee empowering organization
The Organization’s mission
The Organization’s vision