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Biblical Studies/Christianity/Eschatology/The New Creation

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There is Hope

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John, called the divine apostle, the beloved disciple receives a vision of the New Creation from Jesus, the author and the finisher of that Christian faith outlined in the Book of Revelation consisting of the New Heaven and the New Earth featuring the holy city as the New Jerusalem, the focal point of all things made new. The Alpha and Omega declares it so. The most important object of The Christian Hope is not the millennium and the intricacies thereof but this New Creation where the Lamb's Book of Life is delineated as explained in Revelation 21 being interpreted by most believers, that for the people of God, Heaven is all health, peace, and love. Therefore, for those faithful, no wonder, in His time, He said, "Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus." (Rev. 22:20)

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