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Becoming a Linguistic Mastermind/The courses/Workshop

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
Introduction The method The results The courses Workshop

On this page the lesson texts for the English target language are prepared. Other languages are worked out on the partner projects of Wikibooks. The next steps are not taken until the English texts can be regarded to as discussed fully and ready for press: After that the word-by-word translation must be written and the spoken version must be recorded. These tasks are managed on the respective course page.

Welcome, learners!

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Welcome ! I am Olivia and this is Jack. We are from England.


Our language is one of the easiest languages in the world.


In a few months you will be able to understand the English we speak from day to day...


...and you will be able to understand the Simple English Wikipedia.


Are you ready ? We will now start learning English the easy way.

70 spoken words

About the English language

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Hello, Olivia!


Hello, Jack! You said that English is one of the easiest languages in the world.


That's right.


Why do you think so?


Well, more than half of our words come from Latin. If you speak Italian or French, then you already know many English words.


I suppose that it's not so easy for Japanese and Finnish people to learn English. They don't know many Latin words.


Learning English is simple for them, too. I think that our language is more regular than others. There are only few irregular forms.


What do you mean? Can you give an example?


Well, almost everything can be made plural by adding the letter S to the end of the word. One page has many letters, one book has many pages and I have many books. That's just one example.

141 spoken words