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Ada Programming/Algorithms/Intro

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Welcome to the Ada implementations of the Algorithms Wikibook. For those who are new to Ada Programming a few notes:

  • All examples are fully functional with all the needed input and output operations. However, only the code needed to outline the algorithms at hand is copied into the text - the full samples are available via the download links. (Note: It can take up to 48 hours until the cvs is updated).
  • The algorithms in the book are written in a pseudolanguage. Every computer language has its own conventions how to write identifiers; some languages are case sensitive, Ada isn't; some write identifiers in CamelCase. Ada uses the convention of separating words by underscores and capitalizing the first character of each word. For numerical values, Ada uses the convention to separate digit groups by underscores for better readability - compare 10000000 to 10_000_000 or 5000001 to 50_000_01 (e.g. 50 thousand € and one ¢).
  • We seldom use predefined types in the sample code but define special types suitable for the algorithms at hand.
  • Ada allows for default function parameters; however, we always fill in and name all parameters, so the reader can see which options are available.
  • We seldom use shortcuts - like using the attributes Image or Value for String <=> Integer conversions.

All these rules make the code more elaborate than perhaps needed. However, we also hope it makes the code easier to understand

This page is added through transclusion to other modules in the Ada Programming Wikibook.