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From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
File:A Day at Sea.jpg.jpg
Getting ready to sail through the Suez Canal
File:Me and My Pilot.jpg.JPG
Flying with my Pilot/Fiance
File:Our Puppy.JPG
Our Puppy

The Basics

I am currently a student at Old Dominion University. I have an Associate's of Business degree. I tranferred to ODU last semester Fall 2008 and am working on my Bachelor's degree in Science for Pre K-6. After that I want to continue towards a Master's degree before I actually start teaching.

My Background

After high school, I was not ready for college. I went on to be in the Navy for six years. I did some great things and would not take back the experience for anything. I have traveled to many different places. My best experiences were living on the west coast for two years, sailing through the Suez Canal, visiting Spain, Italy, UAE, Turkey, and Greece, and then learning how to snowboard with all my friends in the Navy. I really had a great time and found out what life was all about. After all that, I wanted to settle down and have a life with my fiance and puppy. I did not want go out to sea so much so I got out of the Navy after my time was finished to pursue a degree (the Navy paid for) which was next on my bucket list. And here I am.

My Goals

I want to complete my degree. From there I want to become a teacher, travel the world some more, learn to play guitar, learn more about interior designing, stay in shape, and have a family. I would like to go on a real cruise where I don't work while I am on my way to the next port visit. Lol.

Educational Philosophy

"Learn as much as you can, you never know just when it may come in handy".

I learned this in the Navy and it has really applied to life now that I am out. I want to be able to use this as a teacher. It has taken me awhile to decide on teaching but I think I am set on it now that I think about just why that I want to do it. I want to make a difference in kids' lives and do a job where I can look back and see the difference I made. I want to teach kids that same philosophy and let them now in the grown up world that you would be surprised about the things that you learn that you will use later especially in college. Most people always remember their teachers, and I want to be remembered as one of the teachers that really made a difference in their lives.