User talk:Moa3333

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
Latest comment: 18 years ago by Moa3333 in topic Status of Wikisolutions
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I'm not quite sure what this is all about. The title would tend to suggest it's a guide to solutions to wiki-related things. Is this supposed to be like a catalog of open-source software? Perhaps a better name might be in order?

Also we don't really like users using very short category names like Category:WS. Have a look at WB:NP. - Aya T C 22:33, 11 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

  • Is not supposed to be a catalog, and not only about Open Source. For now it is like this because OS is what is intresting for me. ut someone else can come and write pages about Proprietary software or even not related to computers maybe. Also tips and links to web resources for programmers or for system administrators. It can contain anythink usefull for whoever want to contribute.
  • It is not good to call it catalog, list of, collection, database, etc because first of all there are already lists of on Wikipedia, and seccond, it means that everything is only a place to find mass-organised information that you still nead to process to find anything close to what you are searching for. A better way to call it should be solutions, guidance, guides, expert advice, advice, customised or special information. Some time people search for a very precise thing, and it is better to have a page that describes exactly what options he has for his very personalised and particular probem. It is about customisation, giving people exactly want to allow this.hat he is searching for and what are the posibilities for exactly what he is searching. This is why many pages are only about open source because this is what i am intrested in. Someone else whout also be intrested in proprietary software or anything else.
  • A better name its ok. Maybe Wikiguidance is a good one, or Wikiadvice.
  • The category WS is mostly used to include other categories and is supposed to contain a limited number of pages. About the other categories, for example, WS/S:Name they can be changed into Wikisolutions/Software:Name but this will make huge Categoty names and it is only for that reason i have used WS/S:Name.
  • A change of name and even more of how categories and pages are named, should be done by a script, because it is quite difficult to do it manualy. Also i think if the project should stay on Wikibooks. It is a little special for a book but i think Wikibooks is the best place to put it on wikimedia. Moa3333 15:56, 14 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

This sounds like a completely new project, and as such, we do not allow the use of Wikibooks to develop new projects, especially ones with goals as vague as "It can contain anythink usefull for whoever want to contribute." People might consider it "useful" to contribute hardcore pornography, but we really don't w roject is sufficiently different, they will grant you your own wiki on which to develop it. - Aya T C 16:37, 14 August 2005 (UTC)
See Wikibooks:About for details of our project's goals. See also: Wikibooks:Votes for deletion/Wikiversity for another example of a project that is in the process of being relocated. Note that Wikicities is a good place to start new projects, although they will only allow projects which are sufficiently dissimilar to ones they already host. This project you describle sounds somewhat similar to Wikianswers, but if you can convince the admins there that your project is sufficiently different, they will grant you your own wiki on which to develop it. - Aya T C 16:37, 14 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Ok, i agree the project should be relocated since this will alow better definitions of rules. I am not intrested "to contribute hardcore pornography" but if someone is intrested in this maybe it is better to have less restrictive rules to avoid one or more forks in the future.
Wikianswars is a good starting point, and it neads two rules: avoid to have two questions with the same answer(forks) and answers should be of two types: some that present the answer if it is simple and fully documented and unique. If the answer is not unique or simple then it should point to other web sites or wikis that try to give answers. In other words some answers cannot be given completly and should be redirected to more competent web sites. This type of answer is what wikisolutions was supposed to be.
I will think about how to make the relocation (even if i don't like google adds and would like to see wikianswers relocated to meta or a new mediawiki project). First only important rules should be kept, the other will be only sugestions on my personal page. Seccond, all depends on how people on wikianswers agree. If they do not agree to give complete answers or give external links if the answer is not unique then we nead two projects: one with simple "embeded" answers and the other with "links to external solutions/answers". (example: what are the free linux drivers for audio? must be a question that use external links and not try list the drivers inside the answer, witch is impossible to be complete and up to date)
Relocation will take time. I will say on the main page that the project is relocating and all contributions should be done to wikianswers, but it may take time untill the merge is done. It should be nice and good to keep the pages in wikibooks until then with no new contributions. Moa3333 21:48, 17 August 2005 (UTC)Reply
here is Wikianswers discussion page Moa3333 22:12, 17 August 2005 (UTC)Reply
Hello Moa3333. I've replied at Wikianswers, which I don't think is the best location for this content. If you want to discuss this, my talk page at meta (if you want to keep this in Wikimedia), or my talk page at Wikicities (if you want a wiki there), would be best since i check those more often than I check Wikibooks or Wikianswers. Angela
Project migration finished. New project is caled the HowTo project.

Status of Wikisolutions

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This is more of a followup. You had some discussions earlier with User:Aya about this project, and it is clear that the bulk of the project has been moved to Wikicities. I would like some confirmation on that, and to decide what to do with the content on Wikibooks. I could put this up for a VfD, but if you, the primary author for most of this content were to agree that it needs to be deleted, it will go. There is quite a bit of material there, and I just want to make sure you have everything you are looking for and want to copy out before it disappears. --Rob Horning 17:31, 5 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Usualy all the pages are in the ne WikiHowTo project on wikicities since September 2005 or so. They were also modified since then, so the pages here are now old. It is ok to delete all pages, excetping the main page with the redirect. Moa3333 21:32, 8 February 2006 (UTC)Reply