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LFO controls (Low Frequency Oscillator)

An LFO is used to modulate parameters such as amplitudes, frequencies or filters.

Controls[edit | edit source]

LFO controls, shape selection menu open

The main LFO controls are:

  • FREQ: frequency = LFO speed
  • DEPTH: LFO amplitude
  • START: start phase = position the LFO starts at
  • DELAY: delay between the note start and the LFO start
  • shape: envelope shape can be sine, triangle, square, ramp up, ramp down, exp1 down, exp2 down

Other controls:

  • STR: stretch = controls how much the LFO frequency changes according to the note's frequency
    • when negative, the LFO frequency is decreased on higher notes
    • when zero, the LFO frequency is the same on all notes
    • when positive, the LFO frequency is increased on higher notes
  • A.R.: amplitude randomness
  • F.R.: frequency randomness
  • SYNC: continuous mode = when on the LFO won't be reset on each new note but will synchronize