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Yet Another Haskell Tutorial/Type basics/Solutions

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Yet Another Haskell Tutorial
Getting Started
Language Basics (Solutions)
Type Basics (Solutions)
IO (Solutions)
Modules (Solutions)
Advanced Language (Solutions)
Advanced Types (Solutions)
Monads (Solutions)
Advanced IO

Simple Types

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  1. String or [Char]
  2. type error: lists are homogenous
  3. Num{a} => (a, Char)
  4. Int
  5. type error: cannot add values of different types

Polymorphic Types

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The types:

  1. (a,b) -> b
  2. [a] -> a
  3. [a] -> Bool
  4. [a] -> a
  5. [[a]] -> a

Type Classes

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Equality Testing

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The Num Class

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The Show Class

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Function Types

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Lambda Calculus

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Higher-Order Types

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That Pesky IO Type

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Explicit Type Declarations

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Functional Arguments

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The types:

  1. a -> [a]. This function takes an element and returns the list containing only that element.
  2. a -> b -> b -> (a,[b]). The second and third argument must be of the same type, since they go into the same list. The first element can be of any type.
  3. (Num a) => a -> a. Since we apply (+) to a, it must be an instance of Num.
  4. a -> String, or a -> [Char]. This ignores the first argument, so it can be any type.
  5. (Char -> a) -> a. In this expression, x must be a function which takes a Char as an argument. We don't know anything about what it produces, though, so we call it a.
  6. Type error. Here, we assume x has type a. But x is applied to itself, so it must have type b -> c. But then it must have type (b -> c) -> c, but then it must have type ((b -> c) -> c) -> c and so on, leading to an infinite type.
  7. (Num a) => a -> a. Again, since we apply (+), this must be an instance of Num.

Data Types

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The definitions will be something like:

data Triple a b c = Triple a b c

tripleFst (Triple x y z) = x
tripleSnd (Triple x y z) = y
tripleThr (Triple x y z) = z

The code, with type signatures, is:

data Quadruple a b = Quadruple a a b b

firstTwo :: Quadruple a b -> [a]
firstTwo (Quadruple x y z t) = [x,y]

lastTwo :: Quadruple a b -> [b]
lastTwo (Quadruple x y z t) = [z,t]

We note here that there are only two type variables, a and b associated with Quadruple.

Multiple Constructors

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The code:

data Tuple a b c d = One a
                     | Two a b
                     | Three a b c
                     | Four a b c d

tuple1 (One   a      ) = Just a
tuple1 (Two   a b    ) = Just a
tuple1 (Three a b c  ) = Just a
tuple1 (Four  a b c d) = Just a

tuple2 (One   a      ) = Nothing
tuple2 (Two   a b    ) = Just b
tuple2 (Three a b c  ) = Just b
tuple2 (Four  a b c d) = Just b

tuple3 (One   a      ) = Nothing
tuple3 (Two   a b    ) = Nothing
tuple3 (Three a b c  ) = Just c
tuple3 (Four  a b c d) = Just c

tuple4 (One   a      ) = Nothing
tuple4 (Two   a b    ) = Nothing
tuple4 (Three a b c  ) = Nothing
tuple4 (Four  a b c d) = Just d

The code:

fromTuple :: Tuple a b c d -> Either (Either a (a,b)) (Either (a,b,c) (a,b,c,d))
fromTuple (One   a      ) = Left  (Left  a        )
fromTuple (Two   a b    ) = Left  (Right (a,b)    )
fromTuple (Three a b c  ) = Right (Left  (a,b,c)  )
fromTuple (Four  a b c d) = Right (Right (a,b,c,d))

Here, we use embedded Eithers to represent the fact that there are four (instead of two) options.

Recursive Datatypes

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The code:

listHead (Cons x xs) = x
listTail (Cons x xs) = xs

listFoldl f y Nil = y
listFoldl f y (Cons x xs) = listFoldl f (f y x) xs

listFoldr f y Nil = y
listFoldr f y (Cons x xs) = f x (listFoldr f y xs)

Binary Trees

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The code:

elements (Leaf x) = [x]
elements (Branch lhs x rhs) =
  elements lhs ++ [x] ++ elements rhs

The code:

treeFoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BinaryTree a -> b
treeFoldr f i (Leaf x) = f x i
treeFoldr f i (Branch left x right) = treeFoldr f (f x (treeFoldr f i right)) left

elements2 = treeFoldr (:) []


elements2 tree = treeFoldr (\a b -> a:b) [] tree

The first elements2 is simply a more compact version of the second.

The code:

treeFoldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> BinaryTree b -> a
treeFoldl f i (Leaf x) = f i x
treeFoldl f i (Branch left x right) = treeFoldl f (f (treeFoldl f i left) x) right

elements3 t = treeFoldl (\i a -> i ++ [a]) [] t

Enumerated Sets

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The Unit type

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Continuation Passing Style

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It mimicks neither exactly. Its behavior most closely resembles foldr, but differs slightly in its treatment of the initial value. We can observe the difference in an interpreter:


CPS> foldr (-) 0 [1,2,3]
CPS> foldl (-) 0 [1,2,3]
CPS> fold  (-) 0 [1,2,3]

Clearly it behaves differently. By writing down the derivations of fold and foldr we can see exactly where they diverge:

     foldr (-) 0 [1,2,3]
==>  1 - foldr (-) 0 [2,3]
==>  ...
==>  1 - (2 - (3 - foldr (-) 0 []))
==>  1 - (2 - (3 - 0))
==>  2

     fold  (-) 0 [1,2,3]
==>  fold' (-) (\y -> 0 - y) [1,2,3]
==>  0 - fold' (-) (\y -> 1 - y) [2,3]
==>  0 - (1 - fold' (-) (\y -> 2 - y) [3])
==>  0 - (1 - (2 - 3))
==>  -2

Essentially, the primary difference is that in the foldr case, the "initial value" is used at the end (replacing []), whereas in the CPS case, the initial value is used at the beginning.

The function map in CPS:

map' :: (a -> [b] -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f [] = []
map' f (x:xs) = f x  (map' f xs)

map2 :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map2 f l = map' (\x y -> f x : y) l

Point elimination:

map2 f = map' (\x y -> (:) (f x) y)
map2 f = map' (\x -> (:) (f x))
map2 f = map' (\x -> ((:) . f) x)
map2 f = map' ((:) . f)

The function filter in CPS: (needs to be double checked)

filter' :: (a -> [b] -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
filter' f [] = []
filter' f (x:xs) = f x  (filter' f xs)

filter2 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter2 f l = filter' (\x y -> if (f x) then x:y else y) l