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Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Horn of Africa (Ethiopian and Eritrean, Somali, Djiboutian)

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The Horn of Africa, generally consists of four countries of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, including the national identities known as Ethiopians, Eritreans, Somalis of Somalia, and Djibutians respectively, their diaspora communities, as well as a diverse array of several inter-related ethnicities several of which can be found in multiple countries throughout the region. Most Horn African languages are part of the Afro-Asiatic language family or the Nilo-Saharan language family.

Names in the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, and their respective diasporas) although diverse, do have overlaps between multiple countries and ethnic groups within the region. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are also prominent religions within the Horn African community. These cultural and religious currents have an impact on influences brought to the names used in these communities.

Ethiopian and Eritrean

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Naming Conventions in the Ethiopian and Eritrean Community

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Usage note

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The naming convention used the Ethiopian and Eritrean Communit(ies) or also known as the Habesha Community does not have family names and typically consists of an individual personal name and a separate patronymic. Traditionally for Ethiopians and Eritreans the lineage is traced paternally; legislation has been passed in Eritrea that allows for this to be done on the maternal side as well. [For the naming conventions and more expansive list of Ethiopian and Eritrean Names, see Naming conventions in Ethiopia and Eritrea].

In this convention, children are given a name at birth, by which name they will be known.[1] To differentiate from others in the same generation with the same name, their father's first name and sometimes grandfather's first name is added. This may continue ad infinitum.[2] Outside Ethiopia, this is often mistaken for a surname or middle name but unlike European names, different generations do not have the same second or third names.[3]

In marriage, unlike in some Western societies, women do not change their maiden name, as the second name is not a surname. Ethiopian and Eritrean women keep their original surnames after marriage.

Origins of Names

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Ethiopian and Eritrean names come from a variety of sources and reflects the Ethiopian and Eritrean (or Habesha) community's the cultural, religious, ethnic, and geographic diversity.

From Cultural Communities
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The Ethiopian and Eritrean Communities (in semi-formal settings collectively known by the pan-ethnic and multi-national cultural identity "Habesha," Habesha Community, or Habesha peoples) are native to the Horn of Africa region of East Africa. They consist of several closely linked ethnic groups in Ethiopia and Eritrea, and subsequent hyphenated ethnicity communities in their diaspora around the world. The Habesha Community is made up of two main national identities or national origins, they are the Ethiopians and Eritreans (including their descendants in the diaspora) which are identified with the countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea. These national identities and/or national origins can be further sub-divided into several ethnic groups (different groups and institutions give differing numbers of the number and names of ethnicities folk or social definitions differing from those officially recognized by respective governments as legally defined in their respective constitutions or other laws, but most estimate that there are around 80 to 89 ethnic groups that compromise the community), here is a list of several (pre-diaspora) ethnic groups:

Pre-Diaspora Ethnic Groups: Aari, Afar, Agaw-Awi, Agaw-Hamyra, Alaba, Amhara, Anuak, Arbore, Argobba, Bacha, Basketo, Bena, Bench, Berta, Bodi, Brayle, Burji, Chara, Daasanach, Dawro, Debase/Gawwada, Dime, Dirashe, Dizi, Donga, Fedashe, Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews) - including Felasah Mura, Gamo, Gebato, Gedeo, Gedicho, Gidole, Goffa (Gofa People), Gumuz, Gurage, Hadiya, Hamar, Harari, Irob, Jeberi, Kafficho, Kambaata, Karo, Komo, Konso, Konta, Koore, Koyego, Kunama, Kusumie, Kwegu, Majangir, Male, Mao, Mareqo, Mashola, Me’en, Mere people, Messengo, Mossiye, Murle, Mursi, Nao, Nuer, Nyangatom, Oromo, Oyda, Qebena, Qechem, Qewama, She, Shekecho, Xamta, Qemant , Sheko, Shinasha, Shita/Upo, Sidama, Silt’e, Tigurats, Somali , Surma, Tembaro, Tigrayans (Tigray/Tegaru), Tsamai, Welayta, Werji, Zelmam (Baale), Zeyese, Tigrinya, Tigre, Saho, Bilen, Nara, Yem, … [and others that may have not been mentioned].

For additional Somali-specific names see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Somali. For additional Afar and Somali names see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Djiboutian. For additional Ethiopian Jewish (Beta Israel) names - a Jewish diaspora community of the Sub-Saharan African Horn of Africa region, see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Jewish#Ethiopian Jewish names.

These ethnic groups can be re-grouped again into national identities/national origins fused or combined with the demonym of a country of citizenship-nationality, another national identity, or in some cases country of residency or country of upbringing[4] which their diaspora communities and descendants abroad/overseas have adopted to make several hyphenated ethnicities. Most of these major hyphenated ethnicities are but not limited to:

Post-Diaspora Hyphenated Ethnicities: Ethiopian Australians, Ethiopian Canadians, Ethiopian Jews in Israel, Ethiopians in the United Kingdom, Ethiopian Americans, Ethiopians in Denmark, Ethiopians in Germany, Ethiopians in Norway, Ethiopians in Sweden, Eritrean Americans, Eritrean Canadians, Eritreans in Denmark, Eritreans in Norway, Eritreans in Sweden, Eritreans in the United Kingdom, … [and others that may have not been mentioned].

These instances of adopting cultural practices from the countries they reside, grew up in, or adopted as their home, can also (partially) influence names and naming customs of those in the diaspora.

Individuals within these national identities, national origins, ethnicities, hyphenated ethnicities, and pan-ethnicities, can be grouped into several legally defined nationalities through citizenship recognized under international law.[5]

From Religious Communities
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The Habesha Community (the Ethiopian and Eritrean communities) adhere to three major religions that have had a historical presence in the region and society, these religions are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Historically most are Eastern Christianity Christians of the Oriental Orthodox variety with origins in the state Orthodox Tewahedo Church of the Ethiopian Empire, the predecessor body of what would later become the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo churches, but the population also has a number of adherents of other denominations of Christianity like those among the P'ent'ay / Ethiopian-Eritrean Evangelical churches (mostly made up of Pentecostalism, the Baptist tradition, Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, the Mennonite tradition), and those that adhere to Catholicism (specifically those in the Ethiopian Catholic Church and Eritrean Catholic Church)[6][7], collectively known as Christianity in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Within the Ethiopian and Eritrean Communities a large minority of Muslims (who are mostly Sunni)[8] and a small but historically and relatively influential minority of Jews (who mostly follow Haymanot Judaism) are also present[9] Due to these religions being present in this community and close religious, linguistic, and cultural proximity to other communities, especially proximity to other that also speak Afro-Asiatic and Nilo-Saharan languages, and/or follow Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, cognates and influence from languages like Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Arabic have influenced several names, although having gone through changes diverging from the original sources and becoming indigenized.[10]

List of Ethiopian and Eritrean Names

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Girls' names

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  • Abeba
  • Abebech
  • Abeho
  • Aberash
  • Abrihet
  • Adanech
  • Adina
  • Adiyam
  • Adiymon
  • Ageritu
  • Ainalem
  • Akilework
  • Alam
  • Alem
  • Aleminesh
  • Alemitu
  • Alemnesh
  • Alemzewd
  • Alitash
  • Almaz
  • Ambai
  • Amhara
  • Amina
  • Aminat
  • Anisa
  • Asrat
  • Astede
  • Aster
  • Ayana
  • Azmera
  • Bedria
  • Belkis
  • Berhan
  • Berhane
  • Berta
  • Bergena
  • Bilen
  • Birtukan
  • Bisin
  • Baati
  • Brutukan
  • Buzayue
  • Chara
  • China
  • Debas
  • Debre
  • Debtera
  • Dengel
  • Derartu
  • Desse
  • Desta
  • Dilla
  • Enkutatash
  • Eskadar
  • Etenesh
  • Etetu
  • Falasha
  • Falashina
  • Fana
  • Fannah
  • Fatima
  • Fatuma
  • Fereweini
  • Firehywet
  • Genat
  • Genet
  • Gete
  • Goai
  • Guanch
  • Gu’ay
  • Habesha
  • Hadas
  • Haimanot
  • Hiwot
  • Kayla
  • Keren
  • Kess
  • Kifle
  • Kirsay
  • Legessie
  • Lemlem
  • Letay
  • Lishan
  • Lonam
  • Magdala
  • Maharene
  • Makda
  • Makeda
  • Mamit
  • Mandera
  • Meaza
  • Medhin
  • Melesse
  • Menen
  • Merkeb
  • Meskerum
  • Misrak
  • Mulu
  • Nabata
  • Nyala
  • Ozora
  • Qwala
  • Retta
  • Seble
  • Seble Wengel
  • Selam
  • Selamawit
  • Selassie
  • Selome
  • Semainesh
  • Semen
  • Semhar
  • Senaiet
  • Senait
  • Serkalem
  • Sesen
  • Shemsia
  • Shinasha
  • Sindu
  • Sisay
  • Taitu
  • Teberih
  • Tebrih
  • Teru
  • Tesfanish
  • Tieba
  • Tiebe
  • Tigist
  • Tiruwork
  • Totit
  • Tsaye
  • Tsegaberhan
  • Tsehay
  • Tsehayinesh
  • Wagaye
  • Walasma
  • Worq
  • Wub
  • Yalem
  • Yeshi
  • Yordanos
  • Zahabu
  • Zala
  • Zaudida
  • Zawditu
  • Zemzem
  • Zena
  • Zenet
  • Zenit

Boys' names

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  • Abadi
  • Abdul
  • Abebe
  • Abera
  • Abraha
  • Abraham
  • Adane
  • Addis
  • Aemro
  • Afeworq
  • Ahmed
  • Aklilu
  • Alebachew
  • Alemayehu
  • Ali
  • Amanuel
  • Amare
  • Amir
  • Araya
  • Asmelash
  • Assefa
  • Aweke
  • Ayalew
  • Azmera
  • Bekele
  • Belay
  • Berhane
  • Berhanu
  • Berhe
  • Berihun
  • Beyene
  • Bilal
  • Dawit
  • Dereje
  • Desalegn
  • Desta
  • Eshete
  • Eshetu
  • Estifanos
  • Ezana
  • Fasiledas
  • Ferid
  • Fikadu
  • Fethee
  • Fisseha
  • Gebreal
  • Gebre
  • Gebru
  • Giorgis
  • Getachew
  • Giday
  • Girmay
  • Girmachew
  • Goitom
  • Gondar
  • Habtamu
  • Habtom
  • Hagos
  • Haile
  • Hailesilassie
  • Hakim
  • Halefom
  • Hamdail
  • Hamza
  • Hashim
  • Hussein
  • Ibrahim
  • Iskinder
  • Ismael
  • Iyassu
  • Jemal
  • Jefar
  • Jima
  • Jugurtha
  • Kafa
  • Kahsay
  • Kaleb
  • Kaleab
  • Kaliti
  • Kasahun
  • Kasim
  • Kedaref
  • Kelile
  • Khalid
  • Kidan
  • Kidane
  • Kifle
  • Kinfe
  • Kiros
  • Lema
  • Lemma
  • Majid
  • Mamo
  • Measho
  • Menesh
  • Mebrahtu
  • Mehari
  • Mekonnen
  • Melaku
  • Meles
  • Melesse
  • Mengesha
  • Merille
  • Mesfin
  • Miruts
  • Mohammed
  • Mulugeta
  • Mustafa
  • Nazaret
  • Nebil
  • Negash
  • Negasi
  • Negus
  • Nigussie
  • Olivea
  • Omer
  • Ogbay
  • Rahad
  • Ras
  • Retta
  • Salsawi
  • Sarsa
  • Sarsa Dengel
  • Sebsibe
  • Selam
  • Selassie
  • Selemun
  • Semere
  • Seyoum
  • Silassie
  • Sisay
  • Taddese
  • Tamirat
  • Tariky
  • Taye
  • Tedros
  • Teferi
  • Tegene
  • Tegeni
  • Teka
  • Teklay
  • Tekle
  • Teklit
  • Teklu
  • Temesgen
  • Teruworq
  • Tesfa
  • Tesfay
  • Tesfaye
  • Tesfayo
  • Tessema
  • Tewelde
  • Tewodros
  • Tolosa
  • Tsadiq
  • Tsegay
  • Tsegaye
  • Tsehaye
  • Walid
  • Wolday
  • Wolde
  • Woldu
  • Workayehu
  • Worke
  • Yazid
  • Yemane
  • Yohannes
  • Youssef
  • Yusuf
  • Zegeye
  • Zemichael
  • Zerabruk
  • Zere

Miscellaneous Names

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This list has a mix of male and female names that have not been sorted out into Girl's names and Boy's names.

  • Aaron
  • Ababa
  • Abadi
  • Abadir
  • Abai
  • Abale Kristos
  • Aballa
  • Abate
  • Abate / Abatte
  • Abay
  • Abaynesh
  • Abbahanna / Abba Hanna / Abba-Hanna
  • Abbai
  • Abdeletif
  • Abdella
  • Abdelrehim
  • Abderhim
  • Abdi
  • Abdii
  • Abdisa
  • Abdu
  • Abdu-Ahmed / Abdu Ahmed / Abduahmed
  • Abdul
  • Abdulahi
  • Abdulkadir
  • Abdus
  • Abdusettar / Abdu Settar / Abdu-Settar
  • Abdülahet
  • Abe
  • Abeba
  • Abebawerk
  • Abebe
  • Abebech
  • Abeda
  • Abede
  • Abeho
  • Abel
  • Abena
  • Abenezer
  • Abera
  • Aberash
  • Aberra
  • Abeylegesse
  • Abez / Abaz
  • Abibeker
  • Abigail
  • Abiy / Abiyi
  • Abiye
  • Abiyot
  • Abneh / Aabinee
  • Abraha
  • Abraham
  • Abrar
  • Abreha
  • Abrehit
  • Abrihet
  • Absalesh
  • Abtau
  • Abu Rumi / Aburumi / Abu-Rumi
  • Abunawas / Abu Nawas / Abu-Nawas
  • Acar
  • Achamyalesh
  • Achan
  • Achok
  • Adam
  • Adamso
  • Adamu
  • Adane
  • Adanech
  • Adbalha
  • Addis
  • Adela
  • Adem
  • Adey
  • Adgeh
  • Adhana
  • Adhanom
  • Adiam
  • Adina
  • Adino
  • Adisu
  • Adiyam
  • Adiymon
  • Admassu
  • Admasu
  • Adonai
  • Adugna
  • Adurat
  • Aemero Selase / Aemero-Selase / Aemeroselase
  • Aemro
  • Afawarq
  • Aferworki
  • Afessa
  • Afewerk
  • Afewerki
  • Afework
  • Afeworq
  • Afrassa
  • Aga
  • Agenga
  • Agenyahu
  • Ageritu
  • Ageze
  • Agonafer
  • Ahadu
  • Aharoni
  • Ahderom
  • Ahmed
  • Aida
  • Aiden
  • Aimu
  • Ainalem
  • Airmiess
  • Ajulo
  • Ajulu
  • Akilework
  • Akitoy
  • Aklilu
  • Aklum
  • Akrosia Wondwossen / Akrosia-Wondwossen
  • Akuchchwach
  • Akwai
  • Akway
  • Akwur
  • Alali
  • Alam
  • Alami
  • Alamin
  • Alamo
  • Alamrew
  • Alazar
  • Aldade
  • Alebachew
  • Alem
  • Alemayehu
  • Alemewerk
  • Aleminesh
  • Alemitu
  • Alemnesh
  • Alemseged
  • Alemu
  • Alemzewd
  • Alene
  • Alexander
  • Algani
  • Ali
  • Alimayu
  • Alitash
  • Almaz
  • Almeda
  • Almensh
  • Amakelech
  • Aman
  • Amanuel
  • Amara
  • Amare
  • Ambai
  • Ambessa
  • Ambo
  • Amde Amlak / Amde-Amlak / Amdeamlak
  • Amede
  • Amegag
  • Amha Selassie / Amhaselassie
  • Amhara
  • Amin
  • Amina
  • Aminat
  • Amino
  • Aminé
  • Amir
  • Amit
  • Amlakawit
  • Amleset
  • Amran
  • Amsal
  • Amsale
  • Amsallu
  • Amsalu
  • Amwong
  • Anaiah
  • Anastasia
  • Anbessa
  • Andargachew
  • Andemariam
  • Andersen
  • Andom
  • Andreas
  • Andualem
  • Angagaw
  • Anna
  • Annan
  • Araara
  • Araarsa
  • Araarso
  • Arage
  • Aragie
  • Araia
  • Araya
  • Araya / Araia
  • Arega
  • Aregawi
  • Aregay
  • Argaw
  • Ariam
  • Arianna
  • Ariet
  • Arif
  • Arkebe
  • Armana
  • Armani
  • Arro
  • Arsema
  • Asaf
  • Asarsi
  • Asas
  • Asefa
  • Asefaw
  • Asenat
  • Asfaw
  • Asfiha
  • Asgahegn
  • Asgedom
  • Asghedom
  • Asha
  • Ashenafi
  • Asher
  • Askar
  • Aslanian / Aslanyan
  • Asmara / Asmera
  • Asmare
  • Asmelash
  • Asmeret
  • Asmerom
  • Asnaketch
  • Asrat
  • Asresse
  • Assefa
  • Astatke / Astatqé
  • Astede
  • Aster
  • Astier
  • Atrasu
  • Atsede
  • Atta
  • Aunoon
  • Avera
  • Avi
  • Avigayil
  • Avraham
  • Awak
  • Awash
  • Awate
  • Aweke
  • Awel
  • Awet
  • Axmed / Ahmed
  • Ay
  • Ayala
  • Ayalew
  • Ayana
  • Ayanawo
  • Ayantu
  • Aychesh
  • Ayele
  • Ayelew
  • Aykabadane
  • Aynaw
  • Ayuub
  • Azariya
  • Azazet
  • Azie
  • Azmera
  • Baalu
  • Baati
  • Badessa
  • Badesso
  • Baeza
  • Bahaina
  • Bahere Selase / Bahere-Selase / Bahereselase
  • Bahreshum
  • Bahrey
  • Bahta
  • Bairu
  • Bakaye
  • Bakkalcha
  • Balcha
  • Balla
  • Bamlak
  • Banchi Amlak / Banchi-Amlak / Banchiamlak
  • Bangey
  • Bareentuma
  • Bareentumo
  • Barihun
  • Baro
  • Barole
  • Baruch
  • Barule
  • Baseleyos / Basileus
  • Basha
  • Bashir
  • Batha
  • Bayesa
  • Bayisa
  • Bayissa
  • Baykedagn
  • Baykädañ
  • Beca
  • Bedaane
  • Bedalu
  • Bedaso
  • Bedelwa
  • Bedria
  • Beekan
  • Befikadu
  • Begosew
  • Behati
  • Bekalu
  • Bekarya
  • Bekele
  • Belachew
  • Belay
  • Belayneh
  • Belaynesh
  • Belendia
  • Belete
  • Belkis
  • Bella
  • Benadam
  • Benti
  • Bequele
  • Beraki
  • Berehe
  • Bereket
  • Berhan
  • Berhane
  • Berhanu
  • Berhe
  • Berihun
  • Berknesh
  • Berta
  • Beru
  • Beruk
  • Betel
  • Betelhem
  • Betelihem / Bethlehem
  • Bethe-Selassie
  • Betul
  • Bewketu
  • Beyene
  • Beza
  • Bezunesh
  • Bikila
  • Bilal
  • Bilate
  • Bilen
  • Billisaa
  • Bimro
  • Biniam
  • Birhane
  • Birhanu
  • Birikti
  • Birra
  • Birtukan
  • Biru
  • Biruk
  • Bisin
  • Bisrat
  • Bisrat Tesfaye
  • Biteweded
  • Bitik
  • Bogale
  • Boghos
  • Boghossian
  • Bohaarsa
  • Bokretzion / Bokrezion / Bokretsion / Bekuretsion
  • Bonsamo
  • Bontu
  • Boonsaa
  • Borglund
  • Boru
  • Boshe
  • Briyana
  • Brouk
  • Brutukan
  • Bukair
  • Bulcha
  • Buta
  • Butros
  • Buzayue
  • Bèyènè / Beyene
  • Cabdullahi / Abdullahi
  • Can
  • Carlsson
  • Caveda
  • Chakiso
  • Chala
  • Cham
  • Chame
  • Chara
  • Checkol
  • Chelota
  • Cherenet
  • Chernet
  • Chibi
  • Chibsa
  • Chifa
  • Chilot
  • China
  • Christian
  • Daanyeel
  • Daba
  • Dagmawi
  • Dagne
  • Dahlak
  • Damene
  • Damte
  • Daniachew
  • Daniat
  • Daniel
  • Daniel / Daniael / Daniyel
  • Dansa
  • Daoud
  • Dawit
  • Debas
  • Debbora
  • Debebe
  • Debele
  • Debelo
  • Debesai
  • Debesay
  • Deborah
  • Debre
  • Debtera
  • Defar
  • Degaga
  • Dege
  • Dego
  • Dehab
  • Dejene
  • Dejenie
  • Delecha
  • Dellina
  • Deltour
  • Demeke
  • Demeksa
  • Demelew
  • Demisse
  • Demissie
  • Demma
  • Demoz
  • Dengel
  • Denkenesh
  • Deno
  • Derartu
  • Derebe
  • Dereje
  • Deremo
  • Deres
  • Desalegn
  • Desha
  • Dessalegn
  • Desse
  • Dessie
  • Desta
  • Dhoodaan
  • Dibaba / Dibaabaa
  • Diejomaoh
  • Dil Naod
  • Dilla
  • Dimma
  • Dinaw
  • Dinka
  • Doyo
  • Duecha
  • Duga
  • Dula
  • Dulech
  • Duotdol
  • Duwal
  • Ebenezer
  • Ebrahim
  • Eddel
  • Eden
  • Edna
  • Eebbisan
  • Egassi
  • Ejegayehu
  • Ejeta
  • Ejigayehu
  • Ejigu
  • El-roi
  • El-Shadie / El Shaddai / Elshadie / Elshaday
  • Elazar
  • Eldad
  • Eldad ha-Dani
  • Eldana
  • Eleazar
  • Elen
  • Eleni
  • Elias
  • Elizabeti
  • Ella
  • Elroy
  • Elsa
  • Elsabet
  • Elvan
  • Emilia
  • Emiya
  • Emlaelu
  • Emnet
  • Endale
  • Endalew
  • Endelkachew
  • Enku
  • Enkutatash
  • Enyew
  • Ephraim
  • Ephrath
  • Ephrem / Efrem
  • Erena
  • Ermias
  • Eseye
  • Eshe
  • Eshete
  • Eshete / Eshèté
  • Eshetu
  • Eskadar
  • Eskinder
  • Esteer
  • Esti
  • Estifanos
  • Etalemahu
  • Etenesh
  • Etetu
  • Etiyé
  • Ewostatewos
  • Eyasu
  • Eyasu / Iyasu
  • Eyerusalem
  • Eyob
  • Ezana
  • Ezra / Isra
  • Faeven
  • Faizah
  • Fakir
  • Falasha
  • Falashina
  • Fana
  • Fannah
  • Fanta
  • Fantahun
  • Fantaw
  • Fareda
  • Fasika
  • Fasil
  • Fasiledas
  • Fatima
  • Fatuma
  • Faven
  • Faytinga
  • Fayyisaa
  • Feder
  • Fejles
  • Fekadeamlak / Fekade Amlak / Fekade-Amlak
  • Fekadu
  • Fekre Kristos / Fekrekristos / Fekre-Kristos
  • Feleke
  • Felleke
  • Fentaw
  • Fereweini
  • Ferid
  • Fershgenet
  • Fesehazion
  • Fesshaye
  • Fethee
  • Feven
  • Fewesi
  • Fida / Fidaa
  • Fikado
  • Fikadu
  • Fikre Selassie / Fikreselassie / FikreSelassie / Fikre-Selassie
  • Filemon
  • Filipos
  • Filmon
  • Finan
  • Firehywet
  • Firomsaa
  • Fishaye
  • Fisseha
  • Fitsum
  • Fiyori
  • Fjäll / Fjall / Fyall
  • Fnan
  • Forsgrén / Forsgren
  • Forsido
  • Fredo
  • Freselam
  • Freweini
  • Gabra Iyasus / GabraIyasus / Gabra-Iyasus / Gabraiyasus
  • Gabramanfasqeddus / Gabra Manfas Qeddus / Gabra Manfas-Qeddus / Gabra Manfasqeddus / Gabra-Manfasqeddus
  • Gabre
  • Gabre-Madhin
  • Gabresilassie
  • Gabriella
  • Gaday
  • Gaday-Agenyahu
  • Gadi
  • Gadisa
  • Gadise
  • Galataa
  • Galsha
  • Gameda
  • Ganno
  • Ganya
  • Garay
  • Garedew
  • Garo
  • Gashaw
  • Gatch
  • Gayid
  • Gebeyehu
  • Gebil
  • Gebire’liwa / Gebre’elwa
  • Gebisa
  • Gebre
  • Gebre Adhana / Gebre-Adhana / Gebreadhana
  • Gebre Egziabher / Gebreegziabher / Gebre-Egziabher / Guèbrè-Egziabhér
  • Gebre Hanna / GebreHanna / Gebre-Hanna / Gebrehanna
  • Gebre Kidan / GebreKidan / Gebre-Kidan / Gebrekidan
  • Gebre Kristos
  • Gebre-Medhin / GebreMedhin / Gebremedhin
  • Gebre-Sellassie / Gebrselassie
  • Gebreab
  • Gebreal
  • Gebregeorgis / Gebre-Georgis
  • Gebrehiwot
  • Gebremariam
  • Gebremarkos
  • Gebremedhin
  • Gebremeskel
  • Gebrethel
  • Gebretsadik
  • Gebrewahd
  • Gebru
  • Gedle
  • Gedlu
  • Gelalcha
  • Geleta
  • Geletu
  • Gelila
  • Gemaneh / Gämanäh
  • Gemechu
  • Genat
  • Genet
  • Genzebe
  • Geremew
  • Gerezgiher
  • Gerima
  • Germamo
  • Germano
  • Gessesew
  • Gessesse
  • Getachew
  • Getahun
  • Getaneh
  • Getatchew
  • Gete
  • Getinet
  • Gezahegn
  • Gezahegne
  • Ghebrehiwet
  • Ghebreslassie
  • Ghelatia
  • Ghermandi
  • Ghirmai
  • Ghirmay
  • Giday
  • Gidey
  • Gifti
  • Gilamicael
  • Gildo
  • Giorgis
  • Girma
  • Girma-Melaku / Girmamelaku
  • Girma-Melaku / GirmaMelaku /Girmamelaku
  • Girmachew
  • Girmay
  • Giyorgis
  • Giyorgis / Georgis
  • Gizaw
  • Glatzel
  • Goai
  • Gobena
  • Goite
  • Goitom
  • Golgol
  • Gondar
  • Gonfe
  • Gora
  • Gorgorios
  • Grebemichael
  • Guadie
  • Gualu
  • Guanch
  • Gubegna
  • Guddataa
  • Gudeta
  • Gudina
  • Gulantaa
  • Guracha
  • Guur
  • Guèbrou / Guebrou
  • Gu’ay
  • Gäbre-Heywät
  • Ha-Dani
  • Habash
  • Haben
  • Habesha
  • Habib
  • Habiba
  • Habibi
  • Habtamu
  • Habte
  • Habte Wold / Habte-Wold Habtewold
  • Habtemariam
  • Habteslus
  • Habtezghi
  • Habtezion
  • Habtom
  • Hachalu / Haacaaluu
  • Hache
  • Hadane
  • Hadas
  • Haddis
  • Haddish
  • Hadera
  • Hadigu
  • Hadinet
  • Hadish
  • Hadra
  • Hagit
  • Hagos
  • Haile
  • Haile / Haaylee
  • Haile Selassie / Haileselassie
  • Hailemariam
  • Hailemariam / Haile Mariam / Haile-Mariam
  • Hailesilassie
  • Hailu
  • Haimanot
  • Haisam
  • Hakim
  • Halefom
  • Halifom
  • Hamdail
  • Hamid
  • Hamilee
  • Hamiltan
  • Hamza
  • Hananiah
  • Hanna
  • Hannah
  • Haregewoin
  • Haregot
  • Harka
  • Haroyu
  • Hashim
  • Hasse
  • Hassen
  • Haya
  • Haydar
  • Hayle
  • Heldana
  • Helen
  • Helina
  • Henok
  • Herani
  • Hermela
  • Hermon
  • Hersi
  • Heruy
  • Heilander / Hylander
  • Het
  • Hewan
  • Hiba
  • Hika
  • Himid
  • Hirba
  • Hiru
  • Hiruth
  • Hitbarek
  • Hiwot
  • Hiyab
  • Hizkias
  • Hoosheeca
  • Huka
  • Hundessa / Hundeessaa
  • Huruse
  • Hussein
  • Hussen
  • Hyiab
  • Ibrahim
  • Ibrahimov
  • Ibsaa
  • Idris
  • Ifa
  • Ilfenesh
  • Iman
  • Imani
  • Imarisha
  • Imaye
  • Imiru
  • Imru
  • Ingedashet
  • Irit
  • Isaac
  • Isaak
  • Isaias
  • Isak
  • Iskinder
  • Ismael
  • Isq
  • Israel
  • Israela
  • Issachar
  • Itzhak
  • Iyassu
  • Iyasu
  • Iyoas / Joas
  • Jabir
  • Jalatan
  • Jama
  • Jamal / Jamāl
  • James
  • Jamila
  • Jared
  • Jefar
  • Jemal
  • Jenbere
  • Jifar
  • Jima
  • Jinfessa
  • Jiraanne
  • Jiregna
  • John
  • Jugurtha
  • Jula
  • Kaerrod
  • Kafa
  • Kahinu
  • Kahsay
  • Kaifa
  • Kaleab
  • Kaleb
  • Kaliti
  • Kalkidan
  • Kamali
  • Kasahun
  • Kasim
  • Kassa
  • Kassahun
  • Kassai
  • Kassaye
  • Kasseem
  • Katarina
  • Kayla
  • Kebebew
  • Kebede
  • Kebere
  • Kebire
  • Kebre Werk / Kebre-Werk / Kebrewerk
  • Kebret
  • Kebron
  • Kedaref
  • Kedijah
  • Kedir
  • Kedist
  • Kefle
  • Keflezighi
  • Kehshin
  • Kekya
  • Kelati
  • Kelela
  • Kelemu
  • Kelile
  • Kenaw
  • Keneni / Qananii
  • Kenenisa
  • Kenna / Kena
  • Keren
  • Keshi
  • Kess
  • Ketema
  • Kevork
  • Kfir
  • Khalid
  • Kia / Kiya
  • Kiar
  • Kibebe
  • Kibret
  • Kibruyisfa
  • Kidan
  • Kidane
  • Kidanemariam
  • Kidist
  • Kidisti
  • Kiflay
  • Kifle
  • Kiflu
  • Kinda
  • Kinfe
  • Kiros
  • Kirsay
  • Kisabaka
  • Kitaw
  • Kiwi
  • Kiyyaa
  • Kokeb
  • Koket
  • Kolfe
  • Konjit
  • Konjo
  • Kristian
  • Kristossamra / Kristos-Samra / Kristos Samra
  • Kudus
  • Kuku
  • Kulang
  • Kurang
  • Kurke
  • Kutre
  • Kuyu
  • Kuzgun
  • Kwer
  • Kwot
  • Labe
  • Labuko
  • Lakew
  • Lale
  • Lave
  • Layne
  • Leah
  • Ledj
  • Leellisaa
  • Leenca
  • Legesse
  • Legessie
  • Lekem
  • Lelt
  • Lema
  • Lemawork
  • Lemlem
  • Lemma
  • Lemu
  • Lena
  • Lencho
  • Lerro
  • Letay
  • Leul
  • Leyla
  • Lia
  • Lianda
  • Liben
  • Libena
  • Libri
  • Lidetu
  • Lidya
  • Likanos
  • Likasa
  • Likké
  • Likké / Likke
  • Lima
  • Lina
  • Lishan
  • Liya
  • Lola
  • Lonam
  • Lucas
  • Luciano
  • Lula
  • Lulet
  • Luukos
  • Luwam
  • Lydia
  • Lyla
  • Maaza
  • Macallin / Moalin
  • Madihah
  • Magabi
  • Magariisa
  • Magdala
  • Maharene
  • Mahder
  • Maher
  • Mahlet
  • Mahmoud
  • Mahoy
  • Mahrem
  • Majid
  • Makari
  • Makda
  • Makeda
  • Makonnen / Mekonnen / Makkonen
  • Makura
  • Malaakii
  • Malada-Mitzri
  • Malakou
  • Mamechae
  • Mamit
  • Mammo
  • Mamo
  • Mamush
  • Manamto
  • Mandera
  • Mandre
  • Mara
  • Marcos
  • Marcus
  • Marew
  • Maria
  • Mariam
  • Marika
  • Mario
  • Markeng
  • Markos
  • Marqos
  • Marta
  • Martha
  • Maryam
  • Mashsha
  • Masoba Warq
  • Massala
  • Massawa
  • Matayos
  • Mateus
  • Matios
  • Mattias
  • Maya
  • Maza
  • Mazaa
  • Mazal
  • Mazengia
  • Mazor
  • Measho
  • Meaza
  • Mebrahitu
  • Mebrahtom
  • Mebrahtu
  • Meche
  • Medhane
  • Medhanit
  • Medhin
  • Mediferiash-work / Mediferiashwork
  • Medlariyu
  • Mehari
  • Mehret
  • Mehretu
  • Mekbib
  • Mekdelawit
  • Meki
  • Meklit
  • Mekonen
  • Mekonnen
  • Mekseb
  • Mekuria
  • Mekurya
  • Melak
  • Melaku
  • Meles
  • Melese
  • Melesse
  • Menashe
  • Menelik
  • Menen
  • Menewuyelet
  • Menezes
  • Mengesha
  • Mengiste
  • Mengisteab
  • Mengistu
  • Menguistou
  • Menkerios
  • Menkir
  • Mereb
  • Merera
  • Merga
  • Mergia
  • Merhawi
  • Merhawit
  • Merid
  • Merille
  • Merkeb
  • Meron
  • Mersha
  • Mesele
  • Meseret
  • Mesfen
  • Mesfin
  • Mesfun
  • Meshesha
  • Meskerum
  • Meskie
  • Messai
  • Messay
  • Metekia
  • Metho
  • Meti
  • Mewael
  • Mezegebu
  • Mezegubu
  • Mezgebu
  • Michael
  • Mideksa
  • Miesso
  • Mihret
  • Mihretab
  • Miikaah
  • Miilani
  • Mikael
  • Mikha'el
  • Milkeeyssa
  • Millien
  • Million
  • Mimi
  • Minaye
  • Miraf
  • Mirel
  • Miruts
  • Misrak
  • Mitiku
  • Mizanekristos / Mizane Kristos / Mizane-Kristos
  • Mkhbara Widam
  • Mo'a
  • Moges
  • Mohamed
  • Mohammed
  • Molla
  • Mona
  • Moogas
  • Mossana
  • Moti
  • Mulat
  • Mulatu
  • Mulu
  • Mulugeta
  • Muluneh
  • Mulunesh
  • Munit
  • Muruse
  • Mussa
  • Mustafa
  • Müller / Muller
  • Nabata
  • Nadia
  • Nahom
  • Nahum / Nahom
  • Nalbandian
  • Naomi
  • Nasreddin
  • Natai
  • Nati
  • Nati / Nate
  • Natnael
  • Natsinet
  • Naxuum
  • Nazaret
  • Nebiat
  • Nebil
  • Nega
  • Negash
  • Negasi
  • Negasu
  • Negeri
  • Negga
  • Nego
  • Negus
  • Neguse
  • Negussie
  • Nehimiya
  • Neima
  • Nekagenet
  • Nesib / Nasiib
  • Nesta
  • Netsanet
  • Nexemyaah
  • Ngap
  • Nhatty
  • Niall
  • Nigatu
  • Nigussie
  • Nirayu
  • Niyat
  • Nnegest
  • Noah
  • Nolie
  • Nomvete
  • Nour
  • Novak / Novák / Nowak / Novack / Novac; Nováček / Nováček; Novich / Novic / Novick
  • Nura
  • Nuria
  • Nurit
  • Nuru
  • Nyakwiy
  • Nyala
  • Oballa
  • Obang
  • Obothi
  • Oboti
  • Ochande
  • Odolla
  • Oesha
  • Ogbay
  • Ogbe
  • Ojulo
  • Ojwatto
  • Okie
  • Okogn
  • Okok
  • Omar
  • Omer
  • Omot
  • Omri
  • Onesimos / Onesimoos
  • Opiew
  • Oqbe
  • Oqubay
  • Oqubit
  • Origo
  • Osman
  • Otobo
  • Owar
  • Oyta
  • Ozora
  • Paulos
  • Peta
  • Peter
  • Petros
  • Pikado
  • Pnina
  • Poulsen
  • Pul
  • Qwala
  • Raasaa
  • Rabbirra
  • Rada
  • Rafael
  • Rahad
  • Rahama
  • Rahamim
  • Rahel
  • Rahim
  • Rahman
  • Rahwa
  • Raphael
  • Ras
  • Rebecca
  • Reda
  • Redda
  • Rediet
  • Redondo
  • Regassa
  • Rekik
  • Reta
  • Retta
  • Rezene
  • Rhamsey
  • Ribka
  • Roba
  • Rodas
  • Roman / Ooromaano
  • Rubel
  • Rumi
  • Russom
  • Ruta
  • Ruth
  • Ruth / Rut / Rute
  • Ruud
  • Reena
  • Rydberg
  • Saare
  • Saba
  • Sabahat
  • Sabbe
  • Sabrina
  • Sadat
  • Sador
  • Sadora
  • Saga za Ab / Sagazabo / Zaga Zabo
  • Sahle
  • Sahlu
  • Said
  • Saleh
  • Saleh Sabbe
  • Salem
  • Salina
  • Salme
  • Salsawi
  • Samatar
  • Sambo
  • Samra
  • Samrawit
  • Samry
  • Samsom
  • Samson
  • Samuel
  • Samuelsson
  • Samuu'eel
  • Sandström / Sandstrom
  • Sara / Sarah
  • Saron
  • Sarsa
  • Sarsa Dengel
  • Sarsadengel
  • Schwoll
  • Sebhat
  • Seble
  • Seble Wengel
  • Seblewerk
  • Seblewongel
  • Sebsebe
  • Sebsibe
  • Seena
  • Segenet
  • Seid
  • Seifu
  • Selam
  • Selamawi
  • Selamawit
  • Selassie
  • Selemun
  • Selihome
  • Selome
  • Semainesh
  • Semen
  • Semere
  • Semhar
  • Semien
  • Semira
  • Semret
  • Senai
  • Senaiet
  • Senait
  • Senbatu
  • Serekebrihan
  • Serkalem
  • Sesen
  • Sesina
  • Seteng
  • Seyoum
  • Shahid
  • Shai
  • Shanka
  • Shannon-Ogbnai
  • Shantam
  • Sharif
  • Shata
  • Shawel
  • Shebashi
  • Shemsia
  • Shenkor
  • Sherif
  • Sherifo
  • Sheshy
  • Shewandagn
  • Shewit
  • Shibabaw
  • Shibru
  • Shibru-Sivan
  • Shiferaw
  • Shilan
  • Shimelash
  • Shimesh
  • Shimon
  • Shinasha
  • Shirguma
  • Shlomo
  • Shmuel
  • Shoa
  • Shumgizaw
  • Silassie
  • Simelane
  • Simon
  • Simret
  • Sindu
  • Sinfa Ar'ad
  • Sintayehu
  • Siraj
  • Sirak
  • Sisay
  • Sissay
  • Sium
  • Sivan
  • Siyan
  • Skibba
  • Soleiman
  • Soliana
  • Solomon
  • Solyana
  • Sophia
  • Soraga
  • Sossina
  • Stølen / Stolen
  • Suhul
  • Sultan
  • Suraj
  • Taamrat
  • Taddese
  • Taddesse
  • Tadele
  • Tadesa
  • Tadese
  • Tadesse
  • Taezaz
  • Tafari
  • Tafesse
  • Taga
  • Tahounia
  • Taitu
  • Takele
  • Tamano
  • Tamano-Shata
  • Tamene
  • Tamirat
  • Tamiru
  • Tamrat
  • Tamyalew
  • Tarekegn
  • Tarekegne
  • Tarik
  • Tariky
  • Tassew
  • Tayachew
  • Taye
  • Taytu
  • Teberih
  • Tebrih
  • Techane
  • Tedla
  • Tedros
  • Tefera
  • Teferi
  • Teferra
  • Teg'Amlak
  • Tegegn
  • Tegegne
  • Tegene
  • Tegeni
  • Tehila
  • Teka
  • Tekeda
  • Teketel
  • Teklay
  • Tekle
  • Tekle Hawariat / TekleHawariat / Tekle-Hawariat
  • Tekle Haymanot / Teklehaymanot / Tekle-Haymanot
  • Tekle Mariyam / TekleMariyam / Tekle-Mariyam
  • Tekleab
  • Teklemariam
  • Teklesembet
  • Teklesenbet
  • Teklit
  • Teklu
  • Temesgen
  • Tenagnework
  • Tensay
  • Terefe
  • Teru
  • Teruworq
  • Tesama / Tessema
  • Tesema
  • Tesfa
  • Tesfagiorgis
  • Tesfai
  • Tesfaiesus
  • Tesfalem
  • Tesfamariam
  • Tesfanish
  • Tesfay
  • Tesfaye
  • Tesfaye / Tasfaayee
  • Tesfayo
  • Tesfazghi
  • Teshome
  • Tessema
  • Tewelde
  • Tewodros
  • Tewolde
  • Tewolde Berhan / Tewolde-Berhan / Tewoldeberhan
  • Tewolde-Medhin / TewoldeMedhin / Tewoldemedhin / Tewolde Medhin
  • Teyibiw
  • Theodor
  • Theodros / Tedros / Tewodros
  • Theophilos / Theophilus
  • Thomas / Tomas
  • Tibebe
  • Tibebu
  • Tieba
  • Tiebe
  • Tigist
  • Tigisti
  • Tiitos
  • Tikabo
  • Tiku
  • Tilahun
  • Tilbian
  • Timnit
  • Tiruneh
  • Tirunesh
  • Tiruwork
  • Titi
  • Tito
  • Tolosa
  • Tomas / Thomas
  • Tomer
  • Totit
  • Tougaard
  • Trihas
  • Tsadiq
  • Tsaye
  • Tsedenya
  • Tsedey
  • Tsega
  • Tsegaberhan
  • Tsegay
  • Tsegaye
  • Tsegie
  • Tsegué / Tsegue
  • Tsegué-Maryam / Tsegue-Maryam / Tsegue Maryam / Tseguemaryam
  • Tsehay
  • Tsehaye
  • Tsehayinesh
  • Tsehaytu
  • Tselot
  • Tsetarge
  • Tsibekti
  • Tsige
  • Tsigereda
  • Tsinat
  • Tsion
  • Tsiona
  • Tsolak
  • Tuchklo
  • Tukul
  • Tulu
  • Tushklo
  • Tusi
  • Tzagai
  • Tzion
  • Umar
  • Urge
  • Uria
  • Urige
  • Urkato
  • Ustinov
  • Utura
  • Vaghinag
  • Vahe
  • Valentina
  • Vartkes
  • Vassallo
  • Velado
  • Velado-Tsegaye
  • Veronica
  • Vázquez
  • Wachile
  • Wagaye
  • Walasma
  • Walattapetros / Walatta Petros / Walatta-Petros
  • Walid
  • Walidah
  • Wallock
  • Wami
  • Wanofe
  • Warada Qal / Warada-Qal / Waradaqal
  • Wasa
  • Washaka
  • Wayeesa
  • Wayna
  • Wazir
  • Wed Keshi / Wed-Keshi / Wedkeshi
  • Wedi
  • Wegatha
  • Welde Sellase / Welde-Sellase / Weldesellase / WeldeSellase
  • Weldegebriel
  • Weldemariam
  • Werede
  • Werknesh
  • Werknesh / Worknesh
  • Winta
  • Wodage
  • Wodwoson
  • Wogayehu
  • Wogderess
  • Wolashe
  • Wolday
  • Wolde
  • Wolde Aregay
  • Wolde Giyorgis / Woldegiyorgis / Wolde-Giyorgis / Wolde-Giorgis
  • Wolde Yohannes / Woldeyohannes / Wolde-Yohannes
  • Woldeab
  • Woldegabriel
  • Woldegiorgis
  • Woldekidan
  • Woldemariam
  • Woldense
  • Woldeyes
  • Woldezgu
  • Woldu
  • Wondimu
  • Wondwossen
  • Worede
  • Workayehu
  • Worke
  • Worke Kosrof
  • Workneh
  • Worku
  • Worq
  • Wosene
  • Woyneab
  • Wub
  • Wudneh
  • Wuney
  • Yacob
  • Yacov
  • Yacquub
  • Yadeta
  • Yafet
  • Yalem
  • Yalemgeta
  • Yared
  • Yashuuca
  • Yasmine
  • Yaso
  • Yavarkan
  • Yayo
  • Yazid
  • Yefet
  • Yefu
  • Yeghiayan
  • Yegizaw
  • Yehdego
  • Yehiel
  • Yelak
  • Yelekal
  • Yemane
  • Yemaneberhan
  • Yemodish
  • Yerday
  • Yeremyaah
  • Yeshayahu
  • Yeshayahu-Adgeh
  • Yeshi
  • Yetmgeta
  • Yetnebersh
  • Yidnekatchew
  • Yifru
  • Yifter
  • Yitref
  • Yigzaw
  • Yihun
  • Yilma
  • Yimam
  • Yimenu
  • Yimer
  • Yirdaw
  • Yirga
  • Yirgalem
  • Yirpa
  • Yisak
  • Yishak
  • Yisihak
  • Yitbarek
  • Yitref
  • Yityish
  • Yitzhak
  • Ymer
  • Yodit
  • Yoel / Joel
  • Yoftehé / Yoftehe
  • Yohanna
  • Yohannes
  • Yona
  • Yonas
  • Yonatan
  • Yonatan / Yonathan
  • Yoo'eel
  • Yoonis
  • Yooxanaa
  • Yordanos
  • Yosef
  • Yoseph
  • Yosias
  • Yossi
  • Youssef
  • Youssouf
  • Yusuf
  • Zagwe
  • Zahabu
  • Zahra
  • Zaineba
  • Zala
  • Zarke
  • Zaudida
  • Zawditu
  • Zecahrias
  • Zegeye
  • Zekarias
  • Zelalem
  • Zeleke
  • Zemedkun
  • Zemenfes
  • Zemichael
  • Zemichiel
  • Zemro
  • Zemzem
  • Zena
  • Zenabeneze
  • Zenaneh
  • Zenawi
  • Zenebe
  • Zenet
  • Zenit
  • Zera Yacob
  • Zerabruk
  • Zerai
  • Zere
  • Zeresenay
  • Zerezghi
  • Zerfe
  • Zergaw
  • Zerihun
  • Zeritu
  • Zersenay
  • Zeudi
  • Zewde
  • Zewdi
  • Zewdie
  • Zewditu
  • Zewdu
  • Zewelde
  • Zigita
  • Zikel
  • Zimro
  • Zinash
  • Zohar
  • Zokol
  • Zomo
  • Zoya
  • Zula
  • Zuri
  • Zvadya
  • Çetin / Cetin


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Naming Traditions and Conventions in the Somali Community

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Usage Note

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Although it is normal among Somalis to call one another by their given name, in more formal situations, honorific terms may be used as well, such as adeer to males senior to oneself, or sheekh to a religious figure, or mudane, an individual one holds in high regard. There are also terms of endearment which are used, such as huunno (gender-neutral), other gender-neutral terms of address for one's peers, such as jaalle, saaxib, eebbow, eeddo, or abboowe. There are also terms of address for significant others, such as gacalo and terms of address for younger people, i.e. maandhow (lab / masculine), maandhey (dheddig / feminine), or igaarkey (lab / masculine) and igaartey (dheddig / feminine).[11]

During Somalia's Hantiwadaag (socialist) era, Somalis typically did not have surnames or family names,[12] although since the advent of the federal era, some Somalis are beginning to adopt surnames or family names.[13] The patronymic format wherein one does not have a surname, for example with Axmed Yusuf Qaasim, would be a person whose given name is "Axmed", whose father's proper name was "Yusuf" and whose grandfather's name was "Qaasim".[12]

Origins of Names

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Somalis are an ethnic group native to parts of the Horn of Africa[14] who share a common ancestry, culture and history, a majority of which speak the Somali language. Somalis or the Somali Community are principally concentrated in Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti.[15] Somali diasporas are also found in parts of the Middle East, North America, Western Europe, African Great Lakes region, Southern Africa and Oceania. A majority of the population adheres to the religion of Islam, most of which are Sunni Muslims, although some Christians do exist, especially in the Ethiopian Somali, Kenyan Somali, and Somali diaspora communities. This context has an influence on the origin of Somali names. Somalis also make up a portion of the Ethiopian Community as well, so some Ethiopian Somali and Djibutian Somali specific names may appear in the lists at Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Ethiopian and Eritrean and Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Djiboutian respectively. Due to a majority of the Somali community being Muslim, or have Arabic influences on names, see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Arab#Boy's names for Arabic-based Boy's names and Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Arab#Girl's names for Arabic-based Girl's names.

List of Somali names

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Boy's names

[edit | edit source]
  • Aabbediid
  • Abroone
  • Abshir
  • Abtidoon
  • Afgab
  • Allaalle
  • Almis
  • Amare
  • Araarsame
  • Awsame
  • Aways
  • Ayaanle
  • Ayaxoow
  • Aye
  • Baashe
  • Bacalwaan
  • Badhiidh
  • Bahdoon
  • Barkhad
  • Barre
  • Barsame
  • Baxnaan
  • Beyle
  • Biixi
  • Bile
  • Bisinle
  • Bisle
  • Boorle
  • Bootaan
  • Boqorre
  • Bucul
  • Bullaale
  • Bulxan
  • Buraale
  • Buux
  • Caateye
  • Cabbane
  • Cabsiiye
  • Caddaawe
  • Cadoosh
  • Caaggane
  • Calas
  • Calasoow
  • Careys
  • Carre
  • Cartan
  • Carraale
  • Casoowe
  • Catoosh
  • Casood
  • Cawaale
  • Cawad
  • Cawke
  • Cawil
  • Cawl
  • Caydiid
  • Caynaan
  • Caynaanshe
  • Celeeye
  • Cige
  • Cigaal
  • Cigalle
  • Ciidaways
  • Ciiltire
  • Ciise
  • Cilmi
  • Cokiye
  • Colaad
  • Coldiid
  • Coldoon
  • Colow
  • Cosoble
  • Daaliy
  • Dalal
  • Dalmaraways
  • Damal
  • Dawaale
  • Deeq
  • Deheeye
  • Dhakak
  • Dharaar
  • Dhabar
  • Dhamac
  • Dheeg
  • Dhiblaawe
  • Dhinbiil
  • Dhooddi
  • Dhuule
  • Dhuux
  • Dhuxul
  • Dicin
  • Didar
  • Digaale
  • Diirrane
  • Diiriye
  • Dillaal
  • Dirir
  • Dubbad
  • Dubbe
  • Ducaale
  • Duddub
  • Dugsiiye
  • Erasto
  • Faahiye
  • Faarax
  • Food
  • Foosi
  • Fure
  • Gaafane
  • Gaarane
  • Gabeyre
  • Gaboose
  • Gaboobe
  • Gabyow
  • Gacayte
  • Gadiid
  • Gafle
  • Galaal
  • Galab
  • Galayax
  • Galbeyte
  • Gallad
  • Gamadiid
  • Gamiye
  • Garaad
  • Garre
  • Geeddi
  • Geeddow
  • Geeldoon
  • Geelle
  • Geeljire
  • Geesaale
  • Geesi
  • Gobdoon
  • Godane
  • Good
  • Guhaad
  • Guraase
  • Gurey
  • Gurmad
  • Gurxan
  • Guuldoon
  • Guuleed
  • Guutaale
  • Guure
  • Habbane
  • Halas
  • Hanad
  • Haybe
  • Hiirane
  • Hirad
  • Hiraab
  • Hidan
  • Hufane
  • Hurre
  • Huruuse
  • Iftin
  • Iidle
  • Ilays
  • Irbad
  • Jaajuumow
  • Jaamac
  • Jabane
  • Jayte
  • Jiilaal
  • Jowhar
  • Kaahin
  • Kaahiye
  • Kaariye
  • Kaarshe
  • kalid
  • Kediye
  • Kamas
  • Karbaashe
  • Kartiile
  • Kawaaliye
  • Kayd
  • Keenadiid
  • Keynaan
  • Keyse
  • Khayre
  • Kiile
  • Koombe
  • Kooshin
  • Koosafaare
  • Kuluc
  • Kunciil
  • Lediye
  • Liban
  • Liibaan
  • Lo'odoon
  • Looyaan
  • Maax
  • Maawel
  • Madar
  • Madoobe
  • Magan
  • Mahad
  • Malow
  • Mataan
  • Maxabe
  • Maydhane
  • Maygaag
  • Mayow
  • Migil
  • Miicaad
  • Miiggane
  • Mire
  • Mooge
  • Mudcin
  • Naalleeye
  • Nabaddoon
  • Nageeye
  • Nasiiye
  • Obsiiye
  • Odawaa
  • Oogle
  • Qaar
  • Qamaan
  • Qabille
  • Qalinle
  • Qaloon
  • Qarshe
  • Qorane
  • Qarshiile
  • Qayaad
  • Qaybdiid
  • Raage
  • Riyaale
  • Rooble
  • Rirashe
  • Sade
  • Sahal
  • Samaale
  • Samaane
  • Samadoon
  • Samakaab
  • Samatalis
  • Samatar
  • Samawade
  • Saxardiid
  • Sharmaarke
  • Sharmooge
  • Shidane
  • Shide
  • Shirdoon
  • Shire
  • Shirshore
  • Shirwac
  • Siyaad
  • Sooyaan
  • Suban
  • Suubbane
  • Sugaal
  • Suge
  • Sugulle
  • Suudi
  • Tabale
  • Tadalesh
  • Talasame
  • Taraar
  • Tubeec
  • Tukaale
  • Tosane
  • Ubaxle
  • Ugaas
  • Waaberi
  • Waaheen
  • Waare
  • Waaruf
  • Waasuge
  • Wacays
  • Waraabe
  • Wardheere
  • Warfaa
  • Warmooge
  • Warsame
  • Weheliye
  • Xaad
  • Xaashi
  • Xaayow
  • Xabbad
  • Xalane
  • Xandulle
  • Xarbi
  • Xareed
  • Xayd
  • Xildiid
  • Xiirey
  • Xirsi
  • Xoosh
  • Xujaale
  • Yaabe
  • Yabaal
  • Yabare
  • Yalaxoow
  • [For Arabic-based Boy's names see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Arab#Boy's names]

Girl's names

[edit | edit source]
  • Absan
  • Almas
  • Aragsan
  • Arrawelo
  • Astur
  • Ayaan
  • Axado
  • Baarlin
  • Bacado
  • Barkhado
  • Barni
  • Barwaaqo
  • Basra
  • Batuulo
  • Baxsan
  • Beydan
  • Bilan
  • Biliiso
  • Bishaaro
  • Bullo
  • Buuxo
  • Cajabo
  • Calaso
  • Canbaro
  • Carro
  • Cawo
  • Cawrala
  • Ceebla
  • Cosob
  • Cudbi
  • Culus
  • Cutiya
  • Deggane
  • Dalays
  • Deeqa
  • Degmo
  • Dhudhi
  • Faduun
  • Falis
  • Filsan
  • Gaasira
  • Gallado
  • Gargaaro
  • Habboon
  • Hadliya
  • Halgan
  • Haweeya
  • Hibaaq
  • Hira
  • Hodan
  • Hodman
  • Hoodo
  • Idil
  • Idman
  • Iftin
  • Iglan
  • Ilhaan
  • Ilwaad
  • Ilays
  • Jamaad
  • Jarmaad
  • Jiijo
  • Kaaha
  • Kaafiya / Kaifa / Kaifaa
  • Kiin
  • Koos. Kulane
  • Ladan
  • Laqanyo
  • Libin
  • Liin
  • Lula
  • Maane
  • Maandeeq
  • Magool
  • Mahado
  • Malabo
  • Malyuun
  • Marwo
  • Melaaneey
  • Milgo
  • Mudan
  • Mullaaxo
  • Muxubbo
  • Nagaad
  • Naruuro
  • Nashaad
  • Nasteexo
  • Nurto
  • Najax
  • Nahlaa
  • Nakhaa
  • Naju
  • Nayruus
  • Qalanjo
  • Qumman
  • Ralliya
  • Roda
  • Ruun
  • Sada
  • Saado
  • Sabaad
  • Sagal
  • Saluugla
  • Saredo
  • Saxarla
  • Shacni
  • Shaqlan
  • Shuun
  • Shankaroon
  • Siman
  • Siraad
  • Sohane
  • Suubban
  • Taliso
  • Tawllan
  • Timiro
  • Tisa
  • Toolmoon
  • Toosan
  • Tusmo
  • Ubax
  • Ugaaso
  • Ugbaad
  • Yurub
  • Waris
  • Warsan
  • Wiilo
  • Xaadsan
  • Xaali
  • Xabado
  • Xaddiyo
  • Xalan
  • Xareedo
  • Xiddig
  • Aasiya
  • Canab
  • Asli
  • Cadar
  • Dhahabo
  • Hibo
  • Nadifo
  • Xalimo
  • Safia
  • Israa
  • Najma
  • [For Arabic-based Girl's names see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Arab#Girl's names]

Miscellaneous Names

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[Missing Infromation]

Somali Christian names
[edit | edit source]
  • Yashuuca
  • Ruud
  • Samuu'eel
  • Nexemyaah
  • Esteer
  • Ayuub
  • Yeremyaah
  • Daanyeel
  • Hoosheeca
  • Yoo'eel
  • Yoonis
  • Miikaah
  • Naxuum
  • Malaakii
  • Matayos
  • Markos
  • Luukos
  • Yooxanaa
  • Tiitos
  • Filemon
  • Yacquub
  • Butros
  • Yooxanaa


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Naming Conventions in the Djiboutian Community

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Usage Note

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[Missing Infromation]

Origins of Names

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Djiboutians are the people inhabiting or originating from Djibouti. The country is mainly composed of two (indigenous) ethnic groups, the Somali and the Afar. It has many languages - though Somali and Afar are the most widely spoken ones, Arabic and French serve as the official languages. There is a small Djiboutian diaspora in North America, Europe, and Australia. The two largest ethnic groups are the Somalis (60%) and Afars (35%). The Somali clan component is mainly composed of the Issa, followed by the Gadabuursi and the Isaaq. The remaining 5% of Djibouti's population primarily consists of Yemeni Arabs, Ethiopians and Europeans (French and Italians). Approximately 76% of local residents are urban dwellers; the remainder are pastoralists. It is a multiethnic country. Islam is the most prominent religion in Djibouti. For additional Somali-specific names see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Somali. Due to Afar people and Somalis making up part of Ethiopia and Eritrea's population, see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Ethiopian and Eritrean for Ethiopian Afar, Eritrean Afar, and Ethiopian Somali names that may be in the list. Due to a majority of the Diboutian community being Muslim, or have Arabic influences on names, see Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Arab#Boy's names for Arabic-based Boy's names and Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/Arab#Girl's names for Arabic-based Girl's names.

List of Djiboutian names

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[Missing Information].


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  1. Tesfagiorgis G., Mussie (2010). Eritrea. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. p. 236. ISBN 978-1-59884-231-9.
  2. Spencer, John H (2006). Ethiopia at bay : a personal account of the Haile Selassie years. Hollywood, CA: Tsehai. p. 26. ISBN 1-59907-000-6.
  3. Helebo, Fikru. "Ethiopian Naming System". Retrieved 9 January 2013.
  4. Visconti, L., Jafari, A., Batat, W., Broeckerhoff, A., Dedeoglu, A., Demangeot, C., ... Weinberger, M. F. (2014). "Consumer ethnicity three decades after: A TCR agenda", Journal of Marketing Management, 30, 1882-1922. (online)
  5. https://habeshaunion.medium.com/what-do-you-mean-by-habesha-a-look-at-the-habesha-identity-habesha-union-habesha-union-43f22ab8bc35
  6. 2007 Ethiopian census, first draft, Ethiopian Central Statistical Agency (accessed 6 May 2009)
  7. "Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050". Pew Research Center. Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  8. Ahmad, Abdussamad (2000). "Muslims of Gondar 1864-1941". Annales d'Éthiopie. 16 (1): 161–172. doi:10.3406/ethio.2000.971.
  9. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Beta-Israel
  10. https://habeshaunion.medium.com/what-do-you-mean-by-habesha-a-look-at-the-habesha-identity-habesha-union-habesha-union-43f22ab8bc35
  11. Xaange, Axmed Cartan. "Shekooyiinka III." (2017).
  12. a b Bridges, Peter (2000). Safirka: An American Envoy. Kent, Ohio, USA: Kent State Univ. Press. p. 79. ISBN 9780873386586.
  13. Abdulle, Habon. "Somali Diaspora Women and Sense of Identity and Belonging." The Contexts of Diaspora Citizenship. Springer, Cham, 2019. 129-149.
  14. "Somalia". World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 14 May 2009. Retrieved 31 May 2009.
  15. [1] – Ethnologue.com
