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World of Warcraft/Tauren

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The Tauren are large, cow like creatures who live in the game at a place called Mulgore, in central Kalimdor. Taurens are naturally peaceful, and spiritual and try to live to serve nature, and despite their larger size, live in a tribal society. Tauren are implacable enemies who will use every ounce of their strength to smash their enemies under their hoof. Under the leadership of their chief, Cairne Bloodhoof, the Tauren allied themselves with the Orcs during the invasion of the Burning Legion. The two races have remained steadfast allies ever since. Like the Orcs, the Tauren struggle to retain their sense of tradition and noble identity.

Attributes & Traits

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Starting Attributes are the statistics that a race has at the begining of the game, and usualy gives the player a good idea to if this race will be good for a certain class. For example, a class with a higher Strength value will be more suited to play a Warrior. The Starting attributes for a Tauren are:

Strength: 28

Agility: 15

Stamina: 24


Spirit: 22

As other races, Tauren have Racial Traits which prove useful in game. These are:

War Stomp: This is an active spell, which causes the Tauren to stomp on the ground which stuns nearby enemies for a short time.

Endurance: This is a passive spell, whcih gives the Tauren a perminent 5% increase of its maximum health.

Cultivation: This is also a passive spell, which gives the Tauren a 15 point increase of Herbalism should he take it as a profession.

Nature Resistance This is again, a passive spell, giving the Tauren a +10 in its nature resistance.

Other Info & Tips

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The Tauren's mount is a Kodo, which can be bought in Bloodhoof Village at level 40 for (roughly) 100g. A quicker Kodo which increases your speed by 100% can be bought at level 60 for (roughly) 1000g. The Taurens capital city is Thunderbluff which can be easily found one you begin the game. The only classes a Tauren can be are: Druid, Hunter, Shaman, Warrior.

Normally, a Tauren makes a very good warrior due to its generally high strength and stamina. However, Tauren shamans are also strong and durable, which gives them an edge over their Orc and Troll counterparts.