Wikiphilosophers/Consciousness/S. Perquin

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Cosmic consciousness would have to be everywhere

Because you are aware of yourself and your environment, your consciousness exists. Your consciousness is that which causes you to be aware that you exist. You cannot dissect your consciousness - it is not reducible to matter or energy. Consciousness is something that one will never be able to perceive or measure, but can only experience.

Since matter and energy are everywhere in the universe, just as natural laws are universal, this should mean that consciousness too should be everywhere. It would not make sense for consciousness to be something purely human or earthly rather than something universal. Therefore, a cosmic consciousness should exist from which all individual consciousnesses originate.

Since nothing can arise from nothing and everything there is must have always been there in some form, consciousness must also be eternal because it exists. This would mean that consciousness must continue to exist after death and you must be able to continue to experience something. Even before you were born, you should have experienced something. This must also mean that one is limited in this life to be able to know things because one does not remember where one was before birth.