Wikijunior:The Elements/Promethium

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Shows the position of Promethium on the periodic chart.
Promethium's symbol on the Periodic Table

What does it look, feel, taste, or smell like?

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It is likely silvery coloured and somewhat hard. Not many people have seen it as it is very rare and radioactive.

How was it discovered?

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Scientists had guessed that there an element with atomic number 61 existed many years before it was found. After a number of claims to have found it by different scientists, it was decided that promethium did not occur naturally. In 1945 the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States found Promethium during an investigation of the results of splitting uranium fuel in a nuclear reactor. They were too busy at the time (this was during World War II) to tell anyone about the discovery so it only became widely known in 1947.

Where did its name come from?

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The first suggested name was "clintonium", named after the laboratory where it was found, but in the end "prometheum" was suggested after the name of Prometheus, the Titan in Greek mythology who stole fire from Mount Olympus. The spelling was changed to "promethium" to match the style of names of other similar elements.

Where is it found?

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Promethium is found in the Earth's crust. It is found in uranium ore because of uranium's decay, but not much promethium exists in the world.

What are its uses?

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Promethium is used to make small atomic batteries. Like radium, it is also sometimes used to paint the hands and the numbers on the dial of a watch to make them glow in the dark.

Is it dangerous?

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It is dangerous as it is very radioactive. This radioactivity can cause cancer later in life.


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