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Wikijunior:The Elements/Antimony

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Shows the position of Antimony on the periodic chart.
Antimony's symbol on the Periodic Table

What does it look, feel, taste, or smell like?

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Antimony in its pure form.

Antimony is a brittle, bluish silver-white metalloid. It has no smell. It also has no odor at all. Antimony is toxic to humans, so we unfortunately can't taste it!

How was it discovered?

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Antimony was known to the ancients. The discoverer and the date when it was discovered are both unknown. During the early 1700s, French chemist Nicolas Lemery was the first person to perform a scientific study of antimony and its compounds. His findings were published in 1707.

Where did its name come from?

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The name "antimony" comes the combination of two Greek words: anti (meaning against) and monos (meaning solitude). When combined, the two words mean "not alone". You can remember the chemical symbol for Antimony, which is Sb, by remembering "Susan B Anthony" who was a US women's rights activist.

Did You Know?

  • Antimony, in the form of stibnite, was used by the ancient Egyptians as black eyeshadow.
  • Antimony has metallic and nonmetallic properties. It is a metalloid.
  • Antimony is resistant to attack by acids.

Where is it found?

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Antimony can be found free in nature, it is usually derived from the ores stibnite (Sb2S3) and valentinite (Sb2O3). A small amount of the earth's crust, 0.000002%, is made up of antimony.

What are its uses?

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Antimony is used for hardening lead. Antimony is also used in the production of plastics and chemicals. Alloys of antimony are used to make products such as: batteries, low-friction metals, type metal and cable sheathing. Compounds of antimony are used to make flame-proofing materials, paints, ceramic materials, glass and pottery.

Is it dangerous?

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Antimony is extremely dangerous. It was once used to kill parasites and is deadly in many of its compounds.


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