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Wikijunior:Particles/Final quiz

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Expand or contract? Final quiz Summary

OK, you've finished the whole book now. In order to supplement (add to) the exercises at the end of each chapter, there is a big quiz you have to finish before getting to the end of this book so that you know how well you did. Older kids may want to use this to prepare for tests or exams. If your computer has flash player 8 or above, you should use the interactive version at this website. Are you ready? On your marks, get set, go!

Part 1: True or false?

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Each question carries one mark only.

We can observe Brownian motion with smoke cells
True; see Brownian motion.
True; see Brownian motion.
The particles in sound-proof walls have no spaces between them.
False; see Particle theory.
False; see Particle theory.
If a coloured gas is transferred from a 100ml container to a 200ml container which already contains air, the gas will evenly spread out.
The change from gas to liquid is takes place at 100°C.
False; see Matter.
False; see Matter.
Submarines can sink because of their mass.
False; see Float or sink?.
False; see Float or sink?.
The Magdeburg hemispheres are inseparable when there is air inside.
False; see Gas pressure.
False; see Gas pressure.
Particles move faster when near to a fire
True; see Particle model.
True; see Particle model.
Nitrogen dioxide does not exert any pressure on a surface.
False; see Gas pressure.
False; see Gas pressure.
A daily life application of thermal expansion is the thermostat.
Air is not matter because it has no mass.
False; see introduction.
False; see introduction.

Part 2: Multiple-choice questions

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Each question carries two marks.

1. Which of the following is not matter?

  1. Lava
  2. Dogs
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Sounds
4; see Introduction

2. Name the process in which water changes into gas at a fixed temperature.

  1. Condensation
  2. Evaporation
  3. Boiling
  4. Freezing
3; see Matter

3. Which of the following is incorrect according to the particle theory?

  1. Particles are infinitesimal, although some strong microscopes can see them.
  2. Different kinds of particles have different sizes.
  3. Particles are always moving.
  4. There are gaps between particles.
1; see Particle theory

4. Which of the following best describes the movement of pollen grains when hit by water particles?

  1. Diffusion
  2. Photosynthesis
  3. Brownian motion
  4. Distillation
3; see Brownian motion

5. Hi! If you put me in a box whose capacity is the same as my volume, I will fit nicely inside, but you cannot squash me. I am insoluble in water, and my density is a lot less than water. What could I be?

  1. Oxygen
  2. Mercury
  3. Antimony
  4. Oil
4; see Three states of matter

6. Hi! We are very good brothers. Once we come together, our total volume decreases. If some other particles come here, we welcome them happily, and let them spread evenly around us. What could we be?

  1. Mercury and Venus
  2. Alcohol and water
  3. Rubber and wood
  4. Water and oil
2; see Particle theory and Diffusion

7. In which state of matter can particles slide over one another but not move freely?

  1. Plasma
  2. Gases
  3. Solids
  4. Liquids
4; see Three states of matter.

8. Which of the following statements about air particles in a hot-air balloon is not true?

  1. They are spaced further apart than the particles outside.
  2. They float because they are more dense than the air outside.
  3. They are so small that microscopes cannot see them.
  4. They move more vigorously because they are heated by an engine.
2; see Float or sink?.
9. Given that the particles are gaseous and are enclosed in the boundaries of the diagram, what will the red particles do and why?
  1. They will settle on the bottom of their container because of gravity.
  2. They will remain stationary because they are too dense.
  3. They will move in random directions because of Brownian motion.
  4. They will spread evenly in the box because of diffusion.
4; see Diffusion

10. Which of the following inventions is related to thermal expansion?

  1. The submarine
  2. The thermostat
  3. The suction cup
  4. The hot-air balloon
2; see Expand or contract?

How did you do?

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If you got over 80% of the answers, congratulations! You are now familiar with the science of particles. If you got under 50%, you'd better read through the book again to ensure that your understanding of particles is good. Before you put down this book, we will look through the main points again. If you forgot about some of the things, you can always look at the summary again. This will save you a lot of time.