Web applications in React, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Express/Use the Postman program to perform read, create, update, delete operations on a MongoDB database through a Node Express web server
- 1) Download and install the Postman program from here: https://www.postman.com/downloads/
- 2) Start the MongoDB server, opening a terminal in the mongo_database folder and typing:
mongod --dbpath = data_items --bind_ip
- 3) Start the Node Express web server, opening a terminal in the ItemsServer folder and typing:
npm start
- 4) Open the Postman program and create a new item in the database via the POST method:
- 5) Change the item via the PUT method and the item ID:
- 6) View the data in the database via the GET method:
- 7) Delete the item by the DELETE method and the item ID