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Using High Order Finite Differences/Third Order Method

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A Third Order Accurate Method

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Statement of the Problem

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Let D be the rectangle

and let C be the boundary of D.

The operator

is the usual Laplacian. The problem, determine a function u(x, y) such that

is called a Poisson problem.

discrete approximation

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To approximate u(x, y) numerically, use the grid



The second partial derivative

can be approximated on the grid by difference quotients

These difference quotients are given by




The second partial derivative

can be approximated on the grid by difference quotients

These difference quotients are given by




truncation errors

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The difference quotients     are third order accurate with truncation errors:



for some     ,


for some   


When    is continuous, these estimates also hold.


for some       

The case for   is


for some     .

The difference quotients     are third order accurate with truncation errors:



for some     ,


for some   


When    is continuous, these estimates also hold.


for some       

The case for   is


for some     .

The Laplacian    then can be approximated on the interior of the grid by

The truncation error

is given by


finite difference operations defined

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For the grid vector

define the finite difference operations

by the following.







simulation of the problem

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To simulate the problem  (1.0)   let

Then solve the non-singular linear system


for the remaining   

error estimation

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The error








proof of truncation error estimates

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The truncation error estimates for   are done under the assumption that   is sufficiently smooth so that   is continuous. For notational convenience let

Expand   in it's Taylor expansion about  ,


where   is some number between   and  . Then




from the intermediate value property


This gives

which is




Reasoning as before, combining terms with like signs and using the intermediate value property,


This gives

which is

Under the assumption that   is continuous, in the preceding argument, the expression

can be replaced by

This gives

with       which is

The remaining truncation error estimates are done in the same way.

end working

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Let the error

be defined by


is the solution of the finite difference scheme (xx) and is the solution to (1.0).


we get that


Next it will be shown that the operator    is positive definite for  ,  in particular that





Begin with 

The sum    will be estimated first.




end work

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The  summation by parts formula  is now stated so it can be used.


Taking into account that   it follows

working here

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Collect like terms in the expression immediately above as follows.

Now, rewrite the expression after making cancellations.

The following simple inequality will be used to bound terms.

and also


Now, substitute all the inequalities into the expression.

The choice

bounds all of the coefficients in the   and   by    and yields the long sought inequality




Reasoning in the exact same manner for the dimension in 





leads to the inequality  


edit end

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