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Swiss education steps

Switzerland's education system

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One of the most traveled to nations worldwide is Switzerland. However, this nation draws visitors not only for its exceptional natural beauty and clean mountans, but also for its world-class educational system. It is nan ot overstatement to argue that the country's advanced educational system serves as its key selling point for attracting visitors from abroad.

Observations show that the majority of well-known politicians, statesmen, and wealthy individuals received their education in Switzerland. Children from wealthy households still frequently attend Swiss educational institutes to further their studies. What aspects of this nation's educational system make it the best in the world? Iroda TOSHMATOVA (2019)[1]

Beginning of the education

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Children in Switzerland start their educational journey in preschool at age four and continue through primary school at age twelve, secondary school at age sixteen, and further education at age eighteen and two. In this nation, pre-school education is essential for all children. As a result, all parents immediately enroll their kids in public or private kindergartens. Even in public kindergartens, preschool education is paid for, and the government only covers a portion of the necessary charge. ISOBEL LEYBOLD-JOHNSON (2023)[2]

Swiss features of education

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Children are not taught reading, writing, and math at pre-school educational facilities in the traditional sense. Because of this, the Swiss government believes that overburdening a youngster will result in signs of scoliosis and nearsightedness. As a result, in kindergartens, emphasis is placed on kids playing outside while they repeat words, sentences, poetry, and songs. The youngster benefits from this experience in terms of their mental health, physical growth, and language development.

Some institutions accept gifted children as early as age 4, even though the first stage of education in the nation begins at the age of six. The development of the child's knowledge and the teaching of foreign languages are the main objectives of the primary school curriculum. According to the government, a child will find it simpler to adapt if they begin learning a foreign language at a young age. Each foreign language is taught separately in schools, and students who complete them are awarded a unique diploma.

Possibilities of the education

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The possibility to study in any of the Anglo-American, French, German, Swiss, and Italian educational systems is one way that Swiss schools stand out from the competition. The International Baccalaureate universal international program, which is highly regarded in higher educational institutions, serves as the foundation for classes in schools. Children are taught at least two foreign languages during their academic careers in addition to the native tongue. Every school in Switzerland, which has one of the best educational systems in the world, has the ability to prepare pupils for entrance to any university anywhere in the world. In these educational institutions, both boys and girls have every opportunity to succeed in their studies. In the schools, you'll find the most cutting-edge equipment and sporting goods. Outside of class, students enjoy mountain hikes, sailing, and horseback riding in the summer and hockey, snowboarding, and snowboarding in the winter.

Private school in Switzerland

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The majority of expats in Switzerland send their kids to private schools. However, in terms of educational quality, government-funded public schools are not less effective than those run by for-profit institutions. Simply put, there aren't any dormitories for kids to live in while they attend public schools. As a result, children of members of international organizations and foreigners who have lived in the country for a long period as ambassadors study there.

Switzerland's 260 private schools are a distinctive "product" of the nation. These institutions are renowned for their high standards of ease, safety, and popularity—as well as, of course, their exorbitant tuition costs.

Since the majority of the private schools are situated on mountain slopes, they initially resemble a sanatorium. In actuality, the personalized care provided to every child and the five meals offered to the students are comparable to those of any sanatorium. The Swiss landscape is always used well by the school administration. Most of the lessons are taught in the middle of nature here. This is particularly true for students who pass practical sciences.

Zurich university

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Depending on the faculty and specialty they choose, students spend between four and six years at the institution. It should be noted that unlike other European nations and the United States, Switzerland does not have a large university system. Zurich is home to the biggest university in the nation, with 20,000 students enrolled there. There are many times fewer students at other universities. Several worldwide private universities have branches in this area as well. Upon completion, graduates receive a licentiate degree. It has the status of being equal to a master's degree. You must also complete an additional three years of study to earn a doctorate.

Differences with Uzbekistan

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If we write about the differences between Uzbekistan and Switzerland, in Uzbekistan, children go to kindergarten at the age of 3 and start school at the age of 7. Those who have studied in the 11-year school system take an entrance exam for universities. 11 years of schooling are compulsory and free. There is a fee to go to the kindergarten. They start writing, counting, and reading in the 1st grade. Zarif Ibragimov (27.09.2022)[3]

Private schools in Uzbekistan are located near the city center not in the mountains, because it should be convenient for children to participate every day.

Similarity with Uzbekistan

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-Similarities with Uzbekistan are that two additional languages are taught in these schools. Children were taught Russian and English from the 1st grade. In addition, sports are also very developed in us, for example, swimming, football, boxing, and tennis.

-In Uzbekistan, foreigners send their children to private schools. Our private schools do not have dormitories.

-Five meals are provided in private schools.

-Another similarity is the 4-6 years spent at university. In our country, after 4 years of bachelor's study, 2 more years of master's degree are studied.


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  1. Iroda TOSHMATOVA (2019) “Shveytsariya ta’limidagi asosiy mezonlar”

2. ISOBEL LEYBOLD-JOHNSON (January 11, 2023) “The Swiss education system explained”

3. Zarif Ibragimov (27.09.2022) "Differences between schools of Uzbekistan and developed countries: Uzbek man in Switzerland provides a comparison of public education"

  1. "Ma'rifat – Учитель Узбекистана - Ma'rifat – Учитель Узбекистана". Retrieved 2023-09-16.
  2. "Switzerland - News and perspectives". SWI 2023-09-15. Retrieved 2023-09-16.
  3. uz, Kun. "Ўзбекистон ва жаҳон янгиликлари, энг сўнгги тезкор хабарлар, қизиқарли мақола, Интервю, фото ва видео материаллар". (in Uzbek). Retrieved 2023-09-16.