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//Pages class, to contain information about listed pages.
function BookPage(name) {
  this.pagename = name;
  this.fullname = "";
  this.headings = new Array();
  this.subpages = new Array();
BookPage.prototype.addHeading = function(heading){this.headings[this.headings.length] = heading;}
BookPage.prototype.addSubpage = function(subpage){this.subpages[this.subpages.length] = subpage;}
BookPage.prototype.makeNode = function() {
  var box = wk.makeElement('div', null, [
    wk.makeElement('b', null, [
      document.createTextNode("- " + this.pagename)
  ]); = "1px solid #AAAAAA"; = "5px"; = "1em";
  var container = wk.makeElement('div', {style:"margin-left:2em"});
  for(var i = 0; i < this.subpages.length; i++) {
    var node = this.subpages[i].makeNode();
  for(var i = 0; i < this.headings.length; i++) {
    container.appendChild(document.createTextNode("== " + this.headings[i] + " =="));

//Book designer (bd) class
var bd = {
  _require: 2.45,
  text: null,
  stat: null,
  _form: null,
  box: null,
  formspan: "WKBDFormSpan",
  boxspan:  "WKBDFormSpanSub",
  textspan: "WKBDSpan",
  statspan: "WKBDStatSpan",
  bookName: "",
  links: "",
  templates: new Array(
    ["Simple Header",    0, 0],
    ["Page Nav Header",  1, 0],
    ["Page Nav Header2", 1, 0],
    ["Page List Header", 0, 1],
    ["Page List Nav",    1, 1]
  pageTree: null

bd.createForm = function () {
  var div = wk.spanText(bd.formspan, "");
  if(div == null) return;
  bd._editB = wk.makeButton("WKBDEditB",        "Edit",     bd.edit);
  bd._displayB = wk.makeButton("WKBDDisplayB",  "Display",  bd.display);
  bd._visualB = wk.makeButton("WKBDVisualB",    "Visual",   bd.visual);
  bd._booknameB = wk.makeInput("WKBDBookNameB", "");
  bd._form = wk.makeElement("Form", {name:"WKBDFormB", method:"GET"}, [
    "Title: ", 
    " ",
    wk.makeButton("WKBDDesignB",   "Design",,
    " ",
    wk.makeButton("WKBDClearB",    "Clear",    bd.clear),
    wk.makeButton("WKBDShowB",     "Show",     function(){wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, 'block');}),
    wk.makeButton("WKBDHideB",     "Hide",     function(){wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, 'none');}),
    " "
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._editB, true);
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._displayB, true);
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._visualB, true);
  bd._tempTypeB = wk.makeElement("select", {id:"WKBDTempTypeB", name:"WKTempTypeB", size:"1"});
  for(var i = 0; i < bd.templates.length; i++) {
    bd._tempTypeB.appendChild(wk.makeElement("option", {value:i}, bd.templates[i][0]));
  bd._automateB = wk.makeButton("WKBDAutomateB",  "Automate", bd.automate);
  bd._sourceB = wk.makeInput("WKBDSourceB", "");
  bd._listB = wk.makeElement("Textarea", {name:"WKBDListB", rows:"15", cols:"50"});
  bd._boxspanB = wk.makeElement("span", {id:bd.boxspan}, [
    "Load From: ",
    wk.makeButton("WKBDLoadB",     "Load",     bd.load),
    wk.makeButton("WKBDStripB",    "Strip",    bd.strip),
    wk.makeButton("WKBDSaveB",     "Save",
  wk.appendChildren(bd._form, [
    wk.makeButton("WKBDTemplateB", "Template", bd.template),
    wk.makeButton("WKBDEditTemplateB", "Edit Template", bd.editTemplate),
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._automateB, true);
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd._boxspanB, "none");

if(typeof wk == 'object' && wk.testVersion(bd._require)) {
  bd.status = wk.spanEditor(bd.statspan);

bd.getForm = function() { return bd._form; }
bd.getBookName =  function () {
  bd.bookName = bd._booknameB.value
  if(bd.bookName == "") return "";
  var bn = bd.bookName.split(" ");
  for(var i = 0; i < bn.length; i++) {
    if(bn[i].length > 3)
      bn[i] = bn[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + bn[i].slice(1);
  bd.bookName = bn.join(" ");
  bd._booknameB.value = bd.bookName;
  return bd.bookName;

bd.getLoadPage = function() { return bd._sourceB.value; }

bd.clear = function() {
  wk.spanText(bd.textspan, "");
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, "none");
  bd._listB.value = "";
  bd.links = "";
  bd.text  = "";
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._displayB, true);
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._editB, true);
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._visualB, true);
} = function() {
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, "none");
  wk.spanText(bd.textspan, "");
  if(bd.getBookName() == "") {
    wk.spanText(bd.statspan, "Must enter a valid book title to <b>Design</b>.");
  bd.pageTree = new BookPage(bd.bookName);
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._displayB, false);
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._editB, false);
  wk.toggleDisable(bd._visualB, false);
  if(wgUserName == "Whiteknight") wk.toggleDisable(bd._automateB, false);
  bd.links = "<b>Pages to create:</b><ul>" +
          "<li>[[" + wk.wikiLinkText(bd.bookName) + "]]" +
          "<li>{"+"{" + 
          wk.wikiLinkText("Template:" + bd.bookName + "/Page", bd.bookName + "/Page") + "}}" +
          "<li>[[" + wk.wikiLinkText(bd.bookName + "/Introduction") + "]]";
  bd.text  = "";
  var pages = bd._listB.value.split("\n");
  var preface = "";
  var prereqs = new Array();
  var tags = new Array();
  var subjects = new Array();
  var lastn = 0;
  var last = new Array();
  bd._pages = "";
  for(i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
    if(pages[i] == "") continue;
    pages[i] = pages[i].replace(/^[ \t]+/, "");
    pages[i] = pages[i].replace(/[ \t]+$/, "");
    pages[i] = pages[i].replace(/\r\n/g, "");
    if(pages[i].match(/^%/)) {
      preface += pages[i].substr(1) + "\n\n";
    } else if(pages[i].match(/^=/)) {
      bd._pages += "\n=== " + pages[i].substr(1) + " ===\n\n";
    } else if(pages[i].match(/^\/\//)) {
    } else if(pages[i].match(/^&/)) {
    } else if(pages[i].match(/^\+/)) {
    } else if(pages[i].match(/^-/)) {
    } else if(pages[i].match(/^\*+/)) {
      var stars = pages[i].match(/^\*+/);
      var n = stars[0].length;
      var k = n - 1;
      if(last[k] == null) { k = 0; }
      last[n] = new BookPage(pages[i].substr(n));
      last[n].fullname = last[k].fullname + "/" + last[n].pagename;
      lastn = n;
      bd._pages += "*" + stars[0] + "[[" + last[n].fullname + "|" + last[n].pagename + "]]\n";
      bd.links += "<li>[[" + wk.wikiLinkText(last[n].fullname, last[n].fullname) + "]]";
    } else if(pages[i].match(/^@/)) {
    } else {
      bd._pages += "*[[" + bd.bookName + "/" + pages[i] + "|" + pages[i] + "]]\n";
      bd.links +=  "<li>[[" + 
              wk.wikiLinkText(bd.bookName + "/" + pages[i], bd.bookName + "/" + pages[i]) + "]]";
      last[0] = new BookPage(pages[i]);
      last[0].fullname = bd.pageTree.pagename + "/" + last[0].pagename;
      lastn = 0;
  bd.text = "{"+"{New book}}\n" +
         "{"+"{" + bd.bookName + "/Page}}";
  for(i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
    bd.text += "\n{"+"{" + tags[i] + "}}";
  for(i = 0; i < prereqs.length; i++) {
    bd.text += "\n{"+"{Prerequisite|" + prereqs[i] + "}}";
  bd.text += "\n\n== Preface ==\n\n" + 
            preface +
            "== Table of Contents ==\n\n" + 
            "*[[" + bd.bookName + "/Introduction|Introduction]]\n" +
  bd.text += "\n== Resources ==\n\n" +
          "*[[" + bd.bookName + "/Resources|Resources]]\n" +
          "*[[" + bd.bookName + "/Licensing|Licensing]]\n\n" +
  for(i = 0; i < subjects.length; i++) {
    bd.text += "|" + subjects[i];
  bd.text += "}}\n{"+"{Alphabetical|" + bd.bookName.substr(0,1) + "}}\n" +
          "[[" + "Category:" + bd.bookName + "]]";
  bd.links += "<li>[[" + wk.wikiLinkText(bd.bookName + "/Resources") + "]]" +
           "<li>[[" + wk.wikiLinkText(bd.bookName + "/Licensing") + "]]" +
           "<li>[[" + wk.wikiLinkText("Category:" + bd.bookName) + "]]" +
  bd.status("Successfully designed new book [[" + 
    wk.wikiLinkText(bd.bookName) + "]]. " +
    "Click <b>Display</b> to view the new book text. " +
    "Click <b>Edit</b> to display an edit window to create the page. " +
    "Click <b>Template</b> to display the code for a navigation template. ");

bd.display = function() {
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, "none");
    "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"75%\" valign=\"top\">" +
    "<pre style=\"overflow: auto;\">" + 
    bd.text + "</pre></td><td valign=\"top\">" +
    bd.links + "</td></tr></table>");

bd.edit = function() { 
  if(bd.getBookName() == "") {
    wk.spanText(bd.statspan, "Must enter a valid book name to <b>Edit</b>");
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, "none");
  bd.status("Loading edit form...");
  wk.loadEditPage(bd.bookName, bd._edit2);

bd._edit2 = function(xml) {
  if(typeof cg == 'object') {
    var div = wk.spanText(bd.textspan, 
      "<span id=\"" + cg.editspan + "\">" +
      bd.bookName + "</span>");
  } else {
    var div = wk.spanText(bd.textspan);
  var editform = wk.showEditWindow(xml, bd.textspan);
  editform.summary.value = bd.bookName + ": Created by Whiteknight's Book Designer";
  editform.text.value  = bd.text;
  bd.status("Editing text for [[" + wk.wikiLinkText(bd.bookName) + 
    "]]. Edit the text below to remove any errors or artifacts " +
    "of the design process. Once you have made your edits, " +
    "click <b>Save Page</b>.");

bd.makeTemplate = function() {
  var pages = bd._listB.value.split("\n");
  var select = bd._tempTypeB;
  var template = bd.templates[select.selectedIndex];
  var temp = "{" + "{subst:User:Whiteknight/" + template[0] + "|" +
    ((template[1] == 1)?("book="):("")) + bd.bookName;
  if(template[2] == 1) { //pagelist
    temp += "|" + ((template[1] == 1)?("list="):("")) + "\n" +
            "[[" + bd.bookName + "/Introduction|Introduction]] &mdash;\n";
    for(i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
      if(pages[i] == "") continue;
      if(pages[i].match(/^[%=]/)) continue;
      if(pages[i].match(/^\/\//)) continue;
      if(pages[i].match(/^[-+]/)) {
        continue; //used for setting options eventually.
      pages[i] = pages[i].replace(/[ \t]+$/, "");
      temp = temp + "[[" + bd.bookName + "/" + pages[i] + "|" + pages[i] + "]] &mdash;\n";
    temp += "[[" + bd.bookName + "/Resources|Resources]] &mdash;\n" + 
            "[[" + bd.bookName + "/Licensing|Licensing]] &mdash;\n" +
            "[[Talk:" + bd.bookName + "|Discuss]]";
  return temp + "}}";

bd.template = function() {
  if(bd.getBookName() == "") {
    bd.status("Must enter a valid book name to <b>Template</b>.");
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, "none");
  var temp = bd.makeTemplate();
  var select = bd.getForm().WKBDTempTypeB;
  var template = bd.templates[select.selectedIndex];
  bd.status("This is the text of an example inter-page navigation template " +
    "for the book " + bd.bookName + 
    ". Forward and Back Links: <b>" + ((template[1])?("true"):("false")) +
    "</b>. Page list: <b>" + ((template[2])?("true"):("false")) +
    "</b>. Copy and Paste this code into {"+"{" + 
    wk.wikiLinkText("Template:" + bd.bookName + "/Page", bd.bookName + "/Page") + 
    "}} or {"+"{" + 
    wk.wikiLinkText("Template:" + bd.bookName, bd.bookName) + "}}."
  wk.spanText(bd.textspan, "<pre style=\"overflow: auto;\">" + temp + "</pre>");

bd.load = function() {
  if(bd.getLoadPage() == "") {
    wk.spanText(bd.statspan, "Must enter valid page name to <b>Load</b>.");
  bd.status("Loading text from TOC...");
  wk.loadWikiText(bd.getLoadPage(), function(text) {
    bd._listB.value = text;
    bd.status("Loaded text from TOC");

bd.strip = function() {
  var pages = bd._listB.value;
  pages = pages.replace(/<\/?nowiki>/g, "");
  pages = pages.replace(/(===+)([^=\n]+)\1/g, "=$2");
  pages = pages.replace(/\[\[\/([^\]]+)\/\]\]/g, "$1");
  pages = pages.replace(/(\*|#)\W*/g, "");
  pages = pages.replace(/\([^\)]*\)/g, "");
  pages = pages.replace(/\{\{[^\}]+\}\}/g, "");
  bd._listB.value = pages;

bd.editTemplate = function() {
  if(bd.getBookName() == "") {
    bd.status("Must enter a valid book name to <b>Edit Template</b>.");    
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, "none");
  bd.status("Loading template edit box...");
  wk.loadEditPage("Template:" + bd.bookName + "/Page", bd._editTemplate2)

bd._editTemplate2 = function(xml) {
  var editform = wk.showEditWindow(xml, bd.textspan);
  editform.summary.value = "Template:" + bd.bookName + 
    "/Page: Creating nav template using Whiteknight's Book Designer";
  editform.text.value  = bd.makeTemplate();
  bd.status("Editing text for {"+"{" + 
    wk.wikiLinkText("Template:" + bd.bookName + "/Page", bd.bookName + "/Page") + 
    "}}. Edit the text below to ensure the template is created correctly. " +
    "Click <b>Save Page</b> when you are finished.");
} = function() {
  if(wgUserName == null) {
    bd.status("You must be logged in to save an outline");
  if(bd.getBookName() == "") {
    bd.status("Must enter a valid book name to <b>Save</b>.");    
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, "none");
  bd.status("Loading userpage edit box...");
  wk.loadEditPage("User:" + wgUserName + "/" + bd.bookName, bd._save2);

bd._save2 = function(xml) {
  var editform = wk.showEditWindow(xml, bd.textspan);
  var time = editform.form.wpEdittime.value;
  editform.summary.value = 
    "Saving incomplete book outline using Whiteknight's Book Designer Gadget";
  editform.text.value  = editform.text.value +
    "\n== Outline (" + time + ") ==\n\n" +
    ":<small>This outline is used with [[User:Whiteknight|Whiteknight's]] " +
    "[[User:Whiteknight/Book Creator|Book Creator]]</small>\n" +
    " <nowiki>\n" + 
    bd._listB.value + "\n</nowiki>\n";
  bd.status("Saving text to your userspace. Click <b>Save Page</b> when you are finished.");

bd.automate = function() {
  //test function, will automatically create all necessary pages with default text. 
  if(bd.getBookName() == "") {
    bd.status("must enter a valid bookname to automate!");
  wk.toggleDisplay(bd.boxspan, "none");
  bd.status("Automating book design process...");
  wk.postEdit(bd.bookName, bd.text, "Creating book TOC");
  wk.appendSpanText(bd.statspan, "<br>Created TOC");
  wk.postEdit("Template:" + bd.bookName + "/Page", bd.makeTemplate(), "Automate: Creating book Template");
  wk.appendSpanText(bd.statspan, "<br>Created Nav Template");
  wk.postEdit(bd.bookName + "/Licensing", 
              "{"+"{" + bd.bookName + "/Page}}\n\n" +
              "== License ==\n\n" + 
              "The text of this book is released under the following license:\n\n" +                         
              "Automate: Adding Licensing Information");
  wk.appendSpanText(bd.statspan, "<br>Created Licensing Page");
  wk.postEdit(bd.bookName + "/Resources", 
              "{"+"{" + bd.bookName + "/Page}}\n\n" +
              "== Wikimedia Resources ==\n\n" + 
              "=== Wikibooks ===\n\n=== Wikiversity Courses ===\n\n=== Wikipedia Articles ===\n\n" +
              "== External Sources ==\n", 
              "Automate: Creating Resource Page");
  wk.appendSpanText(bd.statspan, "<br>Created Resources Page");
  wk.postEdit(bd.bookName + "/Introduction", 
              "{"+"{" + bd.bookName + "/Page}}\n\n" +
              "== About This Book ==\n\n" +
              "== Target Audience ==\n\n" +
              "== Prerequisites ==\n\n" +
              "== Corequisites ==\n\n",
              "Automate: Creating Introduction Page"); 
  wk.appendSpanText(bd.statspan, "<br>Created Introduction<br>Done.");

bd.visual = function() {
  var box =  wk.spanText(bd.textspan, "");