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About Me

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I am a warm blooded mammal that enjoys cuddling under blankets. I have been known to engage in the creation of warm things and then share them with other people. Enjoyment comes from sharing fuzzy things with other people, especially when they are knitted or crocheted. In addition to the fuzzies I like making tea, sleeping, and getting out in the sunshine.

Two Black Holes merging, isn't it just fascinating from the fuzzy perspective?

The Quest to be a Warm Fuzzy

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So many years ago in a land far far away from here there lived a frog. This frog enjoyed taking his leisure time under cups and mugs, most preferably those that had been cast on pottery wheels and baked to delicious perfection. Those with a touch of moss on the underside were quite enjoyable as well, although the dry variety were the most ideal.

This frog came to me, asking for a cup under which to live, for he wanted a place that was dark and dry, but also with some moss. I helped in the creation of this warmth, and have enjoyed creating a sense of home for so many other frogs since.

Name: Warmfuzzies
Hometown: Mossflower Wood
Current Home: Brockhall

Cultural Change

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Because Warm Fuzzies are so sought after, there have been many stories adapted and changed to fit the culture of my nature. For a delightful change of pace, I suggest you try partaking of some great literature like "A Warm Fuzzy Tale".