User:Waheed Jatoi

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Waheed JatoiAbdul Waheed Jatoi (عبدالوحید جتوئی), born on [Jan 31, 1977 as the date of birth; Waheed Jatoi made his first appearance at the ancient village Matoo (Larkana). He shares his home city with Sindh’s great audacious poets but Waheed’s mystical romantic poetry has made him one of the most beautiful lyrical poets of the modern age. He was brought up in the free environment where he became well acquainted with the carnal soul of the Creator and admired for his artistic approach in his very young age. The birth of a genius in any case is not an everyday happening. It still takes a century to produce a poet of real substance, for sure, Waheed Jatoi, is one. He is a poet and writer of very outstanding caliber both in English and Sindhi. He has to his credit books, short stories and articles. By any measure, he is one of the most profound and versatile poets in the English language perhaps the greatest of English literature in Pakistan after G.Allana. For all the intellectual persecution he faced in his lifetime for his radical beliefs and ideals, his works have transcended ages and will in the future continue to enchant mankind and infuse men with his sonorousness, felicity and deep philosophy. His literary journey started in 1994 where his first ever document published and it is the factual year of his emergence as a writer. As Khalil Gibran said, “The reality of life is not life itself, whose beginning is not in the womb, and whose ending is not in the grave”. Subsequently, this erudite voyage carried off an extraordinary attainment in 1998 of his august work entitled, “Sindhi Shairi Fun Kha Fikr Taaien” (Included in prescribed M.A. Sindhi syllabus at all the general universities of Sindh), the genre of book is literary criticism and research on Sindhi Poetry. Moreover, his phenomenal philosophy based opus, “Wujudiyat Aien Sindhi Adab” (Existentialism and Sindhi Literature) was produced in 2001. This book turns out to be one of his exceptional works in the stream of social philosophy and it portrays that Waheed has a strikingly consistent development from the purely artistic to the blend of thought and emotion which ultimately makes him a brilliant philosopher, a man with a stunning intellect, a deep observer of human nature and a sharp analyst of mind. The year 2002, which is remarked as the year of his professional achievement in the field of teaching at Isra College Hyderabad, from where he was known as a man of grandeur thoughts and elevated emotions. With a use of his noble diction that is one the elements of sublime in his poetry, he composed an anthem during rendering his services at college. The written anthem is a unique poetical creation of ideology, ethos, inspiration and its intrinsic revelation of leading candidates’ spirit high.The true essence of anthem is centre of faith, to reaffirm its commitment to the dream and an invocation for integrity. The most important thing about the anthem is its lyrics. It has a very profound effect on the listeners, leaving them spellbound. Attaining its super recognition, the anthem was officially taken by Mehran University’s Model High School. Here the anthem is:O! God of incense-breath

O! God of incense-breath O! Master of life and death!

Thou art Lord thou art great Since then you wrote my fate

This life needs your bless Wipe out woes and weakness!

Make my future best and bright With all your grace and might!

Continuing this flawless breakthrough, his splendid piece of work the “Evening Shadows” an English poetry secured a definite place in the world of metrical composition in 2004. Following the same trend, another balanced, fine, and passionate work with delightful harmonies, “The Winter of Despair” book published in august 2015 and it is retaining the same recognition and appreciation in the literary world as his previous work. His book “The Winter of Despair” is a collection of poems where the romantic poetry finds identity not through imposition on the other, nor self-love and possession of the other rather through love and self-loss. He remained immortalized through his work. The fact is that he is dark and creative and his diction is perfectly chosen. He is the gifted poet that touches the painful hearts with bitter realities.

Congenial weathers and the heavy spring rains, In her absence, by God, felt be pains! O! Wandering wind go and let her know, We have wept and flowed hot-tear drains!

Beautiful and wonderful imagery is displayed in this nice Quatrain by the poet. The first two lines are enough to die for love. Here the poet explicitly manifests a distinguished melancholic spirit of Eros.

Love-the unextinguished hot hell fire, It captures from the lover all his desire, And redoubles the killing chronic pain, When one loses the sweet lovely sire!

When one loses the sweet lovely sire!Strengthened by his pure sense of love and grief that make us to feel an urgent emotion is ever appealing one and distinct expression but rather that the poet is foreseeing the struggle to cling to reveal the highest quality of self-sacrificing love.

All my poems, time and strife, I dedicate to you the soul and life!

This couplet is very close to perfection in simplicity and cadence. Here the poet’s river of felicity flows from toe to top and there is no pain, no gain but only ecstasy time and again. He starts grounded in reality then slowly and gradually goes into this ideal sense that once it hits a peak, goes back down to reality. He is one of the romantic poets who never put himself under restriction of versification. He is singularly everyone's favorite poet who inspires in every level of our life and that finds it fascinating.

Tapping into the natural warmth of one’s heart, one must experience the pain and that includes all the heart qualities: love, compassion, gratitude, tenderness in any form. It also includes loneliness, sorrow, and the shakiness of fear. Here the poem Zulaikha- My Sister is a unique record of the poet’s response to loss that is irreparable where he experiences pain and manages himself to keep in place fell to pieces. This poem showing the mystical theme of the Union and Separation further it focuses the valley of annihilation. Here the poet recalls the precious moments of togetherness with his sister and in her absence all the places where they used to live, now appear to look barren. In an effort to cope with her loss, the poet is filled with a longing for his sister and it seems to him that her soul has intertwined with the inner life of the universe and measured the passing of time in heavenly heights of thoughts and found the ultimate reality and essence of things. This elegy is the message of her life, death, loss and memory which gives the pathos to the reader. This piece of great elegance is beautifully penned in poetic diction with conviction. Such poem surely touched my heart at depth. The last few verses of poem, to some extent, depict a true concealment of hope of reunion. As he says:

In the hereafter where mighty dooms will meet I hope you will recognize me Brother!!!

The title poem of the book, The Winter of Despair, conveys perfectly the essence of love, betrayal, sense of desolation, generalized nature and evokes a mood of sadness rather than joy in other words; here poet does not find winter as the source of therapy for spiritual enlightenment but full of unrest and despair. Being hopeless and disillusioned from all relations, he says:

Their unkind attitude Their cold behavior Happened to be The winter- the winter of Hopelessness that brings unwanted Cold, mist and thunder Where everything comes under The cover and the pall Of despair!!!

The thorough analysis of his Free and Rhymed Verses, Quatrains and Couplets seems to have the themes which make him an intellectually gifted poet. The variety of metrical accomplishment in his poetry is marvelous. He brings to his making a richly imaginative and a very fine ear to verbal music.

He is an inspired man who writes for Love and Truth. These two things should be at the center of all our work. He achieves mastery in spontaneous voices of hearts. He seems to be the best romantic as well as classic poet in his composition. His extraordinary verses, of course, take us in the stream of ecstasy and reflect him a poetic genius with beauty of his mystical thoughts which is the real spirit of his poetry. His works and achievements of so many masterpieces, is truly notable. He has proved himself worthy of this special honor of Doctorate Degree in English Literature.