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User:Vuara/PINXXIEE Method

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  • maxx = mother
  • ccaaott = grass
  • muutv = tree
  • fentt = scent
  • xiaaokk = smile
  • gguoq = nation
  • liannthht + hhejy + gguoq => Lianheguo (United Nations)
  • muu = eye


  • Introduction
  • What is PX or Modernized Internet-Chinese Script
  • The PX Rules


Chinese Character Pinxxiee Method is based on the Chinese Language Pinyin Scheme, the official Chinese phonetic standard, as promulgated and published by China and recognized by the United Nations.

What is PX or Modernized Internet-Chinese script?

If the user wishes to learn the complete Pinxxiee language input method, Chinese Computer Communication, Inc. has a DOS version of PX 2001 Tutor#, which serves as a Chinese word processor and also instructs the user how to input Chinese characters using the complete Pinxxiee language technology.

Pinxxiee language technology (ƴдÓïÑÔ¼¼Êõ) has advanced to the point that it will complement the other input methods (ÊäÈ땽•¨)), popular on the market, such as Cangjie Code (²Öò¡), Wubizi Code (Îå ±Ê×Ö), Pinyin (Æ´Òô) or Zhuyin (×¢Òô) spellings, and can also facilitate the use of telegraphic code (µç±¨ Âë), Three-corner Code (Èý½Ç), Four-corner Code (ËĽÇ), or Simple Stroke (±Ê»­) or other graphic-phonetic (ÐÎÉù) hybrid methods, with or without AI or abbreviations, for speedy Chinese word-processing . However, in the long run, speed of input should not be the only criterion of economy. We need to consider the meaning of the input language in word-processing and writing manuscripts for the users’ true productivity and creativity.

The meaning of an input language is highly significant for the average Chinese user, as it is for the ordinary English user of the typewriter or word processor. Stenography and shorthand are high-speed tools of English language specialists, but ordinary writers of English do not learn stenography or shorthand to do typing or word-processing. In fact, ordinary writers need a meaningful language to learn, to read, and to type. What’s typed should be readable and memorable. There are hundreds of Chinese input methods but they are mostly not readable or easily memorable by the average person. Hence, the need for this Pinyin+Pinxxiee Computer-Chinese language.

In brief, Pinxxiee language is Computer-Chinese, electronic Chinese, or e-Chinese for the Internet. Its time has come. It is the linear transformation of the square Chinese character in the computer of Information Age. Pinxxiee ƴд integrates, explains, and aids the other input methods in their functions as speed tools, just like the English language must be the foundation of English shorthand, stenography or abbreviations.

And similarly, Pinxxiee completely solves the Chinese homophone problem and also serves as a computer-compatible language. As with any languages, you, of course, have to learn it. On the average, it takes 15 hours to learn Pinxxiee, if you are familiar with Pinyin and Chinese characters. Furthermore, the user can learn Pinyin+ Pinxxiee language with PX 2001 Tutor, independently. Now, let’s learn step 1: Pinyin+Tones, so that we can apply Pinyin+Tones to Chinese input for Palm-size personal computers, effectively and efficiently.

The CAIS’99 Dictionaries within the Manual serves you as a standard for Chinese and Pinyin+ spellings of Chinese characters. Pinyin+ gives you faster and more efficient graphic input tools with a future. And this CAIS’99 Dictionaries helps you now with proper spelling and writing of any lanugage as the PX 2001 Tutor will give you a glimpse into the bright future of Chinese/English and bilingual word-processing and multilingual data management.

The PX Rules

1. The Pinyin Rule: Use the Pinyin syllable as the phonetic base. Xinhhua ZiidiaannÑ [New China Dictionary] serves as this Manual’s standard reference for Pinyin syllabary, character fonts and stroke counts.

2. The Pinyin+Tone Rule: Replace the Pinyin diacritic tone marks with tonal letters, according to a linguistic consonant-vowel principle: that is, repeat a consonant (to raise the tone) or repeat a vowel (to lower the tone). For example:

1st tone: ma = £í ¨¡= ma (Âè )

2nd tone: mma = £í ¨¢= mma (Âé )

3rd tone: mmaa= £í ¨£= mmaa (Âí )

4th tone: maa = £í ¨¤= maa ( Âî ) so that,

1st tone: The Pinyin spelling base remains unchanged. Remove the level tone mark from the principal vowel (¨¡), but add no letters. e.g., ma (Âè ), ba, ci, de, er, etc.

2nd tone: Remove the tone-raising mark from the principal vowel. Replace it with the tone-raising consonant by doubling the consonant. e.g., mma (Âé ), bba, cci, dde, err, etc.

3rd tone: Remove the tone-lowering-and-raising mark from the principal vowel . R eplace it with two letters, by doubling both the associated consonant and the principal vowel a. e.g., mmaa (Âí ), bbaa, ccii, ddee, eerr, etc.

4th tone: Remove the tone-lowering mark from the principal vowel. Replace it with the tone-lowering letter, by doubling the principal vowel. e.g., maa ( Âî ), baa, cii, dee, eer, etc.

What if the Pinyin syllable has more than one consonant?

2.1 The Pinyin+tone nth Rule. Whenever the consonant letter n is present in any syllable e.g. man, n is the consonant to be doubled to signal the tone (2nd or 3rd). The nth Rule’s power and its ease to master becomes more obvious with the following examples:

1st tone 2nd tone 3rd tone 4th tone

an °² ann [ÎÞ ] aann Ûû aan °µ

ban °ã bann ÙØ baann °å baan °ë

chan ²ó chann µ¥ chaann Ùæ chaan âã

man ò© mann Âù maann Âú maan Âý

nan àî nann ÄÐ naann [ÎÞ ] naan ÄÑ

ren [ÎÞ ] renn ÈË reenn ÈÌ reen ÈÏ

zheng Õù zhenng [ÎÞ ] zheenng Õû zheeng Õý

What if the Pinyin syllable has two or more consonants and no letter n?

The following 2.3 Rule is applied:

2.3. The h-rule: Whenever h is present without n (e.g. cha), h is the consonant to be doubled. Examples of the two rules, respectively:

1st tone cha = cha (²æ) 2nd tone cha = chha (²è) 3rd tone cha = chhaa (ïï) ) 4th tone cha = chaa (²î )

What if a syllable has no consonants at all, but only vowels?

The following Rules are applied:

2.4. The single-vowel rule: For single-vowel Pinyin syllables (e.g. "a" or "e"), add an h at the end, and then follow the 2.3.h-rule:

1st tone a = ah (°¢) 2nd tone a = ahh (àÄ) 3rd tone a = aahh (ºÇ) 4th tone a = aah (ºÇ )

2.5. The double-vowel rule: For Pinyin syllables with two vowels and no consonants (e.g. "ao"), have the second vowel act as a consonant:

1st tone ao = ao (°¼) 2nd tone ao = aoo (°½) 3rd tone ao = aaoo (°À) 4th tone ao = aao (°Â)

What about homotonic and homophonic Ideographic characters?

Please, once again, recall the Pinxxiee Formula to our aid:






²¿ Ê×
ºº ×Ö



That’s when we add the needed radical stroke letter(s)to the Pinyin+toned syllable to complete the spelling.

3. The Pinxxiee Radical Rule: Change the ideographic radicals to look-like alphabetic letter suffixes. Chinese characters, through a process of TiENSTROKES Pinxxiee transformation, are changing stroke(s) into a letter or letters, and then make the stroke letters into a radical suffix. For instance, the t-radical is condensed from the H-stroke Ò» and L-stroke l, which, combined, form the t letter, or the -t suffix. A Pinyin+ syllable plus a radical suffix produce a Pinxxiee word, similar to an English alphabetic spelling, e.g., ma + xx = maxx (mother). The following 4 examples show how spellings of Pinxxiee words are naturally derived from Chinese characters themselves, thus retaining their ancient historical roots:

Hanzi Tenstrokes Radical Script Pinyin+Plus Radical Pinxxiee English

Âè CJH-PZH cjh-pzh ma -xx maxx mother

Ä¿ LP-HH-H d-hh muu -dhh muu* eye

²Ý HLL-LPHH-HL tt-lphh-t ccaao -tt ccaaott grass

ľ HL-JY tv muu -tv muutv tree

  • muu Ä¿ can also be spelled as muudhh with itself as radical .

These spellings, maxx Âè, muudhhÄ¿, ccaaott ²Ý, and muutv ľ, contain silent Pinxxiee suffixes, serving as the semantic radicals in the original square characters. These radicals must be added to Pinyin+Plus spellings in order to be differentiated from their homophones, e.g. muu Ä¿ must be spelled differently from muutv ľ. And so, each Chinese character (square ideograph) has been transformed into a unique monosyllabic Pinxxiee word (linear ideograph) as its original in the computer Internet world.

However, you only need to learn TiENSTROKES Alphabet VHLJY TGPCZ and then about 50 of the most-frequently-used radical-suffixes (like -xx, -dhh, -tt, -tv…) in order to process 95% or more of the ordinary Chinese text. A set of 250+ silent Pinxxiee radical-suffixes has been created to spell differentially all homophones for both complex and simplified characters. This applies to all 60,000+ Chinese ideographs, and even more characters, if created. These suffixes are easy to remember, because they are created to look like the original radicals, by neuro-association, based on a child’s game: search for English letters in Chinese characters! Study the following characters and you will see what we mean:

ccaaott = ²Ý = grass; fentt = •Ò = scent; zhhukk = óÃ; xiaaokk = Ц smile and others.

4. The Two-Syllable Compound Rule: Omit the silent radical suffixes when entering a two-character compound word as follows:

Âè + Âè => ÂèÂè

maxx + maxx => mama

5. The Three-Syllable Compound Rule: Omit the silent suffixes and the tone letters when entering a three-character compound word as follows:

Áª + ºÏ + ¹ú => ÁªºÏ ¹ú

liannthht + hhejy + gguoq => Lianheguo (United Nations)


Conclusion Report On Dr. H. C. Tien’s [Ìï Èý ÎÄ ] PINXXIEE Technology

by Experts at Standardization Conference


The China Standardization Association hereby decrees that the panel of experts were indeed authorized to review Dr. H. C. Tien’s (Tiann San Wenn, Ìï Èý ÎÄ ²© Ê¿ ) presentation and demonstration in defense of his Pinxxiee Language Technology. Furthermore, this conference was declared on public record that the expert panel’s conclusions are true and valid.

On November 3, 1999, a conference was held in Beijing, China, at which Dr. H. C. Tien demonstrated and defended his Pinxxiee Language Technology. The technology was subsequently validated by the China Standardization Association. The CSA invited China’s experts in the following fields to participate in the review: information technology, standardization, ergonomics, software evaluation, software design, language coding analysis, psychology, internet software analysis, et al.

The following conclusions were reached by the commission of panel experts.

Pinxxiee Language Technology was developed based on the Chinese Government’s official standards of spoken Mandarin and the Chinese ("Pinyin") phonetic spelling method. Moreover, this technology adheres to the contents of China’s official Mandarin language Xinhua Dictionary. In conclusion this language technology’s overall design is in accordance with China’s national Mandarin language policies. This technology is an effective system of writing Chinese characters because the problem of duplicate Chinese character spellings is rendered small. All aspects of a Chinese character -- i.e. the phonetic spelling, tone, and semantic root -- are expressed in its Pinxxiee language spelling. This technology is a breakthrough in solving the problem of homophone ambiguity in Mandarin because Pinxxiee spells out all aspects of the Chinese character (see above point # 2). For all practical purposes, the homophone problem has been solved. Pinxxiee Language Technology is in ASCII, so it can be used on the Internet to send Chinese Mandarin email messages (as easily as in English) without the ambiguity that arises when the phonetic "Pinyin" spelling method is used. Thus, fluent speakers of Mandarin, who do not know English and do not have a Chinese character platform on their PC, now have a convenient method for sending and receiving email messages in Mandarin Chinese. This is especially true for international communication, and will have ever increasing usefulness in the future. There is sufficient education software available for Pinxxiee Language Technology, and the PX-2001 software package (PX Toolbox) makes learning this technology easy. In summary, Pinxxiee Language Technology’s method of spelling Chinese characters is technically sound; it has simple rules and very little memorizing needed for Mandarin’s inflection tones. It is suitable for being introduced for learning as early as the elementary and junior high school grade levels by students who have knowledge of the phonetic "Pinyin" spelling method.

The Commission’s panel of experts raised the following relevant issues regarding Pinxxiee Language Technology that it felt must be considered and addressed:

China is a huge country with many different ethnic dialects; and although the Chinese government has extensively taught Mandarin Chinese for more than 30 years, the vast majority of Chinese people still find difficulty in speaking Mandarin properly. They find even greater difficulty in writing Chinese phonetic "Pinyin" spellings. Since teaching Pinxxiee Language Technology is based on both the correct speaking of Mandarin and the spelling of "Pinyin" sounds, Pinxxiee Language Technology will be very difficult to promulgate. Because Pinxxiee Language Technology has all the aspects of the Chinese character contained in its spelling system, its Chinese character representations are much longer than all the other systems used in China today. In addition, the Commission stated that any further developments or improvements of Pinxxiee Language Technology must be in accordance with the Chinese language standards set down by the Government’s relevant official bodies. Up until now the phonetic "Pinyin" spelling method has been primarily used for learning Mandarin Chinese. It has also been a beneficial tool in Chinese character display for software. With the introduction of Pinxxiee Language Technology , we now have what can be called "the Chinese writing script" for the PC and Internet environments. In fact, it has become Chinese language technology for international communication. Needed now is for the general populace to master it while the relevant government bodies support its use. The China Standardization Association hereby decrees that the panel of experts were indeed authorized to review Dr. H. C. Tien’s demonstration and defense of his Pinxxiee Language Technology. Furthermore, this conference was on public record and the expert panel’s conclusions valid.



1. COMPANY OVERVIEW: In 1960, while working as a practicing physician with dyslexic children, H. C. Tien, M.D.[UMICH.MED] discovered a historic and scientific link between the two major languages of the world, English letters and Chinese characters. In 1983,

Dr. Tien, President and CEO founded CCC, Inc. By 1997, after having received 3 patents for his inventions, he closed his private practice of medicine and decided to launch CCC on the Internet supermarket.

2. DISCOVERY: What he discovered in 1960 turned out to be the "genetic code" of Englishó Chinese transcription in TiENSTROKES ALPHABET. Using TiENSTROKES®, CCC can speed up U.S. trade & communication with China.

3. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT: After more than a quarter of a century (1961-1999) of R&D with considerable equity investment from family’s savings and a number of private investors, Dr. TiEN perfected the PINXXIEE theory and its language technology TREE model:


CCC has copyrighted, trademarked and patented [1960-99] the intellectual properties of a global TiENSTROKES ® Alphabet, and its derived Pinxxiee ComputerChinese™ dictionaries, InternetChinese scripts and language technologies.

4. BUSINESS MISSION: To achieve this mission, CCC seeks strategic investors and experienced technology partners to help plan an IPO by 2001. Today, almost one-forth (1/4) of the world’s population is Chinese, the vast majority can’t touch-type Chinese characters directly on the computer keyboard in their own language (ºº ×Ö ) ! The remaining three-quarters (3/4) including Americans, who are trading with China can’t read Chinese ºº ×Ö . However, the basic invention and the applications of TiENSTROKES to Chinese-English translations has readily enhanced the commercialization of products and services on the market. CCC supplies accurate and rapid Englishó Chinese translation service, using its own products, the 3 InternetChinese™ word-processing and translation tools.


Ìï ™ TiENSTROKES® INTERNET-CHINESE™ TOOLBOX™, retailing @ $775/box: contains the 3 key tools used by CCC over the years (1983-date) in its Translation Services:

[i] Pinxxiee® Internet-Chinese AutoInput System’98 (CAIS’98), retailing @ $375/ per tool; a Chinese character word-processor that works like English.

[ii] TiENSTROKES® Pinxxiee® e-Chinese SpellChecker’99, retailing@ $350/per tool; for checking the spellings of linearized Chinese characters!

[iii] TiENSTROKES® MindMasterTutor2000™, retailing $300/per tool; a hand-held computer educational tool for students and language workers in translating Chinese ºº ×Ö ó Pinxxiee ó English documents and database.

6. FOCUS: Washington Post has forecast that CCC will eventually become the leader in Pinxxiee Chinese script technology. CCC is ready to enter the largest and fastest growing Internet markets with its Toolbox™99 for US-China & global trade. Although already well known to some important governmental customers and users, e.g., the State of Michigan; GM and EDS, and other fortune companies, CCC aims to fulfill its destiny as a leading corporation in the multilingual information industry, championing for the Golden Age of East-West trade in Peace with Prosperity for the 21st Century.

Æ´ д PINXXIEE (pin+shay = phonics+graphics) CORPORATION ¹« Ë¾

801 Glenhaven Avenue, East Lansing, Michigan 48823 USA

e-mail contact: dr.tien@pinxxiee.com; Phone:517 336-9500; Fax: 517 336-1212