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My name is Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa.

I am a bottom-up design kind of guy, and like to build things piece by piece. I am sometimes too impatient, have a CTRL-S reflex, get bored easily and skim long winded manuals which do not interest me, often not bothering to read them at all. I earnestly devour and savor a good book: a concise, logically sequenced, and clear written book.

I am a Computer Engineering PhD Student, at the top Engineering college in my country, Free Software project developer for over a decade, with an interest in History and Religion. I was raised a Roman Catholic and instructed in the Scientific Method, but feel we all need a moral compass to guide us in our modern life. I believe it is possible to organically build such a moral compass using the resources provided by WikiBooks, as elaborated in the rationale here.

I have a personal blog about these thoughts: REFIT: Refitting our World. Bit by bit. I wish to relicense all my original content there under the Wiki Books license free for all.

I have contributed regularly to Wikipedia for years using a pseudonym. I have been away for a couple of years, and my WikiTax skills have rusted a bit.