User:Swapnil durgade/NX Terminal Server on Fedora Core 3

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A. Setup NX Server on Fedora Core 3 machine

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From a windows machine, use putty to login as root to Fedora Core 3 machine

1. run command

rpm -q nc expect

If you get error like "package expact is not installed" or "package nc is not installed", from fedora core cds, copy expect-5.42.1-1.i386.rpm and nc-1.10- 22.i386.rpm to /root directory and run commands

cd /root
rpm -ivh expect-5.42.1-1.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh nc-1.10-22.i386.rpm 

2. Then to download nx server, run command


3. After download is finished, run command

 rpm -ivh nx-1.5.0-0.FC3.1.i386.rpm
 rpm -ivh  freenx-0.4.4-1.fdr.0.noarch.rpm   

4. create a user called testuser and set password for it with command

 useradd testuser
 password testuser

Now your NX Server is UP and running

B. Setup NX Client on Windows machine

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1. Download nx client for windows from following link

2. Run nxclient-1.5.0-132.exe to install nx client

3. Click on Start > Programs > NX Client for Windows > NX Connection Wizard

In “Session” type Linux

In “Host” type ip address of Fedora Core 3 Server

Click Next

4. Select "Unix", “Gnome”. Make sure that "Enable SSL encryption on all traffic" is checked and click "Next".

5. Check "Show the Advanced Configuration dialog" box and click "Finish".

6. Click on button "Key...". It will open General – Key Management window. Press Alt + Tab to go to putty

On putty, run command vi /etc/nxserver/client.id_dsa.key and copy the key (To copy, just select the key text on screen. The selected text gets copied on windows clipbord).

Press Alt + Tab to go General – Key Management window and paste it here.

Click "Save", "Save" and "Ok".

7. Now type your login name testuser that you created on Linux machine and your password and click on Login button

More information on Enjoy !

-Swapnil (Friday, December 09, 2005) Email-