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User:Rupenda kkoshal

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Dear Sir:

Regarding Aurangzeb:

Please be noted that, Aurangzeb was one of the brilliant ruller in India ever seen before in the interest of public and fear from God. Infact he was taking JAZIA from Hindus the same time he was collecting ZAKAT from Muslims also, and there was no other system payment of taxes etc. eg. other HINDUS ruller collecting taxes from people in the way of food grains.

So this is wrong, he was cutter Muslim, just imaging he ruled about 50 years, if so, as a KING he pushed all hindus to convert Islam.

Just imagine, if you want to say some one against Hindus "only Britishers" within their rulling period they converted lot of Hindus to Chritianity.

When Aurangzeb enter in HYDERABAD (DECCAN)still MAKKA MOSQUE near Charminar under construction, and Archetecture demanded to send more money for the construction of mosque. But, Aurangzeb refused to give any more budget, by saying this money belongs to public of India, whatever construction did is enough.

Further, could you realised what amount he spend over construction, nothing. But he spent money the betterment of public of India in way of supplying food grains to where-even there is food grains problem, he used to do stiching caps as their food income.

Please try to read more, if you have time try to read own biography of SHIVAJI.

With best regards

Mohammed Abdullah Ghori Email: Abdullahghori@hotmail.com