User:Pjacobi/Draft/Nulls and undefined

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The NULL and/or undefined values

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What is the value of variables never assigned before? And: is there a special NULL value. Are they considered to be the same.

ECMAScript Lua Perl PHP Python Ruby
Name null nil NULL None nil
Sames as undefined? - + + + -
valid in boolean context? - + -/- + +
valid in other expressions? - + -/- - -
ECMAScript has distinct null and undefined, the latter is only for declared variables never assigned a value. Accessing undeclared variables raises an exception.
In Lua, the NULL value nil and the undefined state are equal. This is basically the same model as Perl, but with giving this state a name. So undefing a variable has the normal assignment syntax.

PERL has no named NULL value but undefining a variable using undef can mostly achieve the same, as using an undefined variable in boolean context is allowed (and evaluates to false).
