Well, there is a sign at the top of the mountain that is both enthralling and terrifying:
'Our mountain is like nothing you have skied before!
Give this mountain the special respect it demands!'
Wikimedia is that mountain."
On Wiki
[edit | edit source]I am the Facilitator for the Foundation's Strategic Planning process. That job title is sufficiently vague that Eugene and I have gotten to define it as we go, but mostly we've interpreted it to mean that my job includes helping to ensure that those who are interested and involved have a voice, and that the process is productive and as transparent as we can possibly make it. In my volunteer capacity, I can usually be found on en:Wikipedia.
I have been a member of the Election Committee for 2007, 2008, and 2009.
You can find me on en:Wikipedia as Philippe. On IRC, my username is usually Philippe|Wiki. I am a sysop on en:Wikipedia and on Meta. I am also a 'crat on the Foundation's Strategy wiki, by virtue of my role here. I can be emailed, of course: philippe (at)
Follow me on and Twitter! My username is philippewiki in both places.
About Me (Off-wiki)
[edit | edit source]The important things to know, I suppose, are that I'm in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA with a strong interest in politics and government.
I have a partner of four years, and can usually be found doing very geeky things, or playing with our three critters (beagle mix, komondor, and ginger tabby).
My new favorite quote is from an ad I saw while at the musical Wicked:
- Listen, I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them!
- There have been so many moments in my life when I wish I could have said that!
- Listen, I have flying monkeys, and I'm not afraid to use them!
[edit | edit source]I'm awarding this to you for working so damn hard. (Plus, I find the rotating star mesmerizing.) I hope you know that I see not only how much you are putting into this project, but the quality of your work as well. I am incredibly grateful to be working with you. It ain't gonna get easier in the next few months, but we're going to have a heckuva lot of fun. Thanks, and get well soon! --Eekim 21:28, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
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My "I wonder" section
[edit | edit source]I wonder why the number of male vs. female users is so disproportionate.
- Resource: Ragesoss's excellent essay:
- Resource: The FAQ's at
- Do we have/know any sociologists who could look into this?
I wonder if we've done an adequate job of communicating the core values. What if you aren't inclined to read them in English? How wide are the translations? More precisely, are they being modeled in the farther reaches of the projects? Do the smallest Wikipedias or Wiktionaries or whatever really model the values? And how do we know?
- How do we do this better? Social networking tools?
[edit | edit source]Need to report to the community based on translation status, active proposals, etc.