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User:Pazderski/Books/Agile Journey Guide

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Agile Journey Guide
(working title)


We invite you on a journey of collaboration with like minded agile experts in writing, commenting, and using this open source Wikibook.  The working title is: "Agile Journey Guide".  Because it is a Wikibook, normal Wikibook policies and guidelines apply, which are referenced in the Methodology subsection.  Therefore, we do not need to reinvent the collaboration protocols. 
The initial plan is as follows. The first phase is to collect existing links to agile related websites both on Wikimedia and externally to it. These links will be organized around the initial outline, which is presented in the Outline subsection. The second phase will be to identify gaps in this collection of links and write new sections, Wikipedia pages, or independent web-pages, whichever is deemed appropriate by the contributor. The third and any future phases will be defined by the community of collaborators working on this book.


This is a self guided study and practice manual to agile methods. The initial focus is to cover known topics on agile culture and practices from individuals, teams, scaling, to the entire enterprise, and eventually beyond. Because it is on Wikibooks we have the ability to keep updating and improving this guidebook indefinitely.

The general audience for this book is anyone interested in agile culture and practices because a Wikibook is an open environment. The specific targeted audience is agile experts needing a broad reference textbook unburdened by specific perspectives and individual agendas, which they can update themselves.


These are the book authors. Please add your name alphabetically as you contribute. Review the book:Contributors for individual statistics.

Paul I. Pazderski (User:Pazderski)


A set of links to Wikimedia methods governing this guidebook.

Wikibooks:Welcome - Start here. This is the orientation of Wikibooks.
Using Wikibooks - This is the full how-to for Wikibooks.
Help:Wikitext - This is Wikipedia help for using Wikitext, the language for content formatting within Wikis.


Introduction - a preview and explanation of this guidebook and its structure.
Methodology - a set of links to Wikimedia methods governing this guidebook.
Overview - a specific preview of each chapter and section.
Journeys - agile methods organized for various group sizes.
Individual - agile methods for one person use.
Team - agile methods for small group use.
Scaling - agile methods for large group or multiple groups' use.
Enterprise - agile methods for entire organization use.
Communities - agile methods for use beyond an enterprise.
Compendium - agile methods organized by popular groupings of practices.
Manifestos - review of variations on the normal Software Manifesto.
Frameworks - review of popular agile structures called frameworks.
Practices - listing of standalone agile practices.
Related Topics - agile methods which are not directly involved with information technology.
Miscellany - agile methods which do not fit well into frameworks, standalone practices, or related topics.
Literature - overview and listing of agile books, articles, blogs and related materials.
Review - an brief overview of popular agile literature.
Bibliography - a listing of common agile literature.
...works to be allocated... - a listing of agile methods needing to be organized or allocated to one of the other sections.


Agile methods organized for various group sizes.


Agile methods for one person use.

Personal Agility Canvas: A one-page strategy work aid for developing personal agility.
Personal Kanban: Tailoring the Kanban Method down to the individual level.
Personal Scrum: Applying the Scrum Framework to individual work management.


Agile methods for small group use.


Agile methods for large group or multiple groups' use.


Agile methods for entire organization use.


Agile methods for use beyond an enterprise.


This chapter provides links to popular agile methods organized under frameworks, independent practices, related topics, and miscellany.


This is a review of variations on the normal Software Manifesto.

Business Manifesto
Church Manifesto
Coach Manifesto
Data Manifesto
Enterprise Manifesto
Governance Manifesto

HR Manifesto
Innovation Manifesto
Marketing Manifesto
Offshore Manifesto
Offshore SW Dev Manifesto
People Manifesto

PMO Manifesto
Recruiting Manifesto
Sales Manifesto
School Manifesto
L.A.F.A.B.L.E Manifesto
Dark Manifesto
Half-Arsed Manifesto

Frameworks - review of popular agile structures called frameworks.

Extreme Programming
Adaptive Software Development
Agile Unified Process
Business-driven development
Disciplined Agile Delivery
Distributed Agile Software Development

Dynamic Systems Development Method
Enterprise Scrum
Extreme Programming
Kanban (development)
Lean Software Development
LeSS (Large Scale Scrum)
Microsoft Solutions Framework
Nexus (Scrum Scaling)

Rapid Application Development
Scaled Agile Framework
Scrum (software development)
Scrum at Scale

Independent Practices

Listing of popular standalone agile practices.

Acceptance testing
Acceptance test–driven development
Agile modeling
Agile testing
Behavior-driven development
Burn down chart
Continuous integration
Code refactoring
Continuous delivery
Continuous testing
Cross-functional team
Cumulative flow diagram
Deployment environment
Design-driven development
Domain-driven design
Emergent Design
Extreme programming practices
Feature-driven development
Fibonacci scale (agile)

Incremental build model
Interface segregation principle
INVEST (mnemonic)
Iterative and incremental development
Kanban board
Low-code development platforms
Model-driven engineering
MoSCoW method
Pair programming
Planning poker
Pull-based agile coaching
Rolling-wave planning
Scrum sprint
Serious play

Shift left testing
Single responsibility principle
Software craftsmanship
Software prototyping
Specification by example
Spike (software development)
Stand-up meeting
Story-driven modeling
T-shaped skills
Test automation
Test-driven development
User story
Value stream
Velocity (software development)
You aren't gonna need it

Agile methods which are not directly involved with information technology.

Agile application
Agile Architecture
Agile Automation
Agile Business Intelligence
Agile construction
Agile contracts
Agile infrastructure
Agile leadership<PhD, aka. Distributed / Servant Leadership>
Agile learning

Agile manufacturing
Agile marketing
Agile Policing Strategy
Agile Project Management (book)
Agile retail
Agile tooling
Agile usability engineering
AgileNCR (conference)
Agility (definition / disambiguation)

Business agility<PhD, aka. Organizational Agility / Adaptability>
Business transformation<PhD, aka. Agile Transformation>
Chicken and the Pig
Data-centric computing
Dependency inversion principle
Lean enterprise
Lean integration
Lean manufacturing
Lean product development
Lean startup<PhD, aka. Internal Spin-off>
Web development


Agile methods which do not fit well into frameworks, standalone practices, or related topics.

Analysis paralysis
Business process automation
Cloud computing
Cloud computing architecture
Cleanroom software engineering
Cockburn scale
Cowboy coding
Deming, W. Edwards

Design sprint
Internet-speed development
Organizational patterns
Personal software process
Rational Unified Process
Software development process
Spiral model

Team software process
Unified Process
V-Model (software development)
Wagile software development
Waterfall model
Agile Software Engineering Cheatsheets
Introduction to Software Engineering / Process / Agile_Model
Software Engineering with an Agile Development Framework (work in progress)


Overview and listing of agile books, articles, blogs and related materials.


A brief overview of popular agile literature.


A listing of common agile literature.

...works to be allocated...

Evolutionary database design
Flexible product development
Hackathon<PhD, p/o Agile Events>
Innovation<PhD, p/o Agile Events>
Open plan<PhD, aka. Agile/Open Workspace>
Open Space Technology<PhD, p/o Agile Events>
Outside–in software development
Regression testing
Schema migration
Service-oriented architecture