User:Panic2k4/A house with no law(n)

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Short Story "A house with no law(n)"

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(short story to be used to give examples in the essays and so avoid claims of soapbox action), Copyright and ownership (the house), Edit conflict and arbitrations (the house and the trial), Consensus (the end of the trial execution of the sentence), Adminitrators and conflict (the judge), Block (loss of reputation and personal damage or loss), still missing sock puppets must create another analogy.

There were two men, Tim and Tom, they were building a house, but Tim decided to break the building regulations and skip requesting permissions for the work from the City Council and to that Tom started to raise objections and pose problems, so next day, Tim called his uncle, who by chance was a judge.

A few days later, with fanfare, Tom was accused of various crimes, the judge, after some time of assuring that all knew the accusations, got a willing group, some already had problems with Tom or were close friend of the judge and others were just eager to do the work, with their support and as the trial reached its climax and the facts would have to be addressed it was dismissed and Tom punished.

A few months after, the town was fed up of having to deal with Tom, he wouldn't shut up about what had been done to him, but most didn't care, it was not their problem, and the few that had shown concert were told to be quiet or there would be something for them to, but since Tom wouldn't stop or go away, the situation could only get worse, Tim's uncle hearing of this approached Tom and said "Well, Tom you know, I'm very concerned about your situation, this can't continue, this is a disgrace, you are making life to difficult to the town. I probably shouldn't have just executed the sentence but you were so inflexible and Tim truly needed that new house and you know pretty well that loitering on city grounds is a great offense, so, to see if we solve this situation your created, what could I do to get you over it ?"

"Well", said Tom, "the problem is that my family has deserted me, my friend and people in town will not talk to me as they think I'm a real criminal and all this noise I have been doing, it didn't help the situation needer, could you do something about those accusations or provide a fair trail, I will even confess to loitering on city grounds.".

"You know", said Tim's uncle, "that won't do, the past is the past, we shouldn't concern ourselves with what was done and we should look ahead to what we can do, besides it would make me and my friends look bad, I could even lose my job and my nephew would go to jail and in future problems wouldn't be resolved in so comfortable way, since you will not conform to the situation, what would you like to change about your present situation ?"

"I don't know", said Tom, "what I would like is justice, but without addressing the past I genuinely don't know what would resolve this, but what I really miss most and would like to have back is my hands." --Panic 16:59, 25 February 2007 (UTC)