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User:PMarmottant/Flow in microchannels

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Parallel flows: Poiseuille flows

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For parallel flows along axis the velocity writes: .

The Stokes equation in the permanent regime therefore write, when projected along axis

and along axis and

These last two equations implie that pressure is a function of only, . Therefore the right-hand term on the equation along is only a function of , and the left hand term is only a function of , both are equal to a constant.

Circular tube

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Coordinates on a tube

We consider a tube of radius . The boundary condition is on the tube surface of equation . The trial function satisfies automatically the boundary condition, and is a solution of Stokes equation, with a constant such that the:


with the distance to the tube axis. The flow rate is the integral of the velocity on a cross section , and here we obtain:

If the pressure drops by along a tube of length , the pressure gradient is . There is a huge dependance of the flow rate as a function of the tube radius! Reducing by a factor 10 the tube diameter, reduces by a factor 10000 the flow rate for a given pressure gradient.

Rectangular cross-section

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Channel of rectangular cross-section

The boundary conditions are

An expansion in Fourier series along and provides the solution (not derived here) as an infinite sum:

with . The flow rate, following from the integration of the previous flow field along the cross section provides:

Even if this series converges rapidly (it is in and is calculated with a few terms, an approximate relation is much useful (when ):

It is accurate at 10% when , and at 0.2% when !

Drag force on a sphere

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Assuming a sphere of radius fixed in a flow of velocity , it is possible to show that the drag force is exterted along the axis of the flow with strength

Note the linearity of the formula in velocity. This formula is valid for small Reynolds numbers.

This formula is much different at large Reynolds numbers: with a drag coefficient and the apparent surface, while is the inertial pressure.

Exercise: compute the free fall velocity of small sphere in liquid.