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Who invented it?

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Researchers from Stanford and UCLA created the Internet in 1969 as a project funded by the US Department of Defense to create what was then known as the ARPANET.[?]

How does it get power?

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The Internet consists of [A LOT] of devices. Each device that supports or uses the Internet, is powered by electricity.

How does it work?

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Internet access diagram // still too hard but easier

The word "Internet" comes from the phrase "interconnected computer network." How do you explain decentralization? A lot of routers forwarding messages from one device to others.

Should I go over 5 layers/abstractions?

When you visit a website in your browser, your computer sends a message (HTTP request) to the website's server. The server responds with its own (HTTP response) message, including the webpage (HTML file). In this exchange, your computer and the website server are not directly physically linked. Instead, the messages are forwarded across neighboring routers until they reach their target.

How dangerous is it?

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Most directly, it is not dangerous...

Talk about scale of the internet. The essential internet tasks of processing, storing, and transmitting data consume energy. Some facts about internet and energy[1]. Not to mention the production of hardware for the internet. The production of energy due to the Internet's demand contributes to climate change.

Social dangers - not sure what is acceptable to put in the book. Since infrastructure, commerce are now largely on the internet, hacking and data leaks can put us in greater danger. Potential for disinformation, harassment[2], etc. on social platforms. Surveillance.

What does it do?

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It connects computers.

How does it vary?

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Again emphasize the decentralization of the internet. It is not owned by anyone, but supported by a lot of entities. There is a lot of freedom given to those parties on how to do the things they do as long as communicating devices are using compatible hardware and protocols?

From the first message sent over the internet, until [?], all data was sent through telephone lines (dial-up?) Eventually, infrastructure was built specifically for the internet, connecting routers with copper cable and fiber optical cable. Fun fact, underwater cables! Mobile devices are also

The Internet is used for a wide variety of purposes. Each different application of the internet has its own range of requirements, which may be best fulfilled using different protocols. While most are familiar with the World Wide Web (HTTP), the Internet also supports video calling and streaming, multiplayer video gaming, ... Each of these applications may use different protocols, transferring their data in different ways.

How has it changed the world?

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Allowed the spreading of information, communication at a much greater scale and speed.

So much of the world's activity is now on the Internet.

Internet's potential as an equalizing force. Increased visibility for anyone due to speed and range of internet, particularly social media. But it could actually increase inequality and centralization[3].

What idea(s) and/or inventions had to be developed before it could be created?

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Computers are the end devices on the internet. telephone system and infrastructure was originally used to link routers. Radio waves are used to transmit with mobile devices.


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