User:MyOwnLittlWorld/Python/Where to go for Help

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While we try to be as complete, accurate, clear, concise, and transparent as possible, the makers of this Wiki aren't perfect, so you'll probably run into a situation where the information we've given you isn't explicit enough, doesn't cover your situation, or simply isn't right. In that case, you'll need somewhere to turn for help.

You can start with the "discussion" button at the top of each wiki page, and post your question there (Note: Always use the page's discussion page, never post a question directly on the page you've got a question about; it makes the page harder to read for other people who are trying to read).

If that doesn't cut it, your next stop should be the Community Page, which contains every form of help you might need: documentation. mailing lists, an irc channel, another wiki, and many other forms of support. Before posting your question however, you may find it useful to read up on etiquette and how to ask questions intelligently (or the abbreviated version).

Remember, no matter what your question is, there are plenty of places to go and people to ask for help.

With all that in mind, let's begin!