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//////////////added 2006-07-25 from User:Where/commentLocalize
//Localized time/date script

function numToMonth(num) {
   if (num==0) {return "Janurary";}
   else if (num==1) {return "February";}
   else if (num==2) {return "March";}
   else if (num==3) {return "April";}
   else if (num==4) {return "May";}
   else if (num==5) {return "June";}
   else if (num==6) {return "July";}
   else if (num==7) {return "August";}
   else if (num==8) {return "September";}
   else if (num==9) {return "October";}
   else if (num==10) {return "November";}
   else if (num==11) {return "December";}
function monthToNum(month) {
   var tmp = new Date(month + " 1, 2006");
   return tmp.getMonth();
function adjustTime(str, hour, minute, day, month, year,  offset, s) {
   var time = new Date();

   var timeStr = "";
   if (time.getHours()<10) {timeStr += "0";}
   timeStr += parseInt(time.getHours()) + ":";
   if (time.getMinutes()<10) {timeStr += "0";}
   timeStr += parseInt(time.getMinutes());
   timeStr += ", ";
   timeStr += time.getDate();
   timeStr += " ";
   timeStr += numToMonth(time.getMonth());
   timeStr += " ";
   timeStr += time.getFullYear();
   timeStr += " (UTC";
   var offset = -1*time.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
   if (offset >= 0) {timeStr += "+";}
   timeStr += offset + ")";
   return timeStr;

function adjustTime2(str, hour, minute, month, day, year,  offset, s) {
   return adjustTime(str, hour, minute, day, month, year, offset, s);

$(function() {
      if (document.title.indexOf("Editing ") == 0) {
      if (document.location.href.indexOf("action=history") != -1) {
   if (document.title.indexOf("Talk:") == 0 || document.title.indexOf("talk:") != -1 || document.title.indexOf("Wikipedia:") == 0) {
      var newDoc = document.getElementById("column-content").innerHTML.replace(/(\d\d):(\d\d), (\d{1,2}) ([A-Z][a-z]+) (\d{4}) \(UTC\)/g, adjustTime);
      document.getElementById("column-content").innerHTML = newDoc;
/*   if (document.location.href.indexOf("&action=history") != -1) {
      var newDoc = document.getElementById("bodyContent").innerHTML.replace(/(\d\d):(\d\d), ([A-Z][a-z]+) (\d{1,2}), (\d{4})/g, adjustTime2);
      document.getElementById("bodyContent").innerHTML = newDoc;

//////////////added 2006-07-25 from User:Misza13/Scripts/View source
$(function () {
  if (location.href.indexOf('viewsource=1') != -1) {
    sl = document.getElementById('wpSummaryLabel'); sl.parentNode.removeChild(sl);
    ed = document.getElementById('wpSummary').parentNode; ed.parentNode.removeChild(ed);
  editbutton = document.getElementById('ca-edit');
  if (editbutton && location.href.indexOf('action=edit')==-1) {
    editlink = editbutton.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href + '&viewsource=1';
    tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = editlink; na.appendChild(document.createTextNode('view source'));
    li = document.createElement('li'); = 'ca-viewsource'; li.appendChild(na);

///////////////added 2006-07-25
// This will add an [edit top] link at the top of all pages except preview pages
// by User:Pile0nades

// Add an [edit top] link to pages
$(function () {
  // if this is preview page or generated page, stop
  if(document.getElementById("wikiPreview") || window.location.href.indexOf("/wiki/Special:") != -1) return;

  // get the page title
  var pageTitle = document.title.split(" - ")[0].replace(" ", "_"); 

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  var divContainer = document.createElement("div");
  divContainer.innerHTML = '<div class="editsection" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;margin-right:15px;margin-top:3px;">[<a href="/w/index.php?title='+pageTitle+'&action=edit&section=0" title="'+document.title.split(" - ")[0]+'">edit top</a>]</div>';

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