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User talk:MacHershell
MacHershell Discussion

NOTE: I have used the greedy approach, I loaded these from My Mentor with the intent that I'll study, modify and possibly drop what I don't need. If you are looking for an excellent resource User:Whiteknight is it... I'm studying and learning from his work...  :)

These are templates used in my user namespace, but won't likely be useful anywhere else. Some templates that create direct edit links to pages in my namespace, or templates which contain my signature, have been protected against transclusion into other pages besides my namespace. Other templates may be used in other places, if needed. I will revert any changes to these templates: if changes need to be made to suite them for a particular application, please copy the code to a new location and edit it there.

Page Templates

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(View) (Edit)Page 

Creates a link to a page that is not in my user namespace. Creates a direct link, an "edit" link and a "create" link. Floats the links on the right side of the page.

(View) (Edit)Page2 

Creates a link to a page in my user namespace, an edit link, and a "create" link. Floats the links on the right side of the page.

(View) (Edit)Page3 

Creates a link to any page, does not float the link.
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(Create) Ext 

Creates a link to an external non-WMF site. floats the link on the right.

(Create) Ext2 

Creates a link to a WMF external link. Floats the link on the right.

(Create) Ext3 

Creates a link to a WMF external link. Does not float the link.
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(Create) User 

Creates a link to another users' page. Creates links to the user page, the user talk page, an edit link and an optional "welcome" link for a user with no user talk page. Does not float the links.

(Create) User2 

Same as above, floats the links on the right.

Book Templates

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(Create) Book 

Creates a link to a book, a link to an outline, a link to the goodbook template, a link to a notes page, and transcludes the contents of that notes page. Floats links on the right. May not be used outside my user namespace.

(Create) Book2 

Creates a link to a book, a link to it's outline, and a link to it's notes page. Does not float links. May not be used outside my user namespace.

(Create) Book3 

Creates an outline link for a book. Provides a link to an existing book, the notes pages, and the outline page. Floats links on the right. May not be used outside my user namespace.

(Create) Watch 

Gadget Templates

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Book Creator Gadget

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(Create) Book Creator Gadget 

My gadget to create new books using the <inputbox> extension. May not be used outside of my user namespace.

(Create) New Book Stub 

A generic starter stub for a new book, used primarily with by book creator gadget.

(Create) New Book Instr 

Instructions for creating a new book, used only with my book creator gadget.

Template Creator Gadget

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(Create) Template Creator Gadget 

My Template creator gadget, may only be transcluded into pages in my user namespace

(Create) New Template Stub 

Stub page used with my template creator gadget.

(Create) New Template Instr 

Instructions for using my page creator gadget.

Creation Instructions Gadget

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(Create) Creation Instructions Gadget 

My creation instructions gadget. Requires javascript.

(Create) Creation Instructions Stub 

Raw instructions (not readable by wiki) for my "Creation Instructions Gadget".

Code Viewer Gadget

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(Create) Code Viewer Gadget 

my Code viewer gadget. Requires javascript.
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(Create) Print Version Gadget 

My print version gadget. Requires javascript.

Page Tester Gadget

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(Create) Tester Gadget 

My page tester gadget. Requires javascript.

Remote Talk Page Viewer

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(Create) Remotetalk Gadget 

My remote talk page viewer gadget. Requires javascript.
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(View) (Edit)Nav 

A basic page-top navigation template for pages in my user namespace

(Create) New Book Page 

Page header template for my New Book Guide (Create)  .

(Create) Help Book Project 

A basic navigation template to join all the pages in my help book project together

New Books and Outlines

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(Create) Proposed 

Displays a message stating that the page is an outline for a proposed book. May not be used outside my user namespace.

(Create) New Outline 

Base text for a new outline page

(Create) New Outline Instructions 

Instructions for creating a new outline page

(Create) New Notes 

base text for a notes page

(Create) Notes Instructions 

instructions for starting a new notes page

(Create) New Goodbook 

(Create) Goodbook Instructions 

(Create) New Infobox 

(Create) Infobox Instructions 

Misc Templates

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(Create) Puppet 

A user box template that denotes a user as being a puppet of mine. Used currently only with User:MacHershell/User and User:MacHershell/User.

(Create) Featured 

Identifies a featured book, creates a link to Wikibooks:Featured books (Page)  and also creates a link to the goodbook template.

(Create) Welcome 

A custom welcome template that I can send to new users in lieu of Template:Welcome

(Create) Weekend 

(Create) Message 

(Create) Stat 

(Create) Template sandbox