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User:Lukáš Sedlák

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Curriculum Vitae
Last up-date time: 22.3.2012

Initials: Bc. Lukáš Sedlák

Born: January 24, 1988, Czech Republic

Educational Attainment: Bachelor Degree at Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, 2011

Professional Experience: Institute of Plasma Physics, The Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic

Science Topics: Plasma Spectroscopy, Plasma Physics, Nuclear Fusion Physics

Languages: advanced English, basics Spanish, basics Chinese

Hobbies: Music, History, Economics, Political science

Skills: Programming in C++, IDL, assembler, matlab, maple, User knowledge in Linux and Windows, Latex, Open Office, Microsoft Office, Driver License, ...

See http://kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~sedlaluk for my official website.