User:Labombarde/Poetry Rhyme Dictionary

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Poetry: Rhyme Dictionary

This file is intended solely to develop
illustrative structure and capabilities
for a collaborative online rhyme dictionary
as suggested by the emerging collaborative text
relating to Daily Encounters with Poetry.
Full completion of my personal version
(including collaboration by other writers)
is being developed elsewhere.

This Wikibooks subpage will contain a personal version of a rhyme dictionary, as discussed in text on writing and reading poetry. See Exercise 4: Keep your own rhyme dictionary.

Reference Sources

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Internet Sources

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  • Wiktionary - Rhymes: English - What better way to supplement a Wikibook effort than with a Wiktionary project! In this personal rhyming dictionary, I'll demonstrate my own support by using the heart symbol ♥ to link to the relevant section of the Wiktionary version.

    One immediate advantage of using Wiktionary's Rhyme Dictionary illustrates the power of Internet resources: almost every word in the dictionary links directly to Wiktionary's own dictionary page for definitions and other details about the word. In fact, I'll be providing such links in my own private rhyming dictionary being built in this file.

[Additional Internet sources being developed in separate collaborative version more conducive to such projects than Wikibooks and its sister projects are. Features of particular interest include: (1) extension to eye rhymes, to imperfect rhymes, to analyzed rhyme, and to other forms of assonance and sound sense in language; (2) links to online illustrations (particularly for uniquely crafted rhyme).]


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Rhyming dictionaries I have in my own personal library —

  • The Penguin Rhyming Dictionary. Fergusson, Rosalind. 1985. Rhyme sets are given in a numerical order, with an alphabetic index separately provided. For ease of convenience, I'll be using the Penguin numbers as the basis for my organization here. However, since the Penguin reference does not provide obvious rhyme sets for certain plurals, past tenses, and other extensions, I will be extending numbers past those provided by the Penguin dictionary.
  • Words To Rhyme With: A Rhyming Dictionary, 3rd ed. Espy, Willard R. 2006. I like the segregation of this dictionary into separate chapters for single rhymes, double rhymes, and triple rhymes. I also like the segregation of each rhyme set into ordered subsets based on the consonant sound preceding the rhyme itself. However, I find the absence of an alphabetic index (such as in the Penguin dictionary) to make this a more difficult dictionary to use, unless one develops such an index, as to some extent I intend to do in the development of my own rhyme dictionary within this subpage. Locator references within this personal rhyming dictionary will be of the format WTRW#a, where the # refers to the page number in the 3rd edition and "a" will be a, b, or c depending on the column where the rhyme set begins on that page. For instance, Penguin's set number 2, words that rhyme with "bay," corresponds to WTRW's set for Ā, for which the reference WTRW54a will refer to the first column on page 54, where the beginning for that rhyme set may be found.

[Additional resources provided in separate collaborative effort extending this illustrative file separately from Wikibooks and its sister projects, which are not sufficiently conducive to development of advanced use of Internet and other technological capabilities for reference to and use of such resources. (Labombarde (talk) 19:10, 6 December 2009 (UTC))]

Personal Rhyming Dictionary

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1 -ar (bar)

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ÄR WTRW68a. -ɑː(r).
+s 508. +d 84.
For non-rhotic parallel, see 556.

1 - are; caviar. 2 - bar; isobar. 3 - char. 4 - boudoir. 5 - afar; far; insofar. 6 - cigar. 7 - ajar; jar. 8 - car. 9 - mar. 10 - memoir. 11 - seminar. 12 - rouge et noire. 13 - par; subpar. 14 - scar. 15 - spar. 16 - star. 17 - guitar; tar. 18 - registrar. 19 - repertoire. 20 - au revoir; reservoir. 21 - bizarre.

2 -ay (bay)

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Ā WTRW54a. -eɪ.
+s 509. +d 85.

1 - A; aye; CPA; DNA; EA (enrolled actuary); dossier; PDA. 2 - bay; disobey; obey. 3 - bray. 4 - bidet; day; yesterday. 5 - buffet; café; au fait; auto-da-fé. 6 - soufflé. 7 - defray. 8 - gay. 9 - gray. 10 - hay; hey. 11 - whey. 12 - jay. 13 - appliqué; bouquet; communiqué; decay; JFK; okay; risqué; tourniquet. 14 - clay. 15 - ballet; Beaujolais; Chevrolet; delay; lay; olé. 16 - dismay; May/may; resumé. 17 - chardonnay; matinée; nay. 18 - pay; toupée. 19 - display; play. 20 - pray; prey. 21 - quay. 22 - array; beret; ray. 23 - fiancé; say; passé; per se. 24 - attaché; cliché; ricochet; touché. 25 - slay; sleigh. 26 - spay. 27 - spray. 28 - stay. 29 - astray; stray. 30 - sway. 31 - sauté. 32 - they. 33 - betray; portray; tray. 34 - convey; survey. 35 - away; way. 36 - yea. 37 - blasé; exposé. 38 - negligee; protegé.

At least three dozen different potential perfect ryhmes! With upwards of 30 of those providing potential rhymes to any given poem (with subsets such as "whey" or "yea" being reasonable only in very select circumstances). This would be a prime candidate, for example, for an extended villanelle stretching beyond the conventional 19 lines.

3 -err (her)

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UR WTRW149c. -ɜː(r).
+s 511. +d 87.

1 - anterior. 2 - blur. 3 - burr; Excalibur. 4 - calender. 5 - fleur. 6 - fir; furr; photographer. 7 - her. 8 - whir. 9 - messenger. 10 - incur; concur; massacre; occur; recur. 11 - myrrh; demur. 12 - petitioner. 13 - per; purr. 14 - adulterer; murderer. 15 - sure. 16 - slur. 17 - spur. 18 - stir. 19 - sir. 20 - visitor. 21 - aver. 22 - were.

84 -ard (bard)

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ÄRD WTRW68c. -ɑː(r)d.
+s ---. -d 1.

1 - bard; barred; bombard. 2 - charred. 3 - guard. 4 - hard. 5 - jarred. 6 - card. 7 - lard. 8 - marred. 9 - canard. 10 - shard. 11 - scarred. 12 - sparred. 13 - petard. 14 - boulevard. 15 - yard.

85 -ade (aid)

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ĀD WTRW55c. -eɪd.
+s ---. -d 2.

1 - aid; aide; aid. 2 - obeyed. 3 - blade. 4 - braid. 5 - fade. 6 - flayed. 7 - afraid; frayed. 8 - renegade. 9 - glade. 10 - grade. 11 - jade. 12 - decayed. 13 - laid; delayed. 14 - made; dismayed. 15 - colannade. 16 - paid; escapade. 17 - played; displayed. 18 - prayed. 19 - raid. 20 - crusade. 21 - shade. 22 - spade. 23 - sprayed. 24 - staid. 25 - strayed. 26 - suede; persuade. 27 - sautéed. 28 - trade. 29 - invade. 30 - wade.

94 -od (odd)

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ÄD WTRW56B. -eɪd.
+s ---. -d 556.

1 - odd. 2 - jihad. 3 - quad. 4 - promenade. 5 - facade. 6 - squad. 7 - wad.

508 -arz (Mars)

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ÄRZ WTRW70b. -ɑː(r)z.
-s 1.

1 - Mars.

556 -ah (ah)

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Ä WTRW54c. --ɑː.
+s ---. +d 94.
For rhotic version, see 1.

1 - ah. 2 - bah. 3 - blah. 4 - bra. 5 - la-di-da. 6 - apocrypha. 7 - sangfroid. 8 - paté de foie. 9 - Dégas. 10 - ha. 11 - replica. 12 - qua. 13 - lala. 14 - ma. 15 - moi. 16 - phenomena. 17 - faux pa; n'est-ce-pas. 18 - rah. 19 - shah. 20 - coup d'état. 21 - orchestra. 22 - patois. 23 - yah. 24 - bourgeois.

See also Ô.

[The existing content provided above is intended solely to provide illustrative material suggesting the structure and format for a collaborative rhyming dictionary. Further extension of this particular version is being conducted separately in a venue more conducive to collaborative development of such material than is Wikibooks and its sister projects. (Labombarde (talk) 19:16, 6 December 2009 (UTC))]