User:Joschtony/sandbox/Policy and Guidelines

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General Policy

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This is the pen-name, Joschtony, used here at, the wikibooks ,

this person, Joseph the curator of "Joschtony" does use this sandbox to structure book development,

thereby, recommendations can be placed on the discussion page.

This Joschtony sandbox is only for Joschtony to develop his own content for book(s).

Thank you very much for your time. Good today of days, just peace beyond the human condition.

  • By Inspired by The Spirit of truth Helper from God,              Under God, and only God Eternal One True Lord The Holy Lord of hosts,              The Good Lord God, the Creator, I, Joseph Cimino put forth, that;-              "In Congress, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary         for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature         and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires..." From that expressed in the jurisdiction in general                of The United States of America, today 06/14/2023,                being a known Holiday termed in English, "Flag Day,";-                Thereby, Today "in the course of human events,"                in God Having the entirety of Sovereignty over divine Providence,                and another term for God Eternal one true God, the Creator,                and Supreme Judge in the cited "The Declaration of Independence"                of The United States of America this year of the or our Lord 2023,                the 24th year of the 21st century, by The Holy Spirit of truth,                The Helper from God, Name thereof, God Being ONE Lord Eternal God,                the Creator, thereby,- God Knowing each and every particular,                of God Having Sent the long expected Messiah, over 2,000 years ago,                and God Being the Sole and only Omnicient Eternal One Lord God,                and in ethical pure legal of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible,                God Knowing each and everything inclusive in entirety of J e s u s,                that is not only the name, "Jesus" however, the Messiah Jesus.                In true fact, the Messiah being the Christ High Priest Faithful and True,                Jesus of the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible,                and God Being God of, "God Gave" in John 3:16,                and by, only God is good, spoken then in history by Jesus,                This is one Legal Binding Declarative Instrument, today,                in that only God Being Eternal God is Judge of Joseph Cimino,                legally known by Joseph P or Joseph Paul Pelaez,                this had been true Under God, is true Under God, and forever                true Under God, until my last breath into God's Hand of God's hereafter,                for only God Being God Being The Good One Lord, the Creator is God,                of Heaven and earth, earth being under the skies of there are seas & dry lands,                of earth in the world of the universe,                as the Scriptural texts of The Holy Bible inform.                In the Name of God Eternal one God, the Creator,                the ONLY Holy Lord of hosts,                and,                In the Name of the Spirit of truth from God, the Helper,                and In the Name of God's Voice and footsteps from God,                and in the Name of God's cloud of God from God,                through God did Seal God's Divine Revelation reference point zero,                that is the common year zero of "0 C.E." for Common Era,                the same reference point of the year of the or our Lord 0 or zero;                - thereby God Being One Eternal, the Creator, in Jesus Holy Name,                this is a personal Legal Binding Declarative Instrument,                of the Under God purpose of that I'm a person, Joseph that is,                true in fact, living in Somers Point, NJ 08244, and for the general,                Under God the God of Pure ethics from God and Law of God,                in that in the Good News according to Luke in chapter 16,                Jesus told, it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away,                than for one jot of God's Law to fail,                in that the Jewish Passover is the same as The Galilean Judaeo Passover,                and I'm a Galilean Judaeo Christian, and believe God. Amen.

"This page was last edited on 14 June 2023, at 20:14. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy." ~~~~~